The Gentling Way
There are different threads. .
All are equally important – like legs on a table – interdependent.
Selfing – we are our first recipient of care. What problem drives us forwards? Burning question is?
Touchie – Hands – we use ours on ourselves FIRST and then, we as primates (maybe paid to touch) – touch others.
Pricklies – Extensions of our fingers (sharp objects) MAY be in use – but the energy/electrics that drive the physical have to be understood
Birthie – We were all born of woman. The environment that created us shaped who/how/what we are.
Acknowledging – not rejecting some/all of this may be your first hurdle.
Are still searching to be here.
To make different sense of what is happening.
Maybe your own challenge keeps you looking for more
Or /and in addition – the call to serve – it may be that you can’t NOT be here (vocation)
Over the years I have been teaching the Living Ligaments (after the Arvigo Self Care teachings) I melded what I had been sharing for decades into the multi modality transformative Qi and body aligning I am now are in the process of systematising.
2022 is gone.
It was a trial – for so many of us.
What we called ‘life’ – seems to elude us as we lurched from one unbelievable dictate to the next.

2023 begins anew.
We may acknowledge that we all need more tools
The beginning of the GW (with the dandelion on the front – above) is your ‘bible’
From there we start:
Whatever inspires you
Which area first?
I did a recent call on this as we all MUST be clear ourselves (CLICK to view)
I always ask – what is your burning question?
Mine now is how to get this to the masses – as it is my life’s work and has been staged it seems to me when I look back on this life.
Always also in service
Let us hope we are all better at
There are so many distractions to take us out.
To help you self make different sense of
Possibly look at the spiritual illnesses from the Maya tradition here (CLICK)
Selfing, Touchie, Birthie, Pricklie components
Self: who/what are we?? (CLICK)
We all need to constantly be polishing our inner windows and mirrors. (CLICK)

We need to undo SELF
FIRST and always
Hence the ongoing suggestion of Selfing – and the challenge (and DO IT) to give us a new paradigm to being in a body initially
Gentle Self Discovery – give s us the chance to undo the programmes we may have found in the Selfing workshops and challenges.
From there – we may start working in the body physical – and remember that it is the repository of so much – and as it remembers all that has happened – we may need the gentling tools to undo what comes up.
Three aspects – we MUST work on us. SELFING
Selfing and Self Discovery/Gentling Trauma Relief
And then there is TOUCHIES – using our hands in service to others.
This may help you
I am a visual person and a global thinker
This was a graphic done up a few years ago which is more or less what we are up to

If we are in the gentling model – and using breath especially
Then finally! the body lets go.
We start with SELF and move from Free Your Qi/Pelvic Opening – touchies
Into Reconnecting – when we are deeply involved in the ‘stuff’ that got buried and is sitting about messing with life – the gut holds it in
From there we can move into womb realigning – our very life force.

We were all born of woman. . .
The ‘BIRTHIES’ section – comes in with the Pelvic Opening/Bonded Birth and also the Mammalian Maternity.

Effective Healing Effective Healing After Birth/Episiotomy/C section – plus any surgical incursion follows.
Add in PRICKLIES and we get into the total picture.
Covers Pelvic Opening. Mammalian Maternity and to get to this – Being Woman . .

The entire course is based upon our being Beings of Light,
Being able to run/function in a body via the Qi that runs us.
1 – First Aid: 2- Home Help: 3 – Anatomy and Physiology of the Energy Body:
4 – Helping Others: 5 – Advanced
No graphic sorry.
This was an unintended though incredibly needed add-on after 2021/22 we got locked down/in and had to entertain ourselves helping others around us – whether you use the actual sharp tools or not. Run by energy we need to know how to harness its gifts.
We move from heartful hands with oil/massage cream to moxa, cups, and Gua Sha spoons – into the sharp pricklies.
1 – Me collating the manuals and courses that the GW graduates can run
Starting with Selfing and the either online or in person (preferred) Selfing Intensive (weekend) and Challenge
2 – Putting all modules into a drip fed system with quizzes
I will start this with Pricklies, as we are all in need of Home Help/First Aid
3 – Pelvic Opening/Bonded Birthing
So Lisa/Sita./Josi can run with those – (and anyone else who is interested in maternal well being and family matters)
4- Me traveling south in February for the Reconnecting/Effective Healing after C Section/Surgical Incursions
Pre requisite – you have to have the initial pricklies awareness
Living Ligaments – womb aligning/Mercier moves a la H.B. Moving Blockages through the Mays/Arvigo lenses.
I will be teaching these where I love (FNQ) concurrently as in the G.C. region. (end of March)
This will complete the Stage I – then YOU go out of use your new skills