Classification of moves


We hold space . .and often being there is what is needed.

This is a guide only an not all there is – a starter to what is a lifelong process towards excellence.

Some are more than under one category

1 – Checkers – may be perineal pull-ups, head side to side, O.S.L. attachment tension. (These can also include various acupuncture points. Often these show the person how much changes – they say – ‘you are not poking as hard’ – when often you are in many cms deeper – difference being that the tension is all gone).

2 – Soothers – To encourage attention to that area, to give lymph a chance to drain away. May also give both of you a chance to collect yourself – esp when stretching – YOUR body needs to take a break sometimes also.

3 – Clearers – give the body exit time and pathways.

4 – Fixers – Time to move!!! Corrections may take ages to set up as the body has a good reason to stay where it is.

5 – Settlers – To allow the body time to catch its breath, to give lymph a chance to drain away

REMINDER – always offer tepid water, salty snacks, keep the room warm well aired, all clearance assistance available, you clear and decluttered, and the person up to wander around often – as the body needs to get used to the new configuration.

Offer constant loo breaks prior to the deep belly work – and the sacral smash. Offer them as the frequency may surprise them. A trip into the garden/nature setting is also a great clearance opportunity. (Intensives need fresh air/eyes sometimes.

How I write these up for cases  (in paper form )

We start with categorising:

Moves – are divided loosely into – and may be in more than one

1 – CheckingA baseline is needed

  • Perineal pull-up is crucial
  • Flexibility – toe touching? Swiveling around?
  • Head turning (remember to start with P.V. as we all have more than enough stored shock)
  • Tongue – even if you yourself do not understand – take pics, have a mirror there – and get them to start being more conscious
  • Sore points – List later
  • Temps – esp if you have a non contact gun. Check all over body to show them that what we do is real – it shifts/warms up.
  • Whatever else – range of movement, touching toes to gauge flexibility. .
    As we get further in this work – the scar sensations, the sacral geography and the tension and placement of the L2/3 vertebrae (O.S.L.) are all taken into account.

2 – Clearing  Off AND on body 

  1. Setting up the space – and using tools as required.
  2. Intention – and setting the prayerful sacred energies for the Highest Good of All Concerned.
  3. Sound – maybe have attention into this area also – at least have some bells/clearing bowls/bells
  4. Smells – the essential oils – have been known for their signature ways for centuries.
  5. Water/spiritual bathing – Clearing also takes place with the flicking and the spritzing with itz that is part of the more energy aspects – sometimes called ‘spiritual’
  6. Breath – will always move Qi
  7. Your taking a deep breath  -to get them to be back and move what has
  8. Bash bash, getting Qi to flow. . .them consciously being in their body

(thus all invaders are put on notice)

Lymph now will be flowing again – will vastly improve everything instantly – in acu speak – move the Damp – (that is all hard cases gone).

3 – Soothing (in conjunction with clearing)

Gentle hand moves to encourage return to that area – esp when teaching to breathe into belly – or chest . .

  • Maybe aura work – above the body
  • Jiggle jiggle – hands on hips and very hardly, softly side to side movement
  • Wobble wobble – more in the prone position
  • Shakey shakey – more vigorous – intention to dislodge -following up with wobbles (this is never done on the front of the body)
  • Passive stretching – us moving their body – especially wen tehy are lying in belly – sacral and lengthening stretches. . also leg pulls

4 – Fixing

The actual ‘moves’ – I constantly say – Set them up to win. (You also). That means you recycle these – often – and as always – you are there – make your call through intuition – be clear, and guided


5 – Settling  – these are fixers’ as they deal with the feelings – not directly the body/mechanical.

‘Stuff’/deeply lodged, and getting in the way of flows percolates to the surface – we hope so!
Soothing is a part of the move sequence. Recognising something is ‘up’. PAUSE. Settling involves – stop and attend to what arose. Or what is in the way- so we CAN get started. Easiest is the grandma cuddle – and is often allowing a vast sense of resolution.
We may need ‘fireworks’ to happen – as we have lifted the lid off. No point trying to get this back in the box!

We stop what we were doing.

We all have specialities – sound, toning, vibrational, dancing, whatever you personally add to the mix . .
NOTE – This is more than clearing and soothing.

What you may also consider. They may not be in a state to be asked ‘what do you need/want?’

  • a – Brazilian toe touching – can be at any stage .. .very good when they are able to life still – or sit supported. May fall asleep – is all you are doing – as with cupping navel – not a lot else whilst you let the being work it out internally.
  • b – Anxiety heel moxa – best to cross it of the list of things that may be needed at the very outset.
  • c – Grandma cuddle/rocking – at any stage when an overwhelm happens. on to left side and get breathing into the belly – and more will likely come up . Intense sobbing – they breathe – you hold
  • d – Reiki – or other polarity work
  • Innumerable other ‘off body’ work – once they are not stuck in story and aftermath – as we do need to clear – and then take stock.
  • e – Aura Soma – I use the ‘chose and what it means’ sequence – as I have so many of the bottles).
  • f – Spiritual bathing
  • g – Metamorphic technique
  • h – (Moxa – sacral fan in some cases – it IS a clearer . .)


  • Always more water to hydrate and to clear
  • Salty snacks
  • Walk about – especially in nature
  • Steaming/Journal
  • Sleep/rest


When you CLEAR all those around you and within – so you are not in the patient space – it will all then flow. Blind cannot to lead the blind.

“I poke the bear” – meaning when doing an intensive – if we have not had tears/ a massive breakthrough in the earlier stages – it is needed as that is the fire festering that set it all in motion – and them constantly hiding away from the real hurt – not what they came in for is a waste of all this intention and attention to apparent detail.
If you are doing 6 – best number – by the 4th session we need it – as you only have 2 more to sort out the residue. (Which is why they came to see you as everyone has played at the surface.

If you are doing 3 in a package this is assuming that it is all in the physical – it never is. Maybe you will need to watch all I have in Life Rescue (CLICK) and follow your inclinations to do more work on one or other area of your own personal undoing.

Observe YOUR own resistances, objections and distractions.

They do get in the way . .
Usually bigger than you remember them being.

(They replicated, and formed relationships with other ‘issues’ whilst stashed away in the cupboards of your complicit ignoring them).

WHEN TOUCHING OTHERS STRUCTURES – They are also showing up theirs’ – we do need to be aware of also being played – by their saboteurs. Maybe also your own . . .
This is why YOU must be in your own self mastery phase.

Gentling Work – freeSTUCK is about clarity.

The clearer you are – the more you attract those who need your enhanced ways – and the more life will expect you to continue. Anything that is in the way – will be moved through spirit – and if you resist – you will have even more road blocks.  . Best to be attentive to what may come up in yourself.

That is why I suggest everyone personally work with Kaliana and her remedies/codes and use at least essential oils – if not Aura Soma.

Self work

Move Your Qi – I am yet to set that set of starters free . .


Free Your Own Qi – Pelvic Opening/Pelvic Surrender – (WDCD) in Foundational Moves – online – was initially called ‘Massage Moves For Acupuncturists’ – as this is the short cuts to healing – what I did whilst needles were in – to ensure that the recipient of care got results – and went off as free as possible.

We could break this down into aspects and be teaching to those around us (ME yet to do also). In these changing times – we CAN assist others even if ‘not allowed’ to touch them directly. Phases of a woman’s life .. reflects the Pelvic Opening series

  • The bleeding years – teens to menopause
  • Babies – and how to help them out
  • Women’s lives lived (what happens to us)
  • ‘All fall down’ (covering prolapses, leakages, incontinence and tissue connectivity collapses
  • ‘Men Matter’

Please read this from the bottom of the page – up

These are my squiggles – as when you are writing own records – what you did .
It is easier – read the BLUE as this is the class module – the red is the shorthand
Pelvic opening
Foundational Moves

There is Mammalian Maternity after Being Woman and all the ‘you first’ work in Gentle Selfing, Gentle Self Discovery, and possibly Healing the Wounded Healer to go through – as well as Pricklies – First Aid/ Pricklies – Home Help and should you wish to go on Prickles – Anatomy and Physiology of the Energy Bodies.

Eventually we get to here – LL I (Living Ligaments I – is the Mercier moves through my Moving Blockages/whatever I see as useful from Maya healing).

Where to start ?
Foundational Moves