Welcome . . .

What is this about?
All I do is fluid – as life is. . .
(Especially now)
We have had to move off I come to an area and teach hands-on to online on Zoom – and where we can – catch up with .. Either study buddies or some graduates of this work.
It is not formal . .
That may ‘give’ you (plus training debts) certificates – but you want RESULTS. . .
Personally – you also will likely have questions . .
We start with US – Selfing . . . we need to undo what is stuck inside our bodies, auras and beliefs. .

What is the process?
Undoing the life residue . . .
I was taught Arvigo and am so thankful for).
I have added in a whole section – as a Qi Mover and naturopath who has in the past 45 years been working as a Natrual Health Detective – why is what should – now NOT work?
Especially in these times. .
And always from a ‘hard case’ approach
We move through a progression:
From heartful hands, oils, vibrational tools, color, sound to Gua Sha implements, cups, moxa and then – sharp pricklies
How you go to here . . .
To go through the entire process we MUST keep going with our own personal opening.
We are NOT here to ‘fix’ anyone – but to hold the space as we ‘fix ‘/change our own selves.
Gentling our women’s journey through what we hid to where we can SHINE
Selfing – constantly.
This gives you an idea of the online version – they come up time to time.
BUT in October/November I am presenting in person
Gold Coast – 29/30th Oct
Sunny Coast – (Keil Mountain) 7/8th Nov
Cairns/FNQ area – end of November
This will pave the way for the group towards Living Ligaments – Womb Woes to Womb Wonders.
The pre course notes before the ‘actual’ part 2 – the interactive 4 hours with the group.
This site is almost complete (Gentling Way)
We work with breath, heart and loving touch . .
Self and those who are in our sphere, tending their wounds as we open to Source. .
Sign up and get started – it will take at least 6 months to complete.
Ideally you will find a study buddy – so you both can go through the practical and FEEL the shifts in yourself. We all need touch. Loving hands A friend in the healing arts? Or someone who has always wanted to? We start at the beginning – self and touchie.
You do need to embody this. It is best to be working on others and yourself concurrently. This package IS experiential and IS for all to feel safe as we undo ourselves – all of us need to be in a tribe. (I am handing over and this is a circle – not a hierarchy).
We all have talents. I am holding the container only – Wise Women’s Ways.
The units marked * are included in a package you may have invested in.
YOU need to want to change YOU
Each module in 2023 onwards will be available online only and be $US550 from 2022.
I have always taught this way – I expect ADULTS to be self paced, and keen to learn all they can.
Then go out and see if they can best it.
1 – Pre course (must be covered to get into the practical)
2 – Experiential with others
3 – After support/mentoring.
I will gradually link each of the boxes below to what you get and what you are then able to do . .
(From the beginning – heaps that allows you to have multiple ‘AHA’! moments as the reasons in the energy/electrics then turn on your own insights as what you knew became more dimensional.
End of 2022 update – This round of Heather led teachings will be in $AU.
2022 special is $AU3,500 in full /paid up front
OR $AU2,000 deposit and 4 $AU500 monthly hunks.
Intensive immersion in what fills your heart.
All who have studied/are acupuncturists will need all of the ‘Pricklies’.
In I was asked to 1981 design, write and teach what was missing in the Bne course I was trained in.
Uni/college education now has created a massive chasm between what is ‘STUCK’ in texts/men’s business (biomedical lookalike)
and Qi /body aligning. We go with LIFE.
Thus Selfing online
Selfing Workshop/Challenge
Self Discovery (coming soon) – on my return from the traveling teacher tour)
This module follows on from the . Going ever deeper. Concurrently the online instantly applicable to you and your practice