
This is a common problem, and part of why I am teaching multi modality . . Addiction in general – I did this for smoking – but is anything . .
Also look to this
And all Dr Gabor Mate’s work.
Look to the three circle model – need the biology to be able to support life here.
All layers.
To do this –
HOLISTIC, MULTI MODALIT, MULTI LINEAGE, MULTI DIMENSIONAL, TRANSFORMATIVE , QI and BODY ALIGNING – and look to what to Tibetan process as described by Terri Clifford in her book The Diamond Healing – Psychiatry and Tibetan Medicine’
You MUST have the nutrients to be biologically available to be used.
The middle circle – HUMAN has a cage of beliefs .
Is a personalised prison/hell.
We all pick our own realities. . .
And why? See here for the beginnings of addiction – self medication . .
TRAUMA – one of the 6’T’s’ – and is all about STUCK – which is why we tread gently . .
And why you are not asking deep, meaningful – at this point you are doing ‘touchie with some ‘prickly’ – only to settle and to soothe – unless we are undoing Stuck Belly Blood – and that will clear so much.
The anxiety thread moxa can be taught to others – so in the case of the woman below – 90 minutes and still not hot – that happens- bring them back immediately and keep going – BUT in her case, she was not given the right info /drug initially and she is in far deeper hole that she was – and the meds are not working, and are horrendously addictive in themselves, and often led to suicide – and that is seemingly where they were heading – no rap over knuckles – you can see online the tsunami of destroyed lives from taking anti psychotics – which DO NOT work on cleaning the ‘brain chemistry’ imbalances – need real medicines for this – as all traditional cultures had shamans, who took out entities and cleared ‘karmic’ troubles – hence we are in The Gentling Way . .
Talking therapy is not that answer – and neither are drugs to take forever
Hence the Arvigo Spiritual work and anything else that connects us with not the cage of beliefs but why we are here . .

Ingredients for sanity?
Always look to the LIFE Essentials online course for a starter on this (FREE LINK TO YOU HERE ) – and B Complex, Magnesium and Zinc (both taken out by Hg and Al) are starting points.. . Forget MTHFR – what about pyroluria? See more here (Inability to process B6 and zinc . .look at the questionnaires. Of course wikipaedia says not a thing – but as so many other things – not so . . .
Enough Vit D 3 would help – EVERYTHING also
See Dr Sircus and magnesium here

What is this? Severe anxiety drug – is highly addictive – and does not address why it is happening – numbing consciousness whilst being super toxic. ‘Stress’ leading to all other life inhibiting issues – loss of nutrients to run the body – as to being tied into that cage of beliefs . .
Anxiety issues – thread moxa how to here – actually Blood depletion and RAGE stored within – look to long term sovereignty issues who has not got now? Anxiety in general and after sexual frights – stored deep – all of life affected.
Touchie work and the beginnings of the Gentling Way are part of this – and the foundations MUST be what is going in the mouth.
The anxiety will also be possibly throwing this woman into HYPERTHYROID states – and she is eating herself up – needs vastly different help than the ‘shutting off so they may NOT kill themselves – do they WANT to live in this state (of course not) – hopelessness/despair is the way out – need SOUL RETRIEVAL and LIGHT filled lives . .not looking at what is wrong 100% as all have been steered towards. .to live a life of lies for someone else’ spirit – so even if you thought YOU were fine – likely not the resilient one you were. .
Hence we are SELFING and the Challenge and the Self Discovery – all need urgent constant application . . SELF FIRST . .
NEED A TRIBE!!!!! NOT what ‘medicine’ has in store.
The benefit of traditional medical paradigms – see the entire person.
It is highly likely something broke her – well before she was 10 years old.

Dr Shen’s 9 cardiac issues I have written – here and also in your Woman Tides manual – large eBook – are needed to help you undo the Shen distress that this is . .
Anxiety is likely for all of us now with the current enslaving attempts. .
Beginnings of the Maya spiritual issues – see here
MAD MAMAS? – see here
Depression page – one of the many I have done – and watch the drugging 90 minute video at the bottom of that page. .
What to help as First Aid?
Glutamine – not glutathione or glutamic acid . .4 x 4 of the 400 strength caps daily – not powder.
B complex – a little all day – usually 1/2 B complex – not the B’s alone – they are dangerous as they leach out the others hence all used to have liver once weekly – as this is the answer . ..
Taken by themselves is what is in shops /’prescribed” – do not do . . they MUST work together – and use with liver /pate several times weekly til sanity is restored – B12 injections are not the way forwards . .
Minerals – hence I get all to order from the Healthworld /Metagenics people – can use my practitioner number – and they will supply the practitioner only lines as you say you are my patient and use my customer number 47474X – get tubs of Mineral Essentials – and a bottle of Zinc Tally – for all who need help – the tester bottle (1 tsp to see if it is awful – usually can’t taste – and take 1 scoop of the mineral powder in water x 2 daily for a week, then a tsp daily til finished -and retest the tally – should taste worse now – and keep going – then use either x 6 the usual dose of whatever zinc tablet you have for a week and retest – should be worse. When it is it means you are absorbing.

Get the ncd drops as the Hg that is blocking the B6 and zinc (pyroluria) absorption needs fixing. Likely the fetal mining from the maternal line – need to take out the mercury AT LEAST – called ‘epignetic’ and ‘chromosomal’ – much like all medical dogma – part of the story . . . it can sometimes be really quick – thus the apparent ‘madness’ is relieved. .
Glutathione accelerator is needed ongoing – at lat 6 in the morning with food for the forseeable future – I have helped others get out of this awful drug and other addictions – BUT need to be able to absorb the magnesium – not enough to be ‘taking it . .
As is the NCD detox drops and supplements may NOT get into her. .
FOOTBATHS ALSO at the same time – make all the difference . .
And urgently – as the 13 year old daughter needs all her mum needs and the 10 year old – does not need to get also into this state. .