Warning – You may need to change what you have been doing
You may be here as you are in pain.
Nothing else seems to work
You may feel that you have ‘done everything’ . .
Maybe not. Shall we start with Self Care?
Living better is in your hands. .
How to make friends with your gut/your liver/your womb/ your heart/ your body?
It is your Life
Your Hands
Your Responsibility
Heather’s musings . . .
All of this works . . . from decades of my working with those who are essentially refugees from the medical world.
Let us go back to how to live in a body well.
If we were more aware of what our great great grand parents knew and did we would not need this – as the ‘owneer’s manual was contained within the life lessons that were learned in order to stay alive.
Beginnings – Qi HAS to flow . . .
Breath has to happen – and very well – let us help this process for life to be so much easier
Before we get into the breathing – I offer a way to feel how we are really doing something.
Measure how we are going – Perineal pull-up
Begin here so you can see/feel how far you can come . To check what you are doing with your central Qi
Central Qi??
And your back – needs your belly stronger . .
Helping your core strength – simple – surprisingly supportive/relieving
Help your own body – breathe better
Allow the lymph to move also (fluids as waste collection)
Why this flowing business is so very important – it allows life to happen
We are not JUST a physical vehicle – need the flows (and Qi) to flow
A different way of looking at what is a person – how we may address problems’
How you can help yourself – allow flows to circulate again.
Maybe also go outside and with a skipping rope.
Great way to get more air in fast.
Or run up the stairs . .
Pretend if you have not got a rope and skip’ for a minute – as fast as you can – only do this if your organs (especially your womb) are in the right place (see later) and if you are not about to bleed /or are pregnant).
Your food factory – how you are fueled.
This is an energy look at eating, breathing and being in a body.
What is in there? (‘Middle Heater/Jiao)
Please download and print out – food folder
The cooking pot – your digestive beginnings.
The fire underneath – what you do not want to put out with cold/chilled/raw foods/fluids.
Silly idea – you do not try to bake a cake with the temperature less than advised – or the oven door ajar . .
Coins? The inner wealth (Jing Stored through sensible living.
Your body is only as good as your gut and the Jing stored.
This is a very different way of looking at life – though practical and common sense . .
You can focus on the pain in your knee . . or why it is not healing . .
Let us look at you as a whole.
‘Upper Heater’ /Jiao
A diagrammatic representation of what is happening in the energy fields.
Your chest – where the Qi and the Blood mix – in lungs and heart
The yellow swirls represent the chakras.
The cooking pit – your stomach – sending (blue clouds) mists of pure Qi up to be utilised in the organs of the heart and lungs.
(First acupuncture point on the channels on the outside of the body to receive this is Lung 1 – as mentioned in the video). These are shown as arrows – orange for acupoint Lung I and red for the Heart meridian/channel of energy
After breathing – next most important aspect – hydration
To flush yourself out. Please also read these articles . .
You can heal yourself by adding in water – pure, lots and drunk in conjunction with salt (coloured).
Ideally body temperature – never chilled – you DO NOT WANT to put out your digestive fire.
Quick thoughts
Rules – amount – especially in the morning – load up
Lemon in the morning with water
No fluoride
Thirsty? Too late gastric juces
Cool and nourish the body – all cells
Not enough water going in . .
A small though crucial point .. .
Missed in almost all therapies
All Asian families (and ‘old wives’ tales’) know
What stops your body/gut working well?
Cold invasion is the most likely . . We only as good as our Spleen Qi – Cold wastes this.
Cold air to breathe will not help you Live Well
This is your Yang Qi .. and your Spleen Qi
WARNING – tap water is often ‘adjusted’
No halides – (fluoride/chlorine) we need our metabolism/digestion to work
Attention all with low metabolism – low (hypo) thyroid & adrenal functions
Why is iodine so important? You need it for fluid metabolism in all of your cells.
PLUS – lack of this will enable cancer to take hold as your body forgets to cause programmed cell death.
(get rid of the mutants within). Cancer is body gone rogue. . .
To cleanse – the water you choose is not to be contaminated. .
Please be careful – a little fluoride is never useful. Big doses are treacherous for your thyroid and for all metabolism and water balance (and lymph= Damp/Phlegm in acupuncture language).
What we make hormones (body messengers) with
Iodine . . this needs to be abundant in your life – although a micro nutrient . .
More info here
Hormones .. . what we make them from
Becoming ‘handy’
There is a beginning – after my 40 years of hands-on energy discoveries – regardless of your age/’condition’ and what you would wish to improve – starting with where you live – now and with me on hand – may be the beginning of real change.
Let us mother you together! 1 – Very slow x 9 2 – After this – a smaller one
Bodies heal . .
Given half a chance . .
Needs to move – this is your rubbish disposal system . .
Moving onto your hands – always there for you . . .
Looks like . .
To soothe and calm you . .
Go very slowly.
And lift your hands so it is hardly touching.
Very soothing
Covering such apparently out there thoughts from ‘long ago’ – in your life as . . Cord blood issues. .
See more on birth and pre birth trauma – this often runs us.
We all see to carry trauma/shock from before we were conscious – especially in utero and /or birth /very early life – what drives us – not feeling SAFE and we need to breath – and again – what happened at our first breath?
Was it safe to BE here at all?
Maybe why you have never been happy – cup not filled way back when . .
Hence many want to ‘rescue’ the world – especially those now as ‘healers’.
Possibly look at the Life Rescue course (free that is offered here?).
Undoing shock/trauma
Ask a different question. Why is my Qi and the Blood not flowing? (Hence the pain WARNING).
There are the moves – and there is why things are ‘gummed up’/not flowing
We can feel that things in the past stay there – actually you are carrying it all around with you – in your body as the hits and general life residue are all held until you Let It Go!
Your stuck fears holding you hostage and P.A.C.E. – and undoing your own Freeze
‘Frozen’ – LET IT GO . . always . .
If this is your passion – please watch the online Life Rescues course.
You do need your 5 systems of flow actually flowing
Qi .. . arterial blood . . . . venous blood. . . . . lymph . . . . nerves
P.A.C.E. – maybe do this first?
We also may need to recognise the fact of the Reichian armour bands – please take this opportunity to take the Life Rescue course whilst it is offered – you will have so many more tools to use to help yourself and those you love with this.
This is such a gift – you can give to yourself whenever you feel to . .
Free your breath, your organs and your life! The junction between the Upper (chest) and the Middle Heaters (essential food factory – liver/ pancreas/stomach) – to allow the viscera to actually work – with sufficient room to do so.
‘Down There’
Always do the ’round and round’ in between all these moves – and a hug/very gentle jiggle to restart this movement – and take in more warm clean water sipped all through this.
A small run around your body – no doubt you feel so much better!
If you were aware of the pain markers before – how are you now?
Is the ‘pull up’ easier?
If you were looking at your tongue – it is likely very much cleaner/more normal looking.
Body and belly feeling???
Always wor
k clockwise . .
The yellow circles – chakras
Coins – inner wealth (Jing)
Red arrows – direction of the contents of the gut
You can see the organs that you are playing above
Peristalsis always clockwise
Begin on the upwards moves on the right first . . very shallow to start. Repeat 3x on the left
Always the round and round x 1 in between all moves. Gently and slowly
Revision . . .
Everything is connected.
The lymph must flow.
Sip on warmed clean water – and let us get acquainted with your engine.
Visuals . .
Reminders . .
Enjoy – loving yourself better!
There is more . .
A run around the meridians and how your uterus is placed – and what to do to help yourself further ..
Totally your choice!!!
Love Your Body Better!
Now you know the basics, take it further with the complete Self Care Package