Living Ligaments I – moves


Heather handing over . . .

Compilation time

To to get there

DAMP – lymph – pages on interstitium and on lymph, and the cysternii chyli
ADHESIONS – stuck tissue – often completely glued

Extra checkers – in addition to those already – sacral flatness/holes/hills, sacral puffiness/veininess, coccxygeal tenderness/straightness, O.S.L. tenderness/spacing from spine, ileo-sacral spinal alignment.

Intention – to liberate the womb.
How we discover – via the ovarian suspensory ligament – from L2/3
Ligaments work to be followed – here. a lot to do – pelvic anatomy.
Perhaps watch me again on ‘welcome to your lady bits’ first?

Actual moves (mostly Mercier inspired)

Ovarian Whirlpool,
Uterine rake,
Taking leg for a walk,
Glut slides,
Sacral smash,
Under bu
Heel to the bum,

EXTRAS – many coccyx moves

Ovarian whirlpool

As we can’t teach as we did – here is a number of versions of me working on people

Ovarian whirlpool (CLICK) – pressure to use

Ovarian ligament alignment

Putting it all together.
To show you where we are going with this. This is a 20 minutes
Here is where you will get to the ‘taking the leg for a walk’ move.

13.45 – after taking leg for a walk – can get in deeper . .