Paget’s disease

Affects between 2-4 % of us over 55 years old apparently . . .

Likely you may have never heard of it. Except 25 years ago, the family of an elderly woman asked me to come and see what I could do. I did – and we reversed this. She was so frail, and unwilling to disrobe, that I only did ear points – and used a tiger warmer – and spent much time relating whilst I was doing this.

Paget’s – what is it? And also maybe here (‘update’)

Key point – “The cause of Paget’s disease of bone is unknown. Scientists suspect a combination of environmental and genetic factors contribute to the disease. Several genes appear to be linked to getting the disease. Some scientists believe Paget’s disease of bone is related to a viral infection in your bone cells, but this theory is controversial”.

Clinical presentation of Paget disease of bone
Incidental finding on radiology or biochemistry
Bone pain
Neurological complications

Pagetic bone pain occurs in a minority of patients. In some cases this is constant, present at rest and poorly localised, with a dull, boring character, whereas other patients have localised, mechanical pain, worse on weight bearing, arising from microfractures or localised lytic lesions. Paget disease of the bone adjacent to a joint can cause a secondary osteoarthritis. Deformity, such as bowing of the femur or tibia, may be asymptomatic or associated with mechanical pain in the affected limb or the contralateral side, arising from secondary gait problems. Neurological complications are uncommon, but include deafness, which may be conductive, sensorineural or mixed. Malignant transformation of pagetic bone to osteosarcoma is rare, with a lifetime risk of less than 1%.

Seems that now there is a drug – never mind side effects. At least the second link says – conflicts of interested and lists that the author was doing the drug trials. Why not state the very obvious ? Bone is growing wrong – undo that. Bones? Jing

It always amazes me when ’cause unknown’ they find something to sell – that gives many things not normal to a body – including the side effects that they were looking for. Why not undo why Paget’s is there? Hard to do if you are retail driven and also not asking the right questions.

What are the right questions?
As with all ‘conditions’ /reasons you come in to see someone ..
It is in the way and getting worse – ‘waiting and seeing’ has not ‘worked’.

And undo each one. This is what biomedicine has in their tool box.

We could start with bones – equal where is the micro and macro (magnesium) levels – and flood the body with nutrients so it sorts itself out. Liver Qi Stuck and magnesium depletion (the site mgwater) – see more here (my p/p contribution to the conversation – 1:1 correlation – magnesium deficiency and Stuck Liver Qi/Blood s & s).

Investigation of Paget disease of bone – (they do not go further than testing though)
1 – Plasma alkaline phosphatase
2 – Liver function tests – then what? I would be ensuring Liver Qi and liver organ (at least throw in to bowel tolerance Vit C daily) (WHY? – bone/connective tissue needs it and Vit P – bioflavonoids – as in real food needed) – and good liver function. (Test it then what?)
3 – Vitamin D levels – it says that these must be corrected first before the drug used. BUT to what levels? See more here
4 – Isotope bone scan
5 – Radiography of affected bones – I wonder – what good will this do exactly – as bones can regrow and repair when offered the right conditions – which radiating is not – only useful if corrective measures were undertaken and then rechecked later – and for women especlally – progesterone topically may be of great benefit – men also as their testicles are supposed to be making it. See – what we make hormones with here

CASE – written 25+ years after the event
I was asked to do home visits to assist the elderly woman who was in great pain as her head bones were expanding. No medical assistance back them – just deal with it. . Context – in our culture – are the elders revered? She was a frail old lady, who was stuck in the past. – which likely covers so many whose lives are coming to an end. I was with her about an hour x2 weekly – and used the Tiger Warmer with moxa on ear points ..
She was not into needles .. .I likely also touch therapy – as lymphatic drainage is easy – no moxa in the house so – that was all – and caring tending . possibly she was on some Vit C with bioflavoioids – and likely I tried to increase variety in her food intake, with more water , not tea drunk – but I have no idea how that went. She looked forwards to the sessions – predominantly likely due to being looked after in that time.
AND – her Paget’s stopped. And reversed.

All conditions – need better nutrient loading (and hydration) – and bio availability checked – as if we are asking the body to do more – it has to have more.
ingredients – as in a recipe book. Then – ‘method’ – as in sequence and quality moving about with maybe blocked. Triage is essential – calm the Shen , clear out all cold stored so the Yang Qi CAN support life and undo all scars – as these block QI and other flows (lymph, red and blue blood, and nerve supplies – hence the online self paced secrets to easy results for all – especially needlers who wonder what else – here it is Heather’s short cuts – Foundational Moves online course).

1 – Temptation – to believe all know more than you. If you live in that body – YOU are the expert.
2 – Tension – stress unresolved – feeling hopeless and helpless – by now this is all of us – look up and see the sun shielding that has been taken up as though we all agree to poison the sky/ entire biosphere . . .or look locally at the horror of being ill – not knowing why? See more here – what causes health?
3 – Temperature – the body has very definite limits to life – and being within these is essential for well being of all systems – when we deviate – usually by using cold/ice as it is a’ new’ thing (redacted in 2014 – but R.I.C.E. is still in evidence – slowing circulation impedes healing . .
4 – Torpor – The stage before hibernation – when all is in limbo. Can also include the damp /cold that East Asian medicine sees in one form as the catatonic state – also when temperature is so low, almost all systems cease prior to death by cold. Can be being paralysed through indecision
5 – Trauma – STUCK in the past – and not able to move on . . anywhere, any cause, any part of the being
6 – Toxins – a very large subject – not living as we were designed as the entire planet is becoming increasingly ‘out of order’ – as modern ways avoid simple, wholesome as retail is winning everywhere and the head games played by all to extract the most out of any situation mean – to live as the Tao – many centuries ago is but a dream. What can you do?

A lot . . see more here (ncd drops to take out what is blocking nutrients being seen at a cellular level) and here (using the glutathone accelerator to unlock the mercury and other pollutants whilst allowing your mitochondria the fuel it needs to run the body better).

Online self paced courses – get your Qi/lymph and nerves flowing as they can painlessly . . Foundational Moves
Better fuelingNourishing YOU – a combination of the nutrient info and how to help YOUR GUT extract the most from your food choices.

You may wish more?
Perhaps a consult with me?