G.C. August 24 Grads get together

We need this work ourselves. .
Jessica (new student) looked on – and we had one of my patients come in – as I we could not fit her schedule and me being here well otherwise was not in the area for long . .

This is a follow on from Free Your Own Qi (see videos to get you in the mood) and Pelvic Opening . .
(see more here – as this page has all the moves, videos – and why)
Georgie was hosting us at her’s . Jessica on her clinic the day before. .

I decided Selfing for the boss . .
We did ME FIRST as usually there is no time left over . .
As I have had a tendency to priortise all others. .

Older women ? Have a used body and it is easy enough to make huge shifts – SCARS.
Sacral – (See how we started the day before first) to work on the front, we do the back . steamed whilst I gave the older women’s history. Her way – all tied into maternity and then the aftermath – decades later . . bladder and prolapse issues. Thus we go through the layers, as we can’t – fix what is hidden under. As Body Remembers What Has Happened To It – means we also are respectful of lingering festers that we may find along the way. .

Hormones? No – Jing and Blood . .
7 year cycles . . and why we are here now and in my sphere . .

My early history – with uni and taking private study – education , sociology, and pyschology .And instead acupuncture – all cancel culture – we do NOT know what the women were doing – the victors eyes – they tell us histology – where is her HER-story?
4 ways of knowing – we need to be ABOVE the line. .
Women’s bodies have a war happen to them . .
Script – the body of work Gentling Ways . .

Be clear of your own intention and double prices – and do not prostitute themselves – see the fertility lesson – here. .
5.30 – Robin Marchment and her gyne slant
7.30 – Women have birthed, breastfed and lived as a woman . .and put up with all that this can mean through history . .
9.00 – Find the older women – they are the olders of the culture. –
10.45 – Who is going to want to hear us? Seen as witches again?

The three sisters programmea \ between Maja, Vanessa and myself- we covered a lot of maternal adventures.
1.00- My books/resources in 1976 . .Continuum concept, Childbirth Without Violence
2.00– Th e broken baby of the broken mothwr. .
2.30 First baby . another version . My maternal adventure
5.00Second baby Malaria 14/15 weeks pregnancy
6.30 Third pregnancy
8.00 – Getting obstetric damage repaired Maternal Quandry – the whole story
10.00Fourth baby – big stories still
11.00 – subchoronic hemorrhage/early births stopped
15.00 – Complications . . .
18.00 – breastfeeding drams and then what is mum left with? Scars/adhesions .. .

AUDIO #3 – 11.30
What does this leave me with?
4 finger diastasis – and I was too busy with the massively brain injured, autistic non verbal kid and another country , . Life went on . .
1.30 – pee issues. . post 1992 inner surgery
2.00 – end of reproductive life
3.00 – Menopause and its joys .
3.15 – learning womb work
3.30 – GV accident . .and after effects . .
5.00– Interstitial cystitis.. .
6.00 – and the role of magnesium .
6.30 – Another concussion . .
8.00 – No longer knew wen to pee . .and couldn’t
9.00 – Structure Detemines Function and the continual story with the jab reaction . .
10.30 – rocking sacrum gives another 6 pees – thisis ridiculous – who talks of this??

Pooh holding the pee back . .
1.15 – Trish’s story . .
4.00– frequency of sessions – and maybe ADHD – we are NOT being ‘poor me’ .
530 – need nutrients also . .
6.00 – Patches and why I did this. .

8.30 – candida and what to do . .
9.30 – Hydrosols . .and listening to Lisa Kelly ..pH has to be very acidic . ..and then B.V. etc can’t live there . . semen, water, are too alkaline –
11.00 – Patches – improved the area within a week . .!!

Scar work – we have an intention of undoing the C scar and what it has left me – and the inner back wall of vagina scar and the episiotomy –
Sorry if this is all a bit much – I would be agreeing with yo u- living in it – it is. And I will not be alone. So many of us living in a lower heater tangle.
I am really the poster child for prolapses also . .we MUST have women looked after after baby making.

In the anatomy and physiology of an energy system – we have the INSTRUCTIONS that tell the bits what to do as well as how the entire system relates to the outside, keeping the inside safe an integrity – and sovereign. We will cover more on this as we go along – presently this is about what has messed us up. Please review all in the initial eBook (2001) pub Living As Energy.

Seeing what is in the lower and most of the middle heater . .
The chakras are the golden swirls
Red arrows – directions of flow
Coins – Jing being stored
At the top – the flames? The Yang Qi .

Sliding and gliding – can it all? Viscera and free peritoneal layer – hence this move. One of the most important – and very different in the G.W.

SCARS and ADHESIONS – hold everything hostage – and we can’t in a mechanical fashion get into these until we have resolved the entanglements.
Here is an advanced day with Vanessa and Tracey in March . . (after I had been to the Coromandel for the ex Arvigo ‘Advanced’ class

In class I chose to put me first and we did the back for the front – and front for the back to observe the huge changes simple moves can make. .
The much needed front lying we did not get to . . After this when Rachael came, Georgie and Sita worked on each other (Sita had had considerable needling to free up her sacrum) the day before and was liberated.

Suggestion – if you can get to a practical day – do – we all need this work – me especially!!!