What you have learned so far in the Selfing – Kelly – loved being with Lisa again.
Going back to basics – as in drinking water . . .
Ali – How nice it is to feel touch where not usually – the belly.
What I learned in working with the South Australian group . .
2 who had only known me as their teacher online for 2 years . .
BUTTERFLY TOUCH is hardly at all – a skin drag as a starter. .
And SLOW – as they need to catch up with themselves – and the slower you go – the more awareness they have – they follow your hands. .
Stories – Blood energy . . . improve Blood energy – is the basis of a woman’s life – and women live real lives. . .
Dang Gui – and Chinese red dates as a tea
Pate and sardines . .. losing hair whilst breastfeeding? NO – body is not being listened to – HELPP!!!
Bottom circle demands that you fed yourself well . . – esp if you are now menstruating AS WELL as fully breastfeeding
Lactation ‘cookies’ and fenugreek tea is the Western medical ‘bit’ version of life – NEED the basics.
7.30 – Ali experience in nursing . .
9 minutes – WDCD is the glove box manual of pregnancy /life.
10 minutes – Blood – thus why b/f if you have chosen to be jabbed?
15 minutes – AV/AT and Ryan recovering from glandular fever
19 minutes – how I avoided catching other people’s illnesses –
20.50 minutes – causes of disease – tension . .’pissed off’ – my small local issues to deal with .. possums etc
23 minutes – That person is buying YOU – MANTRA – ‘It Costs Me Too Much’
24 minutes – Who will I touch? How much I am worth. HAVE To write – What Is So Special About Me . . . what makes you different from all others? People need to know – and this allows you to rediscover YOU and how important YOU are to the whole of the puzzle that is life.
YOU need to be on this page . . YOU do your CV’ and more importantly – this HERstory . .Heather’s latest version
To become a teacher of this work . .
29 minutes – SV 40 and cancer . .
33.30 – Why Kelly started in on naturopathy – mother’s cancer .
35 – We as candles need to protect ourselves – so the winds of change do not blow out – and also – we are needed in the dark MORE.
37 – History is not that important – HERstory is – and what we do to live in out lives. . we only have each other.
38.30- Non judgment – some are jabbed and have chosen (life easier) to do so.
40.30 – Breathing and what it means when can’t in chest or belly . .
42 – Table – input is NOT the only issue

46 – My mother and her madness – birth injury – medicalisation – keeping newborn (me) away from her for the first 3 days. .
47.30 – Why the Workshop Challenge is after the Selfing workshop- as y9u likely will bring stuff up that needs
49 – Why people are/suffer as they do . .
51.30 – BALANCE – you need to live a life outside of attending to people’s problems – not listening to their body saying NO . .
53 – Detectives needed – The Discovery Process is our strength ..
55 – WHAT NEXT??
Some of my story with Kathryn
Classifications of moves – we recycle all the time on this all through the session.
Checkers – everyone needs to become more self aware.
Where YOUR goal posts are.
Clearers – your space, your self and then them.
Constantly clearing . . . what comes up and is time to leave.
AND your INTENTION is huge here . . your own alignment
Soothers – as we undo we let the dust settle before going on ..
Fixers – what the books say to do – and pile one on top of the other – all will stay STUCK.
Need the gentle winds of change – their own breath letting it all go – as in the Life Recipe .
Settlers – time out . . job done for now..
Moxa – not getting even a slight draft in – see the last part of the online course Foundational Moves.
I cover that well there.
Here is the last L.A. class for international consumption I took before the world went mad – Feb 2018
Reconnecting focus:
Light, lymph, connective tissue, adhesions, scar.
7 ‘L’s’
Liver – all the energy grids etc I bring in – a new paradigm- Living As Energy
lymph (inner sea) and ligaments (structural
‘lizard’ness . .
I asked Kelly –
What learned in the touching?
1 – I suggest that we are all different
2 – Modesty
3 – No idea what is held within (Even more reason to be so slow and gentle)
Revisiting easy beginning moves . .