Pain #8 – pudendal nerve pain and other awkward issues


From time to time, you ask for help.
Maja presents with a young girl – 17 – whose life needs fixing/resolution.
I can’t image being her.
Please do up a list of how you would help . .

We are working out which forms to use. . .see how you would change these around to suit you.
To be used hear any case story

Landscape case story

Intentions and expectations

Health Matters

The cases . .

First – 17, pudendal pain (and eating disorder).

UTI – everything hurts . .and so many antibiotics in the last 6 months – untold Candida.

Counseling . . need the Option process . .

Lots of pain – ovarian cysts bursting (Iodine lack).


Retroverted uterus.

Gardasil/HPV jab
1 – My first thought – Magnesium and Zinc is blocked – aluminium in HPV is a neurotoxin.

(and with Poly Sorbate 80 goes straight through the blood/brain barrier). Vaccination?? HPV is a likely straw that broke her (This is a Jing disorder. . .may have been triggered by a fall/breakage as a younger girl??
Look to Dr Shen ‘s line again . . -the closer to the beginning of life – the worse it is.

3 – Dad left when she was 11. Mum still very negative about him.

4 – Periods every 22 days – flooding 1st 2 days, 6 days with last 2 brown blood.
Over achiever at school and likely’ intense’.

Medically – on various pain killers (never mind what the pain = messenger is saying)
Trialing Lyrica – these things are addictive as well as only masking . .
One girl who saw me was getting Botox vaginal injections!

  • Precocious Puberty

Girl began periods at 10! (should be 7 x2 – and earliest really should be 12 – any earlier – we have Hot Blood –
When you look at info (medical) on early puberty – they are on about adrenal and brain thus hormonal acceleration.
We need to look at what causes – not what the end result is. Look to the Liver Energy – as it governs the local area –
Likely Hot Blood, Jing Damage – and toxins driving the Hot Blood. .
No girl child should be going through puberty before 12 (14 for boys).
Ideally not till the Jing is set to at 2×7 (girls) and 2 x 8 (boys).
Let us break down Pudendal pain
Pudendal nerve – found on 2 sites online
The pudendal nerve runs from the back of the pelvis to near the base of your penis or vagina, where it branches off into other nerves. It sends messages to the brain from your genitals, anus, and other nearby body parts. It controls the sphincter muscles that open and close when you use the bathroom.’The pudendal nerve is the main nerve of the perineum. It carries sensation from the external genitalia of both sexes and the skin around the anus and perineum, as well as the motor supply to various pelvic muscles, including the male or female external urethral sphincter and the external anal sphincter’.
‘Pudendal neuralgia is a condition that causes pain, discomfort, or numbness in your pelvis or genitals. It happens when a major nerve in the lower body is damaged or irritated, and it can make it hard to use the bathroom, have sex, or sit down. The pain comes and goes. It’s not clear exactly how many people have this condition, but experts believe it’s rare.
There are several things that can damage your pudendal nerve. It can happen when you’re injured, have surgery, or give birth. A tumor or an infection can squeeze or irritate it. And sometimes, certain types of exercise, like spending a lot of time on a bicycle, can cause the problem. You usually feel pudendal neuralgia symptoms in your lower body, genitals, or perineum (the area between your genitals and anus).
For those who have done LL I and II –
Hortence’s point – and this is where we work . .
Alcock’s canal ..
Steaming before and after ..Structure determines function.

Pain – Something blocking normal.
A mix of Qi, Blood, Growths (Damp/Phlegm)

Made worse by inappropriate treatment
At least (as so many do) she is not being told that it is ‘in her head’.

Either grew like this – no made well  (Jing and look to toxins in utero) or damage)

She is not sleeping well – Blood depletion.
She is a vegetarian. (Oh Dear!!!)
need B12 to manufacture myelin . .nerves not going to work properly – vague but vastly important . .

  • 1 – Peripheral deficiency
  • 2 – Tongue – glossy, slightly swollen – no tongue coat and maybe too big for her mouth – the opposite doesn’t apply (Maja speaks of tiny tongue)
  • 3 – Slow thinking – losing names etc . .not thinking as fast as was – mental fatigue
  • 4 – Problems with balance or gait.
  • 5 – Irritability
  • 6 – Tinnitus – nerves not operating properly – thank her sacral growth etc.
  • 7 – Depression

The usual B 12 test is useless. . if they have any of these – eat liver/pate . . x 2 weekly

If they get better – there you go – no damage done. FIXED – nutrients needed. And unlock teh circulation.
Myelin also needs Vit D3 And so much fat

Diet/fuel needs investigating as nutrients to make up all this lost blood will cause ever more emotional distress.

NOTE – knitting in bed – tired Heather.

Pain? – Vit D 3 and magnesium –
And fix WHY the pain is there – do the work  Living Ligaments I and II!

Steaming . . . vastly important
Must reframe what a period is – baby nest being NOT replenished through her over bleeding . .

  • 10 minutes – Blood /Jing markers questions.
  • 11.45 Pyroluria – (SUPPOSEDLY is a genetic, chemical imbalance, involving abnormal hemoglobin synthesis. People with this disorder over-synthesize a chemical byproduct called kryptopyrroles (KP or pyrroles) which appears in the bloodstream. This chemical has little or no function in the body and is efficiently excreted in urine) do not absorb zinc and B 6.  .
  • 13.30 – Jill –  2 babies premmie as too little Jing . .

Sitz bath

  • 18 – Stop losing Blood..
  • 19.50 – Sort out why this is happening . ..
  • 20.10 – All kids love their parents – inner emotional turmoil. .




Different person . .

21 – Dermoid cyst – awaiting surgery – doing what I suggested. .

(A dermoid cyst is a saclike growth that is present at birth. It contains structures such as hair, fluid, teeth, or skin glands that can be found on or in the skin. Dermoid cysts grow slowly and are not tender unless ruptured. They usually occur on the face, inside the skull, on the lower back, and in the ovaries.)

22.40 – tongue ‘awful’  – very small tongue. . deep central crack

23.40 – maybe go on the pill – stop all that blood loss . . (radical from me . .)

25 – Maybe me giving her herbs . . ? Panaxea – ring to pay for. .

26 – Back to young girl – pads Drion

29 – SO cold (Dermoid woman) – cup on for the whole hour and then ginger moxa.  .SLQR and SMF – and at the end . .
tongue changes – bigger . .

31.30 – Gentling Way – the ‘hopeless’ cases – we think around corners.  .(with mentoring).

32.20 – Sheryl and touching . .

33 Chasing the Scream – addiction is lack of connection

35 – Maja as mum

37 Phlegm cutting herbs needed.

38 – Fatty lump on sacrum  – that apparently is protecting a ?? growth on the spinal cord.


41.50turning babies. .

45 – Happy story – letting bub drop . . love the work!!!!


48 – Celebrate how good you are – by charging appropriately


Find someone as your study buddy . .

Spread the word . .





Light has NO SHADOW .  .

Shine through!!!!






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