Eyes – how they work (better)

This may not be what you expected – I always start at a beginning . .and it is NOT the problem that you wish to be fixed .

To be here – in this dimension – we are gifted a physical body. As a body of Light – we have a perfect blueprint. Maybe it has been messed with?
Maybe we ‘signed up ‘ for the challenge of needing to fix – find a different balance? Maybe an incident altered us?
Whatever the story – here we are focusing in on the sense of sight.

If we are sighted, we can’t imagine living without. Loss of hearing is one thing – going blind is likely to be seen as a whole new level of disaster

As with all body functions – structure and all being as needed – is the first issue. Made well? This will quickly go where you may not have been exposed . . . see Jing

Sight is a function of a few energy and nutrient issues – as well as being made well – as per usual blueprint.
If we are NOT made to design, there was an in utero glitch – the most usual is lack of maternally available ingredients . .
Besides – are they being ingested – there is – can they be seen – as the gut is not working well, or there is an impediment in absorption.

I will start there . . .
the pesticide/toxic residue especially mercury in the biosphere is getting worse.
whilst most see Vitamin A as crucial (as it is to vision and eye function – so is everything – in sequence and especially Vit C for retinal function.

This then means when someone has diabetes and starts losing vision -either as a teenage rebellion to taking the medications that they now ‘need’ to stay alive, or due to malnutrition later on in lief- or because of ignorance – whop speaks of nutrition – as ‘a balanced diet’ is all mentioned in literature. (who is looking at fixing why the diabetes arrived, and when it did – see the vaccine inserts of any product being injected – at any age – diabetes is there so many of the acceptable ‘safe’ on the childhood schedule . .

There is very little known from the medical people about causation – esp if things are congenital – born with – as though the time being made by mum is a blur. No farmer would be as stupid as we are – as if the mother is not prime breeding stock, the stud perfect and the environment that they are raised in and nurtured by – not good enough – glitches happen.
A perfect animal is not worth much, and can’t be breed from.
Unfortunately, the medical system is profit geared. Being a life long patient/recipient of care is a great business model. .

Speaking with someone concerned who is visually challenged

Start – eyes governed by the Liver meridian – we see by the action of the tiny muscles.
Some of us are not made properly – we all have a template.
Mastership with embroidery etc – small details – and get to 40 – and worse if we are in dim light – esp women in the times prior to electricity – when the kids had gone to bed.
2.00 – Change focus – every hour – put the task down and do far away, close, far away close – for 5minutes, . .
3.00 – Get the book – Better Eyesight Without Glasses. Get free pdf here
3.30 – If we are upset/pissed off and not drinking enough water – we need to undo what is upsetting the liver organ.
If we have mercury in our cells – we can’t access the magnesium from our bodies. Detox drops and why here.

Acupuncture points around the eyes include the third eye acupuncture point (on the forehead between your eyebrows), the space between the eyes and the bridge of the nose, the nostrils, and the hollows at the side of the eyes.

Here’s a specific breakdown of the acupuncture points around the eyes, useful for treating eye strain, dry eyes and other conditions:

St 2 – in a depression on the bone under the eye when looking straight ahead

Bl 2– This refers to the crease at the inner end of the brow, treating headaches, blurred vision, tearing, redness, eye twitching and glaucoma.

GB 14 – a finger breadth above the eye brow when looking straight ahead.

Yuyao – This is located in the middle of the brow, directly above the pupil. Yuyao is used for treating eye strain, twitching of the eyelids, ptosis (upper eyelid that hangs low), cloudiness of the cornea, redness and swelling.

GB 37 – on outside of the outer leg – on the edge of the bone – above the ankle – 5/16 up between the tip of the ankle and the point to the side of the middle of the knee cap. IS instant in inserting needles here – I am not sure if massaging will help – do so if the point is sore.

1 – Magnesium topically – as much and as often as you can.
Why? Muscles, stress – and of course STUCK LIVER QI – and irritability/rage – none of which enhance well body functioning.
Relationship between lack of bio available magnesium and STUCK Liver Qi /distress here.

2 – Drink more tepid water – often and a little – all day – see more here.

3 – Massage points as above – many times daily – at least 30 seconds each point

4 – Set several times daily when you consciously let go – and change what you are doing – be it Free Your Qi exercises, with deep breathing . .
going outside, whatever – we are not extensions of machines.. . live a life worth wakening up for. .
See Life Recipe here
What causes health?

See here for courses that may assist you to live better. . .