Tugun special – combo Qi/Pelvic opening

This is a precis of the practicals we covered

Nat could not come for the morning session – so we went through WHAT DO YOU BLEED/DRIP ON? A crucial question as the products sold in shops are NOT effective – they do not hold the load intended – and thus they need to be bought – more and often. If they were effective – less product sold.
Plus – using Aura Soma and I did not get to Kaliana Rose’s remedies – both lynch pins in my practice plus the Young Living oils. .

Pads – when we have packaging declaring now it is free from chlorine bleaches (release dioxins into the vulnerable pink bits when wet) pesticides and so on – you start to get why I called this site safe intimate care in 2010. Wht doe s this matter? So much is toxic – and anything touching skin potentially gets into the bloodstream.

These pads I got into NZ and are available more so in supermarkets in the N.I. – all through the country – if you push for them Sonia. The instant relief when using not supermarket personal polluters – and when they actually do the job – hold and not cold. wet – is even more needed now as the extra bleeding and incontinence as the medical people have no womb wonders as you will go through . . if you continue on in this work . .

The Drion pads are not wet on. We did some demos and that point is the seller . . . can’t get the Drion to let go their load. . and is is seen on the pages here. They are always dry . . and thus not cold when you reuse after being in the loo . . They hold way more than anything else . . .
And the green negative ion strip is very useful . . enhances healing and is highly versatile.

My daughter – page with a movie of the day she was so different – happens always when I bring them along – she is the reason we have so many of these vibrationals (I found them 35 years ago to help her) – I needed more than was about . . Kathryn and Aura Soma


1 – Life Recipe – the nine aspects – breathing, hydration, safety – outside, touch, reason for being – nourishment – soul, heart, body
Getting There (becoming well /pregnant – with JING and Blood intact for BOTH parents-to-be) – produced 2006 the entire DVD is here on video
2 – Placenta – forgotten chakra – Robin Lim – “Journey through the traditions, myths, facts and rituals concerning Placenta…the Forgotten Chakra. This book blends respect for culture and respect for nature, while standing firmly on scientific research that confirms what midwives have long known: the most gentle, time honored, least invasive birth protocols are best. For Birth Keepers and for expectant families, who, for each baby, have a once in a lifetime opportunity to go slowly and prevent birth trauma, it is a must read. Because peace begins with each child, it makes perfect sense to practice birth without violence.”

3 – Gloriavale community . ..where I rescued the vastly damaged women in extreme high risk pregnancies ..
and watched what I teach play out – bad Jing – bad everything ..
4 – Weston Price – and so much more – see my page here – not sure of all links still work (2012 site)

Welcome to your lady bits – a run down of ligaments and womb sizes/ positioning
Free Your Own Qi -1 – lymph
Free Your Own Qi – Liver Qi Release
Free Your Own QI – sacral releases

  • What it is – A way to release upper to lower body tension, and all that holds the breath, the fluids, the body structure STUCK. More on Stuck Liver Qi here (CLICK). The massage and how/why here.
  • Origin – Rolfing maybe. (I was under the care of a rolfer (10 consecutive sessions in my early 20’s). Instead of massage, I designed this as a way to clam and generally make it easier for myself to work out what to do with whoever walked into the clinic. By taking away the top layers of distress, relating through touch, The way would be clear – and as well – the primal need for connection were assuaged.
  • Why it is – The Liver energy when not flowing holds the entire being hostage. When we feel upset, or we feel anything and do not express it – we block flows of Qi and everything n the body becomes constrained – can’t work as flows the=at should be are blocked. However lightly, this compounds quickly.
  • How to do it
  • Starting gently – with warm hands, with the person w=aware that this si deeply relaxing – BUT may initially be tricky if they have bound themselves up in a big knot. Much like a tangle of wool – gently and patiently does it.
  • What it may feel like – under your hands/fingers – Totally depends on how tightly they are wound up
  • When to use – On everyone. Usually at the beginning s this frees all else. Allows you to work instantly deeper with less hassle. You can return to this at various times in the session as it is a great undoer.
  • When not to use – If the person can’t stand touch. Even then – to unlock is it free the body and what is holding it all in a stuck pattern.

What to do to set it up to win – Get them comfy. You start slowly and gently – as they unwind you can go deeper. NEVER speedy. The slower and more meditatively – you can get into a rocking , very slow dance with your whole body. Always move away from your body – you MUST go to the opposite side – not work towards you, This is a totally different and weird way when you have completed the ‘away’ move.

Sacral wakeups . . and can be done on our own bodies – the more often the better.

FREE to you links to online self paced courses to go over what we were doing – and loads more –
BEING WOMAN – a taster – this one is always free . . .the rest are yours as part of Saturday’s programme . .
FREE YOUR OWN QI – beginners
FOUNDATIONAL MOVES – CHEST and FLANK gouges we covered. .
usually $US 197 Well worth it as this is all you need – men and their prostates, navel cupping plus moxa, and all the hand moves – including the point percussion I finished you with

Sacral work – these pictures were taken when I was teaching in 2017 in France
Can’t make anything without the right ingredients – my starter is easybreasts site – and then there is the Nourishing YOU online course – well worth investing in as it has TWO courses – the raw ingredients content from my 2014 phone apps – plus Love Your Body Better – that is the how to love your gut/thus yourself better. . . Dr Weston – Price (sacred foods) – as the dental shows this . . JING

Pelvic opening

BONDED BIRTHINGthis site – SOMEONE/S needs to take over and run with . . As this is where the Bonded Birthing workshop (prev called What Helpful Dads Can Do – as per email that I will do later) Prelude
BIRTH WORKERS /and pregnant couples – how I did this in Melbourne in 2017 Opening the baby gate. . .
Imagine if all who cared in pregnancy – opened their own lives into liberated love!!

Induction? Why? Dr Sara Wickham’s version. Then have Dr Sarah Buckley – Gentle Mothering Gentle Mothering. My version.
Need to open the baby gate . . Coccyx – why we must work here
How to start? Free Your Own Qi – and then onto Pelvic Opening – as we did today . . Is what this site is also all about . . (Fingertip rescues)

Where to go next?
You may need to know How your body supports itself, regenerates and fuels life. 
What you’ll receive: An understanding of how a well body works and how you can repair yours – simply by eating differently. LIFE Essentials – nutrients how your body uses the and why they are crucial to life. THIS WAS THE raw ingredients aspect of the 2013/14 Apps – and is massive – as you can discover why each nutrient is needed, how to access it and what to expect. Love Your Body Better – a look under the hood/bonnet . .
How a well body sustains life and how to enhance your food factory, so it supports healing and life so much better. How to get this?

Supporting and Nourishing a well pregnancy? Need these . .PLUS the Easy Pregnancy Resources kit . . .
The entire kit – Easy Pregnancy Solutions – is for later pregnancy and birthing/beyond Massive kit.

Why do I add this on?
Hyperemesis – the entire package and how to avoid/reverse is in there.

  • 1 x ‘What Dads Can Do’ manual – covering all aspects of a pregnancy past easy breastfeeding and how to achieve this
  • 2 x videos
    Massage – What Dads Can Do
    Birthing – What Dads Can Do
  • 16 x Heather’s supplemental eBooks
    Mammalian Maternity
    Healthy Eating for a Perfect Pregnancy
    Life Support – gut wellness
    Hyperemesis Solutions
    Avoiding Early Pregnancy Loss

    Gestational Diabetes Solutions
    Cold Damages Your Health
    Cold is NOT a Mother’s FriendThe Magic of Moxa
    Moxa Use in Pregnancy
    Relieving Pregnancy Back Pain
    Relieving Pregnancy Aches and Pains
    Fetal Positioning Solutions
    Breech Solutions
    Easy Childbirth Preparation
    Baby Centred Birthing
  •  Added bonus – (Pauline Scott)
    Sit Up and Take Notice
  • 24 x charts . . practical easy reference (always works)
    How a well body works – and breaks down
    Morning sickness/PNV/Hyperemesis,
    Carpal Tunnel Relief,  
    Pregnancy Back Pain Solutions
    Pregnancy Pelvic/Pubic Pain Solutions Breech, OP, Lateral (transverse) and other ’non optimal’ lies,
    Setting up Easy Birthing
    Easy Birth Preparation
    A Quick Run Around the Birthing Body
    Baby Exit Made Easy
    Easy Birthing – the Process
    Easy Birthing – the Mechanics
    Natural Birthing – Intact Bonding
    Natural Birthing baby
    Induction – Hastening Cervical Ripening
    Induction – Forceful Medical Expectations
    Easy Early Labour
    Easy Late Labour
    Difficult Late Labour (Stalled/Prolonged) including Transition
    Safer Third Stage Calm Mum
    Mum has ‘lost it’
    Easy Lactation
    Bring in /Build up milk supply
    Mastitis Acute Simple as pelvic opening – which is the ultimate childbirth education . get baby in the sweet spot to birth well – follow and trust Nature to be there as you correct all that may block easy pregnancy and easy birthing and.beyond – and you will have an easy baby.