

Why is it there?
A body message.

This plagues many people . HEAT in the Blood – you will recognise a lot more that ails you in addition to the sore joints. . .

Simple – stop creating mischief.
Even when you THINK you have a search for natural – as here – you will be told to eat fruit. My suggestion? Do NOT follow the Mayo clinic’s recommendations – cereals turn to sugars in the body – as do ALL fruits

Undo what is upsetting the body – and inflammation is ALWAYS sugar plus. ADDICTIONS? Not only smoking – use this process for anything.

By the time you have tinkered and played about with how a well body works – it likely is giving you grief. . . Pay Back . .

Natural solutions? If you do not change what you have done to cause it. Add in ice? About as silly as it gets – stop blood flow and stop the wastes from leaving? More damage is then likely. Go to no cereals, no sweet anything – no fruit – and no cold – as I say with everything. East at least 9 cups of coloured veggies daily – in season – not sweet starchies – and so much FAT – that can only help . .and so much COLOURED SALT. And get in the sun. Drink daily – 3 litres of body temperature water. You will not know yourself – and follow the Life Recipe . .

All info found in the Nourishing YOU package . . . (Love Your Body Better and LIFE Essentials)
Purines? Body when working well sorts all this out on automatic. But of course – health enhancement is needed – not the scope of practice of the medical ventures. Purine is a substance that is found in foods and is produced naturally by the body. Purines are broken down by the body and changed to uric acid. The kidneys normally filter the uric acid, and it leaves the body through the urine. However, people with gout sometimes have a buildup of uric acid in the blood. (I say – SO FIX THAT).