Osteoporosis – malnutrition


Porous bones. . .
What are bones made of? A matrix – that is constantly being remade.
Ingredients needed . . . this is not the scope of practice of a bio medically trained anyone. .
Please be aware that I am starting you somewhere else.
PAIN?? See here Also here Beyond Pain

It may be time to leave the ‘we don’t know’ brigade behind

I work with the energy that gives the physical the instructions – so this may NOT look like anything anyone has mentioned to you before. . .
This is taken from my 2005 book What Dads Can Do manual. Ingredients being bio available also needs looking into – time to leave the statins behind. They stop the absorption of minerals and the fat soluble vitamins. . . and of course they mess with the far that makes hormones. . What we make hormones with? Please watch that and then see more here . . .
MUST be available to absorb magnesium – no use taking it orally, or even putting it on your skin (20 x daily is what I tell all to do) as we need to be able to see it at a cellular level – and what stops it is simply that mercury and aluminium that we now have as part of our inner beings.

Living in a women’s body . . .
We have tides – of Jing (hormonal changes)

A cycle of life – aging ? We all are. . . . See more here

We wear out . . . but what we are in charge of how we ‘age’.

Calcium is not your magic cure. .
Living a life of ease is your answer. You may have structural concerns = teeth and /or bones.

Some of what is said here is useful . . . also here
BUT – what about progesterone? It repairs and rebuilds bones. . .
My recipe for improving bone density is clinically discovered .. .
Using progesterone cream (not wild yam) used 3 out of 4 weeks – set it on the calendar . .
If over menstruating. Is a bomb – with D3 and K2 – 9 cups of coloured veggies a day – GREEN especially.
I suggest all take their BBT and check out how Vit D3 is needed at 50,000 i.u. for at least a month – often more like several.
Eventually – getting down to 10,000 iu weekly. In Australia and NZ as we live in a nanny state – that pharma have created – anything Vitamin D3 depleted will be worse and ‘need their life long medication – in fact many = like the statins – ensure horrendous ‘side effects’ needing more medications . .

Once you have adequate levels. .
Then naturally: the sun may help – in summer, in the middle of the day – at least 10 minutes full frontal then 10 minutes full back exposure. That is daily – not through windows – no water afterwards as that gets in the way of Vit D3 synthesis within your body. See more here

Life is an orderly process of transformation – and we all life on a Bell curve . . how we have looked after ourselves, and prior to that how we were grown and reared plays a huge part in the rate and level of life quality. Seen here. We hopefully are looked after respectfully so the template /blueprint can mature as expected. How far we reach our potential, and how long we stay there is dependent on how we live our lives. We may crash and burn, or live moderately and last well.

Life impacts collect. We eventually wear the life residue results – if we do not heal these as they happen – and these can totally shred our confidence, as the Jing (inner bank account) is plundered by choices and incidents as we have less resilience as we go through the latter years. This does not have to mean that we are helpless. It does mean we must make different life choices if we wish to stay independent, spry and happy. What makes for a good life? Having something to do – to wake up each morning and be part of a larger whole – we are after all tribal . . .someone to love (self first) – and something to look forwards to.

Aging in itself is a gift – we have lied to an age when so many in the world, and in the past – have not. We are though – biologically redundant – in that we are no longer reproducing, We are however, as important as the matriarch elephant in that she leads the herd. We all have our own contributions, Recent events may have shaken us to the core – yet we are the glue that binds the tribe. Shall we remember that?

The capitalistic ways that the helpers are now operating is not worth spending time with – we all must rise up and look after ourselves.
To do this, I also have found instead of teaching individuals how to look after themselves, I am more focused on getting the information into a state that all can remember with it was that all used to know – and pass down. All cultures have their own traditions and these usually mean that the the elders are looked after, as they were when they were not yet independent.

NOW – The capitalistic way of shoving those considered ‘non productive’ away – and of enslaving all – for the profit of others has reached a new level. By reading this far you may have also worked this out. The biomedical world is only after profits – and keeping you dependent on their wares . . . not healing and sending you in your way. When YOU wake up and choose how to live, we can start.

Stories . . .

We all learn best by being voyuers – we listen and absorb best then.
KEY POINT – arthritis does not happen in the spine – it is a blanket term anyway. . .
Degeneration/disintegration is not normal.


1 – Paula (mid 70’s) arrived as she was in great pain and had been at her wit’s end that is when people show up – desperation . She was driving several hours to get to me – and found out the answers. . .Quickly – as we ll as doing my usual Qi/body aligning, with Gua Sha and needles /moxa, it was a matter of vast urgency. I sent her off with Vit D3 and topical magnesium – using it 20x daily . .
As she was so far away, she came every few weeks – in the meantime I asked her to get blood hormonal levels done. 25 years before, she had had breast cancer, and the ovaries were removes, as well as her beast. I knew from long before that ovaries are needed.
One of my acupuncture students in 1981 had told the story of her in theatre one day, collapsing – as her feet gave way!! She had not known when a hysterectomy was done that they removed her ovaries. . her being thin – meant that she was not able to keep her self in order.
Thus – as Paula was heavier, and it had been 25 years with no hormones – I felt we needed to check/cross this off the list – as arthritis (as she was told she had) in the middle of the spine was highly unlikely . . .as in believe what you like. . . .
Sure enough – the doctor was horrified – no estrogen (he did not check the progesterone) – and intended for her that she went on a brand new experimental drug – I urged her to NOT do this – and she chose to listen. Getting estrogen cream to pop on the opening to the bladder – as in not as it says on the label – meant that she all of a sudden – could THINK , felt like herself again, made decisons she was unable – and slept all night, as her bladder was no more distressed.
Pain was resolved with all I had her doing and the few sessions she had with me.


2 – Sally – (late 60’s) arrived as she was continually breaking bones in her skiing/roller blade-ing and other activities . When it happened that she fell at home – and again broke her wrist – the bone density test showed that she was in dire straits. This is before that ‘magic’ jab that was being offered to Paula. I was already treating her for post menopausal issues so we added the Vit D3 – I had something that had k2 in it also but I try to get everyone to have at least 9 NINE cups of coloured veggies daily, so usually this is not needed.
If you wish to know more about nutrients – how, where and why – see the online extensive informative self paced course here.
Also – she was using the progesterone cream diligently – not wild yam – the real deal – one pump twice daily for 2 weeks, one week off, and the next week half a pump daily. After 2 years, she went back to the G.P. Her results astonished him.
Yes – nutrients – needed – and she was still doing high impact work – but not falling – likely also as she was taking the various supplements that I had suggested.


3 – Kaye – (early 70’s) fell and radically broke her lower leg. The slip up was only a few inches – but – as she was a very long term vegan/ vegetarian – the basics were missing . . . Fragile. I have noticed a lot of older vegetarian women look so much older than they need to and have a withered demeanour. It took months for her to recover.

Perhaps look here – what we make hormones with. Without the essentials (fat and plenty of it – NOT OILS) and Vit D3 – sun exposure, – no windows or sunscreen (being sensible with it) and a gut that can work well – and no metals and pesticides and other extras that block the nutrients being used – we are fine. Most are not – hence I get all to test their BBT – basal body temperature.

MANY FALLS NO BREAKS (except for the unfortunate flattened nose)

4 – Me (Late 60’s) a few falls – mostly on left hip. One on a walk – all alone on track far away from people. Got up and pretended it did not happen. A few months later- landed same hip, and did n=all sorts of peripheral damage. 2 years later, fell on the same hip- and elbow – on to really hard tiled floor.
Completed this sequence ( I hope) with a face plant from about 8- 09 stairs, when not conscious (taken out – not quite . .)
Broke what? Not the neck, wrists, arms, eye socket, chin ribs or collar bone.
Fell onto my nose, – got broke and also deviated it x 2 as I landed on it. NO broken other bits. Ruptured tooth nerve repaired – how come?
Ingredients . . .I had a few. My Vit D3 loading in usually about 350 which is in vast danger zone according to the medicos – except that I do NOT have kidney stones, or what ever else they think would happen . .
AND – no breakages as I hit the floor. .not that I am saying this is goo d- teh falls – alos I have spent my life putting magnesium on people as O work with them. At least 20x applications on me every day = meant that hard bones and teeth – still happen here.

What is the danger in having enough nutrients to live well? (Super nutrition)
That is a question only you can answer. ?

This is likely to leach all minerals out of your bones – so STOP IT!

Yong woman came to me at 24 weeks with a pregnancy going down the same path as th efirst one. . .. .
That baby died at 3 days old after an emergency C section due to complications of eclampsia. (Massive mineral/esp magnesium – and Vit D3 depletion) Vast body.bone pain – was only drinking Diat Coke – not any water. She was using the same recipe. . and second pregnancy – same. I banned her from this and got her only drinking water, plus a magnesium drink x 2 daily. A multi vitamin x 2 daily, a fish oil capsule x2 daily (to avoid prematurity) and she was to see me weekly until no pain. By then she then was 36 weeks, so still saw her weekly, C section at 39 weeks – 9 lb baby. Two years later, I saw the expartner of this mum. He could not cope – that baby was the most hyped up difficult kid he had ever met!
What was happening? The phosphoric acid in the coke was LEACHING OUT ALL MINERALS.
If you are female and drink any ‘coke’ drinks more fool you!!!
Bone density is a measure of HEALTH.

Interesting to watch/listen to and take notes – about 90 minutes Dead Doctors Do Not Lie
We NEED minerals . .and Vit D 3 and a body that works well – then no need to fear aging.
Follow the Life Recipe

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