Here is a tale where HE is the issue
We can always ‘tweak’ her – but . .
Takes two to tango
Back in mid 80’s it was unusual to find such a desperately INFERTILE man.
They were both 24 years old and had been actively trying and not succeeding in being parents for SEVEN years prior to finding me.
I saw them when ‘retired’ from clinic and teaching – just being a mum at home.
I said ‘yes; to being a locum for a few weeks.
This changed the course of their lives.
I myself was 6 weeks pregnant in 1986. They came in – and within 2 weeks were pregnant.
What did I do?
I cleared out what was not supposed to be there
Added in what was .
Got their flows going
Had them take a lot of supplements and Western herbal tinctures – I had trained as Western herbalist
I also did a massive amount of lymph and prostatic drainage. I cupped the cold out (navel), replacing the Yang Qi missing – with real smokey moxa (a lot) for Sue. In 1986 – this was ahead of the new epidemic we all face now – not so many (useful) sperm for men.
He was the one who was holding their babies back (of course the medicos said ‘unexplained infertility’).
Now they just say donor eggs – as though the sperm is good enough even for them – were they good – and who is to say??).
A retail industry that gets ever stronger as so few look at this as a farmer would.

(Warning – too much information) He was just sending out pus and bits of dead sperm – so what was she supposed to use to make a baby with? This is a usual theme – as though we live in King Henry VIII th’s time ..
All about problems we can find in her – and she may have some – but she cannot make a baby by herself . .
Now it would be seen as all her ‘fault’ (as this is always what is said to couples) – though back then she was just 24 years old. .)
I cleared away all the debris. They conceive d- even though she was hospitalised overnight with burst ovarian cysts. She still conceived!
Accidentally pregnant again, so two within 2 years He then had his tubes tied – enough children!!
This is after 7 years (from 17 years of age) of NOT getting her pregnant . ..
Both had 3 sessions a week and used my Moving Blockages to Healing (advanced acupuncture) I have now been teaching for over 40 years.
Focusing on the 8 Extras as being the containers of perverse Qi .Too hard to cope with currently. They store way TOO MUCH now. My entire life whilst seeing them was constructing what to do next – as I was systematically cleaning BOTH of them out – lymph drainage a major component and the moves – especially the prostate ones – are found for all to use easily at home here.
In the late 70’s and early 1980’s in Brisbane, I was the only person interested in fertility and had easily assisted so many others. Almost all men were fertile enough (they had to have sperm looking at least 80% “looking normal”. Life was simpler. The toxic harvest we are now in was yet to happen). I was on maternity leave from clinical practice – and from teaching. I was only in that clinic as a locum for 3 weeks. .
Multi generational fertility work

Their second daughter seeing me before her own son was born.
RIGHT – Sue holding one of her several grandchildren
Holistic Multi Modality Transformative Energy Body Work works!!

LEFT Daughter #2 with her first baby on board
Moving Blockages to healing . .
An apparently odd place to start – BUT the lymph is
Damp and Phlegm and we all know it blocks normal – obstructs . .
Phlegm damp was doing a magic job of obstructing their babies. .
Til I came along and blasted it on all levels. .
Everything that is shown in the Foundational Moves online course was used – as well of course my acupuncture – BUT all that is in that course would make a vast difference – especially as it covers MALE factors. HE was the body model in this online course – and so happy to be so, as then (2016), 30+ years later – his body needed help again.