Some need this rescue mission – i was one – 29 years ago, with a large subchorionial hematoma threatening to rupture, and a transverse baby. . . but most are a result of obstetric ineptitude born of ignorance on what happens after a failed birth – mum ‘s body was geared up for primal bonding – not a massive surgical insult. Act in haste, repent in leisure – we do the latter – often forever after.

According to the CDC in 2010 Cesarean births were done at a rate of nearly 40% in the United States. NO DOUBT WAY WORSE NOW – and these are NOT usually life saving,
While many of these c-sections are done for convenience of the provider and failed induction there are occasions when the C-section procedure is needed to safely birth a baby and that is in a malpresentation such as breech or as a medical emergency.
It is a shame that they do not have easy birthing as their scope of practice!
Did you know that midwives and obstetricians do not know that the physical structure dictates what happens in labour – and in pregnancy and in life? They are not trained – much like they miss all nutritional information – and after all ingredients (nutrients) and circulation (can what needs to get in and out get in and out?) is essential for life.
So often the C section can be totally avoided – read one woman’s jubilation – and she did all I said would give her what she wanted it did – as always has for those who follow trusting nature and helping themselves to heal. In pregnancy – anything is possible.
One couple’s adventure – see more here (CLICK). . after 3 babies from TWO C sections – a jubilant easy 4 hour labour and birth
Afterwards? Was there any help to heal?
During the cesarean delivery a horizontal incision is made to the lower segment of the uterus which can cause a significant amount of scar tissue and start the front of the uterus adhering to the back of the bladder.
Once the C-section is done and you have been released from medical or midwifery care than there are little to no suggestions made as to help with the recovery process.
This type of scar tissue can cause a restriction of movement and ultimately lessen blood flow to the entire pelvic area.
Viscera is to slide and glide. It cannot – adhesions. ..
Being stuck stops life flows: Qi – blood and lymph – and nerves – making life forces likely all will stop. And give you pain messages along the way ..
This can cause secondary fertility challenges
The Mercier C-section recovery program can help you start to rehabilitate 6 weeks after your surgery.
Before this – please come in as soon as you can, so I can use all the other forms of natural health care (I needled my own scar at one week after birth – to reduce all that was happening to me and it). ADHESIONS – you need better nutrients and start working with natural ways. .
What can be done : Heather’s Gentling Way multi modality approach
Would you like to feel taller, with more space within, liberated in a way you can’t describe?
All do – with this undoing adhesions and scar and gyno-visceral manipulation work.
If you wish to help yourself and especially others . . . .Heather’s Gentling Way is designed to use all I have found useful in my life’s work of helping others using common sense: my hands providing what assists nature to help us heal ourselves.
How soon after surgery can I begin?
I suggest that you have no wound gaping, no active infection or no significant pain at the incision site to begin gentling yourself better.
Best – opening your ‘baby gate’ before birthing – or preferably before conception
Prevention – your meet baby preparation
Fall in love with baby – easy birthing, easy maternity.and be happy. Bodies do heal themselves – let’s help them.

What can you do at home? Touch and change habits
Instantly – start now and undo any pelvic woes on anyone, any time of their lives (great for back ache).
- 1 – manual
- 2 – DVD’s /MP3’s
- 12 eBooks
- 23 charts – around undoing pain, resolving stress and encouraging an easy birth, recovery and breastfeeding

Pelvic repair with total heart and soul healing is very possible – regardless of what is happening – scars /adhesions /past trauma of any description – help your body heal itself – something is blocking it – let’s undo this together.
Mercier Therapy for pelvic pain can be over a period of 4-6 weeks and is done in 6 individual sessions at 60 minutes per session. This visceral manipulative technique is done abdominally and requires NO internal work.
AND I offer a combination of my own Moving Blockages style (my clinical testing over 35 years prior to finding the Arvigo /Maya work PLUS the Mercier work. . .as the combination of my life’s work with these extras has meant the shifting up to very new transformative heights in clinic . . for all who usually had no idea that they even HAD a back ache – or whatever – till it disappeared – let this also be you.
Let your healing begin
Your belly – your life
Firstly – what can we undo together ?
– either get me to you
or come up here Far North Qld . .
Helping you is so simple – we actually move the congestion and let life flow! No more than a week between each of the 6 sessions. This can be consecutive days – sooner is better than later. My sessions cover all I feel to do – including any of my innovative acupuncture styled (and home medicine /self care based work, lots of touching and of course a perineal steam – an amazing experience you can replicate nightly when not pregnant or bleeding – to completely undo all that has happened to you – be like so many other women the world – TAKE CHARGE of your own destiny!

This is likely to transform your life
All pelvic repair including old tailbone and lower back problems likely resolved – for good – this gentle, profound work comes from a lineage of many countries, cultures and traditions – usually oral and through – hands on . .
The entire session will leave you feeling taller, more aligned, consolidated and happier.
I look forward to seeing you.
How to get started: hands on YOURSELF(CLICK)
Your scar – your own gentle hands

If you let this gradually tighten up
Move it – and use the info in this workshop
As YOU can gently begin the flows flowing again