
This is a follow on from Helping Men
Why? They matter – and we have more to give

HE:PING MEN – who want to help themselves – are they qualified??
Large topic that revolves around LIFE and health being a measure of adapting to change. (Homeostasis ).
We go back with all of this to the basics in GW philosophy – restoring 5 flows and removing the 6 ‘T’s’.
NOT a look at the bits – as the body is a whole.
Hence we are multi modality, multi lineage, multi dimensional, transformative QI and body aligners.

The table – draw a mock up on blank paper.
Starting from the front left – input, (all forms of)
Front right – possibilities (optimal versus actual)
Back right is programming (what it means to the person receiving)
Back left is structure (this includes all touchie work)
And again . . .
Front left – PAIN
Front right – PEEING
Back right i- PREVENTION
Back left – PLEASURE
Keep these on hand (as well as the one above) as prompts for you as you go through today’s lesson
Estrogenic issues- all pesticides, and endocrine disruptors . .as in all injectibles . .
HE is only talking of input . .
We need to get rid of the body burden, reduce exposure, adn look at the other THREE legs of the table.
Do watch this
(Eric Berg – difference s benign swelling and caner)
Do not take his comments as to causation – as it is entirely R.H.S. of the page..
And the estrogen/testosterone seesaw. (And DHT) and 5 alphareductase . .
Off all beer and alcohol in general – ans all ‘soft;’ drinks. .And fake sugars ..
of course – 9 cups of COLOURED vegiges daily . .
Remember the ONE leg of the table?
NO to the supplements (no DIM) . .
Warning – pain is due to STUCK
Body crying out for help.
Stuck – obstructions – takes in the pricklies issues of Heat (Inflammation) and Damp (composting will create heat.
Damp may start off as the cold, raw, sweet naturopathic woke agenda rears up)
Normal – sex is for making babies.
Biology – in nature – survival of the fittest means only those who have the WOW factor make it.
They fight over who gets ‘the prize’.
Governed by the Kidney energy and Kidney Yang
Men have 7 year cycles.
Life expressed itself on a Bell curve . .
PAGE 76 of WDCD needed here
Back to taking out the cold, enhancing normal.
Love Your Body Better online course – nutrients for repair whilst treatment of any description is happening there was a lessening – at least of assimilation leading into wrong working. (As with a car). – and of course as this is not only a plumbing issue – what upset the Bao Mai as the heart of the problem is likely at stake here.
Most think ED – erectile dysfunction
However there is also hasty ejaculation
Not feeling it (often at all)
Can’t ejaculate, regardless of stimulation
Floppy/maybe cool to touch
Too tired afterwards
Can’t get it up again for possibly a week
Excess erection – and it won’t go down – always aroused. (VERY painful)
PRESENT – Lenley (G.C. Hinterland) Gail (Adelaide Hills, Vanessa (Grampians Victoria and Hilary – hidden – Rangiora, NZ,
A man’s cry for help – as with endo and period issues and welcome.
Gets to be quite urgent by the time these problems of pain, peeing problems – and sexual NON mischief happen

.48 – Pain, peeing, prevention (freaked out about the likely ‘what next’/cancer and pleasure. .
1.55 – Nutrients – Vit C is needed for connective tissue to work properly and elasticity .
3.55 – Need to start with nutrients – what is there in the back – so they CAN repair themselves. .
6.00– Need to be quality
7.30 – Helping or interfering?
fixed – we are NOT wanting to help them = THEY have to want.
Start with problems that we can fix. . is actually
the same as with gyne/endo
8.20 – See the very beginning in WDCD
9.30 – What is their intention?
Also ours. Content, Bite sized pieces. . and they may need to get started on biomedical procedures – they say yes to the lot.
11.00 – The chart to the right above is a whole course in itself – as they are creating their own problem . .
13.00 – Resources – the eBooks for men’s flows to come in with also.
And Energy Changes fo Better life . .and Living As Energy
15.00 – Steaming? Yes – esp if they have bent penis – Peyronie’s
15.30 – Addiction – and what lies beneath . .
17.00 – Water then minerals – SALT see magwater site
18.00 – Minerals from Amena’s page
21.00 – Minerals are essential – biodynamically grown veggies . . Where do we shop?
Metagenics Essential powder .. (ring them on (07) 3117 1100 and say you are my patient and my number is 4747X . .
24.00 – CAA from healthhouse.co.nz . usually get as their triple pack . .
26.00 – FAT is needed – not statins . .and if sweet is being taken – only REAL sugar. .
29.30 – Vit D3 Glutathione accelerator
32.00 – Bio resonance . .
35.00 – The ingredients not nerve pain numbers. . Men have hernias . .
36.00 – Programming who are they listening to?
38.00 – Gail and mesh?
39.00 – Simple things to do – and perineal pullup . . and how to explain to men. NOT embarrassed . .
40.30 – Hernias need the faja/’girding their loins’ and using castor oil and steaming . .
41.00 – Vibrational remedies and the usual kit.
43.30 – Circles – and how to beak it down . .Do not make choices for them.
44.00 – ‘Unqualifieds’ will try to bring you into their game
46.00 – New never been thought of problems now.
48.00 – Ask a different question – why is body NOT healing?
49.00 – Working WITH not against the body.
51.00 – Not everything is about the input in the mouth ..
54.00 – People can’t be referred to you till you get ready (GW practitioner page). . .
56.00 – Where did – First Do No Harm?
56.45 – Battle of the circles..
58.30 – Vanessa – Shen calming can only help – YES
1.00.00 – Tribal not owned as we all are – working NOT in service . . see Life Recipe then Life Rescues
1.02.00 – Men – we need to help them – for all our sakes. .
What we got out of this
Hilary was listening in ‘hiding’
1.04.00 – What Vanessa got out of today . . grateful for having such a sensitive body. Memory of feeling good – for all
1.05.30 – Gail – major take away – discipline .
1.06.30 – Lenley – how to live in this world- as others to.
A little more
Deviation from as it was. .

Peyronie’s (pay-roe-NEEZ) disease is a noncancerous condition resulting from fibrous scar tissue that develops on the penis and causes curved, painful erections. Penises vary in shape and size, and having a curved erection isn’t necessarily a cause for concern.
See more here
As always – how did this happen?
(Sudden or over time also)
And undo it – serrapetase on the inside (three months highest dose – they come in 80K and 250K,
Castor oil packs on outside
Penile soaks – as well as steaming
Sort out the Liver Qi – and this is another topic.
Avoid all inflammatory foods – there we go back to basic fueling ourselves well
Belly work with lymph flows.
Acupuncture from someone who is meridian not TCM/bio medical/organ pathology based
Scar adhesion breaking (scar workshop) after starting maybe a month into all of the above.