NOT following nature – but doing a ‘boy’ thing
(Let us control her/nature . .)

This is preventable – and when is mum going to be a fierce protector of her own space and a mammalian mum – not a precious princess being agreeable – but not listening to her body . .
Dr Sara Wickham has a few great points here
Dr Rachel Reed – her ‘take’ on this
Dr Sarah J Buckley – What she says (author of Gentle Birth: Gentle Mothering)
Did we lose these?
Why this business of not ‘allowed’ to . . . ?
MAYBE – I am not your ‘one’ as I am telling truth. I have lived it . and see the results of the maternal breakage way too often. A ‘safe’ birth is mammalian = primaly bonded -no men’s fearful grooming $$ making schemes within – midwives need to be given full autonomy to mother. tend and be present. . .
Ask where all the research is that backs any of this up? It IS a retail push to control. .. and hardly ever comes out with a bonded mother in love with the process of mothering . .
Do look at all I write about ‘we don’t know’ brigade.
Witches WERE burned – they were not part of the old Boys Club – and the masses seem to like being in a herd I get it.
Yes this is not fuzzy/lovey dovey imagery – but who is being bub’s advocate here – all about the doc??
And tales spun.
WHAT happened to Childbirth without Violence?
Who baby home? Who is in the best spot to love and tend both her and baby? Dad – has he been sidelined? Who has to take home a shocked infant – and who is there to soothe her hurts – ?? Maybe look at the site I have here?
We will start with – what I would do
After I have explained what they may want to reconsider – where has informed choice GONE??
Interim Cheat sheet – ‘induction’
We will start with – what I would do . .Look after her. ..and nature will do the rest. CALM – if anxious – the anxiety thread moxa first – see more here – Magnesium topical over her large muscles – start with thighs/butt, and calves, shoulders . ..
Offer her with salted nuts/nourishing broths – no sweet or cold . .substance needed.
Lots of warm water to drink.
1 – Calm her – Stuck Liver Qi Release
2 – Take out Cold . . if at all doubtful – do it.
Makes all the difference – and need to get thermometer so you can ‘prove’ it. Might take an hour – she goes deeply off somewhere else – communing with bub would be handy.
Can do this with her lying on her side slightly.
If bum is cool . esp if belly or lower belly is – will mess with labour progression.
Maybe then moxa sacral fan?
Don’t do moxa on salt etc belly – too had with kid there.
After this . .and peeing . .
3 – Sitting forwards – has to be straddling a chair or similar – at least propped up with pillows so is forwards facing all second run back yin shu hardly in at all – the idea is to calm her.
4 – Pop in angled down wards Liv 3 almost connected to Ki 1
5 – All back BL sacrals 1 ½ inches in and manually stimulate often plus B 35
6 – GB 30’s -5 in each butt cheek
7 – Get her watching something positive on birthing – I do animals. . or Ina May in Tedx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9LO1Vb54yk
8 – Take all out – except Liv 3
9 – GB 21 and now starting with STQR again – sweep off
10 – do all butt massage. (From the Easy Pregnancy Resources kit)
11 – get her onto the left side lying and insert GV 1 and . . . . maybe ear points – maybe nothing – maybe Bl 60 . .
Generally: get her to rest . . . (IT DEPENDS)
That will start the ripening . .
I never found Co 4 Liver 3 useful .. Hence I ended up with all you see.
This is not what we ever should really do – unless bub is dead/there is a REAL biological reason happening .. .
All of the rest of it is manageable – follow nature – nutrients and circulation are ALWAYS what is needed to be recovered.
Hence I start there and then ‘high risk’ is FIXED. Hence my work stands alone – Shen – Nutrition – Structure – hence the Living Ligaments after the Heather’s Signature System (in WDCD) Foundational Work . .
Yang Sheng
If you have been working with returning her to optimal health/perfect none of this is needed.
This is NOT TCM but holistic pregnancy care – and is what I teach, as it is what I have perfected over the past 48 years – living in it myself
First see the Easy Pregnancy Solutions – the upsell from the Easy Pregnancy Resources – see more here.
Go with results – ask me for more.
We follow life and being woman