
Please watch this first – Gut Rescues 1
This section covering – how a well gut works
How to replenish it when it is ‘off’.
Prolapses, whiplashes, prostates, sugar and inflammation, cause so disease, categories of points that will help.
Rescue the Yang first – cupping cold out and moxa usage.
Hua Tou Jai Ji, Xi Cleft points
Need to remind yourself of the functions of Yang Qi
Loosely metabolism, digestion, circulation, warming, protecting and holding everything in place.
When this is upset, nothing is likely to do its job well.
The Yin and Blood and body fluids are not generated well.
And life diminishes – to where it is a poor survival outcome.
Reminder – life recipe
This is covered in the beginning of the WDCD book.
Who here?
Elke (S.A), Rainey (SEQ), Linda (Central Qld), Hilary (Rangiora. NZ), Josi (SEQ), Vanessa (Country Victoria)
Can’t digest if upset.
Slippery elm powder in warm water x 2 daily
Do need to get rid of the problems – as they are . .
We are all upset – so why?
6 ‘T”s
Temptation to ignore nature
Need more salt, fat and water. .
All we do comes back to Selfing need to look after self first – and better.
The most important beginnings are SOMETHING has to go in the gut regularly.
Next – temperature – cold is not helpful – as it has to be body temperature
If not, the Yang QI is wasted warming it so it can be processed.
15.30 minutes – What made the most difference for Elke? STUCK BELLY BLOOD
How to undo anything?
DECLUTTER . . need to get all flows to flow.
Yunnan Bao Yao
Pubic region – the NECK – have to undo the adhesions . .Prolapse and whiplash
Prostate moves
27 minutes – Elke – what happened to her – and the constipation she nearly did from at 7 years old – lost the ability to walk/would die.
31 minutes – Has ‘owned’ all of this – spent a couple of days to download all so far. .
34 Minutes – Life Recipe
37.30 minutes – SUGAR – so addictive – not nourishing
43 minutes – causes of disease
47 minutes – how to get better? Hwa Tuo Jiaji points
49 minutes – Xi Cleft points
51 minutes – He Sea points
54 – WHAT YOU NEED TO DO SO YOU ARE ON THE GW SITES – and send in now please.

All is dependent on the QI flowing.
The Liver energy is in charge of free flowing
Not happening – it will secondarily cause the Stuck Liver Qi issues – we all know so well – angst towards ‘depression’ (of Qi) and on into STUCK with Blood getting caught up and congesting, creating lumps and bumps, on into RAGE and Live Fire blazing upwards.
This is mitigated slightly with drinking more TEPID water – although cold/ice is needed sometimes to undo the heart created – along with the toxins ingested/exposed to and those that happen when’ pissed off’ majorly – and then the sweet/preserved and otherwise non helpful ingestibles are reached for.
Also the substances taken to assist the Liver Qi to flow. – caffeinated, alcoholic and anything that its the adrenals – making the Kidney Yin depletion so much worse.
The cold wasting the Yang Qi weakens the lymph circulation and fluid metabolism. The breathing cycle is vastly important – to take a deep breath to massage the liver organ, to assist peristalsis. The thyroid being weakened is because the Yang Qi is not happy, peristalsis (and poo passing through) is diminished – in turn the entire system starts winding down.
Yang Qi not being sufficient to heat the gut means also nasties can thrive there – and these have their own sets of catastrophes awaiting.
DAMP sets in .
Composting creates its own heat . .
What is where – and what it does in the dance of life?
Roughly – see your Inner Alchemy chart below. Understanding any life processes starts with Qi. The Yang Qi allows this life to be generated /sustained/restored. Hence the course (will be redone by next week’s class – Yang Rescue) Reset Your Metabolism. I will turn it into three – 2 – Pulling out the cold is the action needed after the problem that sets all into disarray – 1 – depletion of Yang due to cold’s presence – and the last part (3) is rescues – moxa, iodine, peristeaming and taking the selfing info to heart.

Reminder – when the Spleen Qi is not strong – things fall down . . .
Here we were . . .