You may wonder . .
What do these two have together?
Living Ligaments .. Heather’s baby . . . 45 years in gestation
Soul infused, Light inspired – womb centric
(The Gentling Way) click

A structured process gently undoing what is holding the entire being hostage – causing the body (from the womb onwards) to be misaligned.
We live in a mammalian wrapper – with energy and Light bodies, and a personality cage often holding memories and unrelieved STUCK
We may need to clear out what is not supposed to be there . .
Triage – 1) SHOCK, 2) take the stored cold out (so the Yang Qi may work again as designed) and 3) – undo the various scar layers that prevent the sliding and gliding the fascia and viscera need to flow again -so all life can carry on easily.
All is in the Living Ligaments package – a structured way to undo what is causing all the body (from the womb onwards
How easily gentle massage moves with needles can be
Assisting older women
Filmed mid 2017. . life is way different now – no clinic or teaching centre in a major city.
I am teaching and mentoring online/remotely – or in my hideaway in Far North Qld, Australia. .
Please listen (it is all not 1 step, 2 step, 3 step)
Not so easy to do but profound when you get the connections – it is all one body.
What holds it altogether -? The Liver energy and this governs not just the physical – but the flow of Blood and emotions – and hence when one is upset so is all. (You know this). . Here is how to put it together in clinic.
What we used to do – and fixed pain . . .
Kiiko and WFAS Houston whiplash . .GV 15 and torsion injury
Clear out basics . .whiplash why? Stopped suddenly and the entire body at the waist was wrenched around.
How to pull the cold out? This is likely to be a missing piece in your acupuncture education.
Why? Is home remedy – old people’s medicine . .
It is really as simple as ‘fixing’ the ligaments – attaching the uterus to the spin at the waist level .
Napropathic and malpositioned bits. . not in the right spot . .
We do TRIAGE . . .pull out the cold that is impeding flows. .
May need to calm the Shen first – and that is Kiiko’s shock work – my way . .
After – or sometimes before I deal with the scars – it depends me clearing out Stuck Belly Blood – my version again of Kiiko’s work . .
Why I deviated
Being an inquisitive person . . . I wanted more – especially through a woman’s eyes and life.
Maya/Arvigo belly/back work – then I deviated further into the Mercier work – and brought it all together as The Gentling Way – incorporating my Moving Blockages body of multi modality/maternally inspired.
Kiiko – uterine rotation – neck?
Neck not the problem – the torsion injury is – think Dai Mai . .

GV 1 and everyone gets moxa needles on Bil Bl 23 and GV 3 and 4 . .why? it boosts the body .. .
Uterus/prostate attaches to the centre of body and if not everything is out of order. . . Look to more here
Treat the waist . . Transformative Healing
LIFE – I speak of a very messed up ‘little old lady’ in this video – she has been beaten down by her life – and the residue there to completely block w=her flows – so she is riddled with pain and being medicated – not given the nutrients needed to rebuild herself. . . or the care and attention that would unburden her.
This is holistic multi modality multi lineage, multi dimensional transformative QI and body aligning.
She had a really bad neck – and a prolapse . . . See here for the belly moves (CLICK)
INGREDIENTS needed for life are found in the LIFE Essentials online course (CLICK) – VIt D 3, magnesium, FAT and salt. Topical iodine also
Need to Rescue the Metabolism (CLICK). .(take out all cold, add in topical iodine and moxa and do daily perineal steaming
Foundational Moves (CLICK here for more) – all the hand work (and cupping navel, using moxa differently)
There is no need to be ‘special’ about any structural pain – undo what is holding ligaments upset and all is relieved.
Correcting the overly stretched ligaments
Connective tissue?Spleen Qi integrity – on all levels as it also allows us to assimilate what we have wisely chosen to rebuild our bodies with – the correct temperature, flavour and seasonal wholesome nature of ingestibles). . With good nutrition, and the circulation issues addressed we can assist a body to ‘fix’ itself- even very tricky cases . Moving onto what nourishes the tendons and muscles? Liver Blood – from the good Three heaters system – all working as designed – need to have the structure aligned, ths the viscera able to slide and glide – the lymph working optimally, the old habits born of thinking not being present in the now – all gone – so the flows can flow, the body healing itself. . .
Checking pre and post session . . Perineal clenches . .SEE ALSO HERE (CLICK)
Putting it all together . . Feel the amazing difference with the work we can do. The Gentling Way . ..
(Touch therapy/massage moves transform all acupuncture – move that lymph!!!)
This was recorded a few years ago I am no longer offering apprenticeships and handing over a clinic – 2020 happened.
Instead – online – mentoring for those who wish to incorporate easy touch therapy and deep gyno visceral moves to profoundly shift what has so far been resistant to change – answering – What Is Holding Her (womb) hostage???
This is now 2023 – life turned on its head – you COULD be mentored as I am handing over seriously now.

YES!!! (CLICK here for more)
These videos were filmed in 2017. We are SIX years on – world turned upside down – and you can be part of the work I am handing over- intensive and contemporary changes that will rekindle your passion – as they did mine.
Results based – not ‘research’ . .
7 ‘L’s’?
Light – all are beings of
Lineage – so many are ignored as the ‘research’ and ‘university trained ‘professionals’ try to take over life and how it has always been lived.
Liver – in all aspects – Liver Qi must flow
Ligaments – without which we are lifeless
Lymph – fluid in the wrong place is a bad idea . .and link this to biologically un-available Iodine .
Lies – that the body needs ‘medicine’/external help (not life lived well and in balanced) to heal
Litigation – awaits if we bow down and hide in the dark . .
What ‘lies’ Heather?
That we need to have ‘science’ before we say or do anything.
Also – that the body can’t fix itself . .
(It can and does when we attend to all the layers involved)
All in the Living Ligaments – a structured way to undo what is causing all the body (from the womb onwards)
We need to clear out what is not supposed to be there . . Triage – take the cold out
Can you afford to do the same old same old – as the world shifts on its axis?
Do you WANT/NEED more passion in your life/work?
Maybe change what you are doing?
What will it cost you to stay stuck in what used to work?
What would it cost to trust and to take on a body centred paradigm?
What we do here challenges and transforms when you let it: