Pricklies #17 Men revisited THEIR Bao Mai

Men were to be female. . Bao Mai (CLICK)
Please also look through Men Matter (CLICK)
Please watch this – prostate webinar (CLICK) and this first – circumcision trauma (CLICK) . .
Note to the jabbed (CLICK)

14 – role models of Aussie sports – just died . .heart?

2.50 – Male with anal protrusion – fixed temporarily after steaming.
Men need castor oil up bum, sacral and on lower belly . . Need to give men hope. .
5.00 – Men’s component of the Selfing course. .
7.50 – CV 2 – Pc 1 (left side), Sp 4 – al of these are men”s checkers.
12 – Trajectory of the Liver and GB channels.
15 – Quesha – major difference with my course – pull up and homage to the water – sacred . .and men.
17 – What are they eating – and peeing – water intake – frequency, can’t pee/obstruction/dribbling . .
Many men’s courses ready to go . .
23 – Hemaview /dark field blood analysis. . our unjabbed blood is also messed with. Clear Damp/Heat.
27 – Men – jabbed? Calm the Shen . .heel session
29 – How to help . . . intensive bundles of care
Steaming may open it all up . .
32 – Men are direct – less emotional – AND boys are supposed to ‘man up’.
34 – ‘Hardening up’ the boys . . Linda on being a mother who sees what she did . .
41 – How do we cope as mothers of violent people?
43 Lenley on being a mum of 2 boys also . .
46.45 – Melissa on her hubby – teeth then pain killers and how long things take to heal . . journey in healing

Mercury (CLICK)
BBT male (CLICK) 
Yin depletion (CLICK)
Varicocele (CLICK)
All fall down (CLICK)
Castor oil (CLICK)

Circumcision  – now feeling insensitive as not thought of. . Book here (CLICK)

More on Reichian bands here (CLICK to download) Reichian Armor Bands
Circumcision in the public system – and my youngest son (CLICK). (This is men’s business – and penis soaks).

What we talked also about
Spiritual Emergency (CLICK)

Clotty problems (CLICK) – See also

Paul (CLICK – 1) and (CLICK 2) and the estrogenic pesticides. .
Do download these 2 eBooks . . . (Not sure all links will go where I intend – but please print out if you are working with men and pop them in a folder, so they can look through).
:Releasing Your Natural Flows-Men 2021 (CLICK)wake_up_legs April 2021 (CLICK)