March 2020

Started innocuously enough . .


Intention –  after a year of me traveling around with the weekend  course Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai (heart and wombspace) through the Living Ligaments I and II and then collate my life work (multi modality/lineage) into a book – (or online whatever).
Planning to go back and forth to NZ as I was not happy with Australian summer – and was transitioning between the two countries as I have been straddling the Tasman for over 15 years now.

Not now!!
More on this soon . .
As the SARS- 2 was ramping up, I felt to go home (NZ)  a week early, and return the days before the first experiential, to go up to Cairns to see Maja, to come back for Living Ligaments II – and onto Easter with Duncan in Brisbane with me – to do an online course and then go back with him to keep collating the online visuals for online manuals – a whole year’s worth of busyness – and  seeing the occasional intensive patients – (packages).


Then – we all stopped – no touching – a bubble of 2.

What next?


Courses when I get established in the new reality – not having lived here except for 18 months 2004 – mid 2006 – I call NZ home and live here now.
For now .. .

All good – except – the world shut down.

In the meantime – I felt this coming and ducked down to Invercargill to see a patient and spent an evening and morning seeing her – back in the car and up via Queenstown to Rangiora – outside Christchurch . .

Driving down towards Bruce Bay – South Westland.











And after a day of filming me teaching and treating – off we went over the Alps – and home the day the world shut for us
Greymouth . .and up the road where we really live (warmer house and calmer – so I can live quietly/think/write . .
And garden . .


Incorporating Fat, Fluid and Phlegm – as we need to open up the energy signature.