Heather’s maternity – life university ‘degree’
How come I have this perspective. . .
(Learning through a woman’s story – as oral tradition always has had the best outcomes – we remember stories).
The way we all learn . . .
Feb 1977 Sean Number 1

An independent young woman, an accidental pregnancy –
An intentional le Boyer birth and
interventions ‘just because there were rules –
Not common sense.
Could have easily been a simple process of my getting up off the bed and around (not stuck on it) allowing active birth and epidural avoidance, given baby was almost out (and 90 minutes of pushing had transpired – no fetal distress).
Instead . . . a pudendal block
And 3 years of perineal pain/discomfort avoiding sexual contact.
Lost – at least 1 litre and butterfly clip inserted but they got busy and did not replace blood lost.
Jan 1984 Josh Number 2
Manual extraction of placenta/no anesthetic/after constant PP blood loss
Manual placenta removal is the evacuation of the placenta from the uterus by hand. It is usually carried out under anesthesia or more rarely, under sedation and analgesia. A hand is inserted through the vagina into the uterine cavity and the placenta is detached from the uterine wall and then removed manually.
He was one of 1st babies to be scanned (malaria at 14 weeks of pregnancy) . Lay in bed of gel – 1 hour 20 minutes . . (Dangers of fetal scanning not mentioned).
Lost 1 ½ litres of blood and given 2 transfusions and allergic to all blood products – down the tunnel and so on.
Nov 1986 Kathryn Number 3
Tooth mercury – at 5 month’s of pregnancy . .
Perineal massage – gave myself an OP baby . .
Hit again .. that is 2 of 3. .
Cystocele Anterior prolapse, also known as a cystocele (SIS-toe-seel), occurs when the supportive tissue between a woman’s bladder and vaginal wall weakens and stretches, allowing the bladder to bulge into the vagina.

Kathryn’s mother’s story – http://my-mothers-heart.com/
Kathryn (#3) – at birth was purple from waist down. Dai Mai restriction. Toxoplasmosis – and all sorts of vaccine damage from my MMR pre her pregnancy and then the mercury acute toxicity.
Nov 1994 Ryan Number 4
To be a home water birth – but life intervened. Clot where uterus and placenta meet . . subchoronic hematoma
Epidural causes me to lose my BP – 2 lot of adrenaline – x 2 – eventually I get St 36 put in – and it all normalizes
Medical mismanagement
Unfortunately my uterus was assaulted all over again – yet another PPH.
LOST At least 1.5 litres lost – not transfused
Sparked my interest:
Look after everyone so they come out INTACT – and bonded.
Chimp birth
Elephant recusing her baby

What Dads Can Do -why I wrote it https://heatherbrucehealing.com/why-i-wrote-what-dads-can-do/
We could give birth back to mum . . why?? She is the care taker – forever in both their lives – a unit
BIRTH SHOCK – for both – we do not want
See in the link below – and also here
Matters of the heart – life long consequences
Keillands rotation forceps also here Rotational forceps (baby needs relocating in utero to be born)

I watched them going in – they are LARGE.
They clip together – one side goes in at a time. Needed to go into the womb, turn her around then hold her as I pushed her out.
Forceps with a fixed lock mechanism are used for deliveries where little or no rotation is required, as when the fetal head is in line with the mother’s pelvis. … Forceps used for rotation of the fetal head should have almost no pelvic curve. The handles are connected to the blades by shanks of variable lengths. Kelleand’s rotational forceps – all get a C section these days.
All of Dr MIchel Odent’s books: especially ‘Scientification of Love’
http://www.wombecology.com/ this is so important all get the picture – how we traumatise babies lives with them forever.
Future of suicide – http://www.wombecology.com/?pg=suicide
Why do all cultures ritually disrupt the first contact between mother and new-born baby? Why has there hitherto been an evolutionary advantage in developing human potential for aggression rather than the capacity to love? Until recently love has been the realm of poets, artists and philosophers. Latterly it has been studied from multiple scientific perspectives. Michel Odent argues that the specialist approach has overlooked the importance of love as a potential new strategy for human survival, and that the old survival strategy, the domination of nature and other human groups, is no longer appropriate. By weaving together data from a multitude of disciplines, Michel Odent, is able to offer a number of insightful, and exciting explanations, and makes the case for the adoption of radical new strategies for human survival‘.
Mad Mammas – see topic
Henci Goer – articles, and hghly referenced books.
Dr Sarah J Buckley – her work here Gentle Birth Gentle Mothering

What does it mean to them to be living in their body?
How do we turn them around? They have to be part of the encoded past culture. Mammals – safe life.
Voices from the past
What did the grand mothers do? Follow that – it got us to here – before men’s medical meddling