Towards Living Ligaments I
Why we teach this way incl Reichian concepts.
Damp and connective tissue –
Problems – E.D.S.
Reconnecting seque from Soothing work
Why we do checkers.
Different stories to illustrate
Iodine – lack of with Sjorgen’s and scleroderma
Reconnecting is initially about Bao and Dai Mai – the heart to wombspace . .
2 minutes – what is the GW? Respecting WHY the body is not able to repair itself.
We need to look at our own stuff first . .
3 minutes – what we do Selfing not Self Care and straight to Professional Care Training (P.C.T.) there is SO much that is stashed away in the body . . Instead of the Blue Door meditation as in Arvigo – we do going back through the maternal family lines.
4.30 – Lisa is asking helpful questions – what is different about GW?
5.30 – Always was a body working Qi Mover – as an acupuncturists .. . reconnecting started as a way to get the acupuncturists into what I knew would work vastly better.
6.30 – DAMP – need more than a needle – St 40 . . more on damp
7.30 – We all come in to this work with a question . .
9 – Elke went into massage then Bowen then Acup and now GW . .
9 – Bowen (very gentle) and after that wanted more – acupuncture
10.15 – How got into GW?
Ethics – Playing the Fix It Game – is it even broken . . .?
13 – what is in the gap that I found between Self Care and PCT . .and the role of ‘trauma’ – STUCK

15.20 – Reichian model . . basic cultural assumptions ..
17 – Why we need to Checking, Clearing Soothing – FIXER and Settling . . . we recycle
18 – Linda came in . . .
19 – After trying to get the acupuncturists in – I tried with the body workers (here we are)
20 – What is Living Ligaments I? (And how I organised the first retreat . . 5 days.
21.30 – How we kept having new people coming in to this. . and how we have been dragging this out – now we are in a hurry . . .
23 – Gut series . . .
24.30 – what we did in Gold Coast 2-4 days ago. E.D.S. –

The Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS) are a group of hereditary disorders of connective tissue that are varied in the ways they affect the body and in their genetic causes. The underlying concern is the abnormal structure or function of collagen and certain allied connective tissue proteins.
27 – What we have done in Reconnecting USA – diastasis and the M move, jelly belly and the peritoneal untangling. .
28.30 – Light, connective tissue and adhesions and scars and the Three Heater – gut and how it works. . the trunk holds the food factory.

Stuck Liver QI – as opposed to blowing volcano up
32 – Need to undo the adhesions esp around the appendix before the Ileo Cecal Value corrections. .
34 – Rhonda doing the Peritoneal Untangler differently. GET THE THERMOMETER – you all need to own this work – embody.
Classifications of moves
37 – Checkers – so important. Add in the pokies .. .
38.30 – Why is it so important to do pull ups? The gauge of the Spleen Yang Qi – and why pulling out the cold? Then moxa, Iodine, and me in GV – and the diastasis.
40 – How I opened my own lower diastasis. . and not doing the sacral moxa fan – and what happened next? All sorts of core body problems. .
And I seem to be adding in more body hits as I go along . .

46 – Heather’s body issues – the Manchester repair – and what all needed repairing after all the obstetric incidents.
48 – The THREE SISTER’S stories – my birth stories are here
52 – Kathryn’s brain injuries. . . and her mother’s story
57 – NOT helping her out of this reality .. Dr Andy Wakefield
58 – Kathryn and her non verbal abilities. . .and her almost dying
1.00.00 – the jabs are NOT helping those of us who are ‘sensitive’ – like my mother getting whooping cough for me
1.01.30 – Iodine? Rhonda – would that have helped?
1.03.30 – When Kathryn started getting vaccinated? She should never have had any – and neither should I have had.
1.04.30 – STUCK baby .. Kelland’s rotation forceps. .
1.07.00 – How I got the prolapsed bladder – cystocele – need good ingredients on board. .
1.09.00 – Linda gone
1.09.30 – Why the Manchester repair did not happen . .Sp Qi not happy – this is why we do pull ups and not sweet. raw, cold foods etc . .
1.11.00 – A woman’s body – a kink somewhere in my ureter . . these problems all need correcting and I am surely not the only one who is damaged from medical mishaps. .
1.13.00 – Why I was looking for more (GV women) The grandmothers all knew – all through the world. .
1.15.00 – Elke in the hot seat . . Rhonda and urge not stress incontinence. .
1.16.30 – Elke and oxylates problem – Sally Norton’s work – do investigate -including vertigo
1.19.30 – I can’t fix myself – as in the needling component . .Stuck Belly Blood.
1.22.00 – What ELSE is in Chinese herbal products – can’t adapt to change . . and my family history of heavy metals and miasms. . we are the ones that DID survive – eg Hemotomachrosis and plague. . I asked questions and found the answers.
1.25.30 – I am too blunt for those who do not like the truth . . always comes back to us – what is so special about US. .
TODAY’S TOPIC – the long tube – where does digestion start? Digestive juices.. .
1.28.00 – Dry mouth Sjorgen’s syndrome – bone marrow transplants – scleroderma (acc. to Western medicine – Chronic hardening and tightening of the skin and connective tissues. Scleroderma is a group of rare diseases that more often affects women. It commonly occurs between the ages of 30 and 50. Symptoms include tightening of the skin, joint pain, exaggerated response to cold (Raynaud’s disease) and heartburn Treatments include medication, physiotherapy and surgery.) They do not mention how common this is after bone marrow transplants – I am sure after being jabbed – these ‘survivors; will have a harder time of it. Rhonda – LACK OF IODINE
1.30.00 – Follow the Liver channel on your own body . .
1.32.00 – my mad mother . .
1.33.30 – Over odd patient story. .
1.36.00 – mesh having castor oil and steaming? YES – what are they supposed to do?
1.38.00 – 4 ways of knowing – LIVE or EVIL?
How would I have handled this now??
Second session
Acupuncture points in conjunction with moves
Undoing fascia with needles
Stories plus HH and I.C. corrections
Start – 26 foot tapeworm birthed at the same time as the baby . .
Text books have not a had a life – people have.
1.50 – Massively burned toddler coming in as a burns survivor PUS the 6 year old with massive radiation burns . .
4.00 – Colon 2 is the point for dry eyes and mouth . ..
6.30 – ‘too much stomach acid’. Lacing what is needed to run the body – and also if low thyroid functioning – heartburn is a problem from drinking later . .
8.30 – Peristalsis needs Iodine . .Yang movement.
9 – Lenley’s shock point and what happened next . . undoing fascia. . . use checkers.
11 – Point location. angle makes all the difference .. . P.V and Accident Recall.
12.20 – set this up to win . . .now we are onto the .. moves. .
15.00 – Duck fat story. Co 11. after the 75 mins of G.A.
19 – Lisa arrived. St 30 and St 25 and CV 6 St 40 – got rid of it and my brain came back.
20.30 – Sp 3 and Sp 4 – need to find the sorest point. Sp 4 – de-obstructing channel – the Master point.
22 – My tongue and what all means. .
24 – Poking points – CV 9 – and then pop in Liv 2 – and after it is better – find Sp 9 – damp resolution .. and pop it in 15 degrees . .they are creating the Liver attacking the Spleen organ.
25.30 – All before the physical moves. . as we needles = first – easiest and hurts less.
29 – Hiatal hernia correction and ileo ceceal valve – do the HH even if it is not painful on Lu 10 – as the body as doing Mirror X again . .
31.50 What is a Shokanten point? Ki 16, St 5, Ki 16 – and Sp 16 and TH 6 together – as that is for resistant constipation – St 37, St 39.
34 – why we use checkers – how do we know if we have done what we intended to?
37.30 – Fixing an acute appendix – very very gentle lymph clearing . .
39 – H.H. adjustment needed.
40 – Great explanation – H.H,. correction
43 – Also for bed wetting . . (esp on my 2 year old)
45 – Vanessa came in . .
47 – Why we do this . . . must have the gut working properly . and be in the right place.
48 – Resistances . . and Vanessa’s sister’s broken coccyx.
49 – Rhonda gone. .
50 – We all have to own our own journey . .
And we go with grace.