
What to do?


Ingredients and flows ..

We will get to the ‘hormones’ and P.C.O.S. – but is really . .
Is very simple . . see what I have on this page – the middle 2 presentations

Life Recipe not happening for all . .
Hence the page here

Remember – you get out what you put in . . .

Your hands – your belly – your life

See what is on the Foundational Moves course  Love Your Body Better. .

Leads you to this


Also do look at these pages . .

(Pain) and what we make hormones with

Do write down your details in here and watch it change ..


What you may need to get – for both of you optimally – when Charlotte starts eating – if her pain not resolved – but first she needs the ingredients  to make life happen well. . Better usage of eating – both what goes in and what =her body can do with it.

NOT normal to have ‘growing pains’ – or to live on bread – from now on all that needs to happen is NO GRAINS and she would be so much better is being poisoned by the Roundup in it.
Water . .


What should be happening

Normal gut function

Check out what is going ‘wrong’ at once – lots. .

How a well body works & breaks down



Any nausea . . 

All things work . .. till they just can’t


Please print these links out and read  . .

2103water copy



food folder


Pop this somewhere to remind you  .

And . . .


Fill in the Jing Markers weekly and let me know how you go . .
Another maybe 30 minutes next in no more than a month’s time..