May Selfing G.C. 2024

What is Selfing? – possibly answering the question – whose life is it ?
Reframing what you think LIFE is gives you a chance to choose to live in YOUR own life, rather then putting all else first. Going within – by life stages offers you a chance to see how you are choosing YOUR ‘life’.
Whose parameters are you using to be ‘you’? Will you/can you set yourself free?

The Selfing workshop is in three parts.
Part One (content) – in the self paced Soothing, Steaming and What Causes Health online courses
Your using these and the resources within will give you a stepping into traditions other then the male medical /return business ones.
Part Two (experiential) with each other to reflect to yourself – how others have been gifted their programmes, and what they have done with this.
Part Three (Support) is the Selfing Challenge to continue at a time all can access one hour weekly.

What question brought you here ? What do you want answered?

Writing down what you wish to gain . . .
From each day – and check in how was this answered?
What did you meet along the way?

Agreements – Maybe take that out into the world
1 – to NOT personalise. Is anything really about us? When anyone says/does anything – who is is about?
2 – “I” statements when you speak will allow others to be less reactive around you as you are not adding them into YOUR world view . .
3 – Avoid the energy of the words behind ‘try’ and ‘just’ – women’s invalidators. .

The books Living As Energy and Living In It (emailed previously) and the small eBook Energy Changes For a Better Life aim to give you an energy perspective of the electrics that run a body. The intention in all my work is to go further back past the end results if not listening to the messages the body gives us to why we may have deviated from easy living. To do this we need to understand how a well body work as an thus what happens when it can’t. What messages run you? Likely being ‘good’ and complying with the herd – as to not do so brings up SAFETY and EXCLUSION

The question – Who is “I”? to be answered – what are you listening to running with?
What are we showing up listening to?
Need to be in the body – the bottom circle . . BIOLOGY.

It has a mechanical component – it is instructed/is in being through electrical/energy

The top one (SOUL) is in part to be accessed through the meditation info – found HERE
Past groups and the openings: the first day reconnecting with your Bao Mai and the second day – going back through the time lines through your own time whilst you were made inside your mum to back through her, and your dad’s maternal lines – cleaning and healing their wombs to gain clarity and a lightness of being.

MIDDLE CIRCLE Are you operating mainly from here? the middle picture? Is this all you want? Can you be fulfilled in this only?

Programmes – what it means to us when . . . the sense we have been told to make of the world . . the ‘world’ that has been created around and for us. Through the various states of woman that you have visited/been and been exposed to
Undoing what has been installed. Good intentions? or accidental? Gifted to us to be here. This was written in 2002 – and using MY birth date. You are likely even further along. What you were prepared for is unimaginable a short decade ago at the rate all is changing. What preparation can be given for the ones who follow us?

We ARE our mothers . . .

She made us within her and all that affected her – grew us so we have a ‘default setting to go back to.

Were YOU bonsiaed? As mothers now ourselves – can we be kinder to the one she was? What affected her in your pregnancy? Possibly your being a ‘rainbow’ baby – ans as such having heaped upon you in that vulnerable state – her freakouts about whether you were even going to make it – as the last one – or several in the case of miscarriages – did not . .

We may think that we have control over what we do – BUT – looking at the impact of influences on our lives – maybe not as much as we (middle circle) like to imagine. The template biological we as acted upon by all that happened to her – and through her Bao Mai – nurtured us in utero. How she was managed /allowed to be primal at birth allows her to be the mum she is biologically able to be – or not – then plays into breastfeeding ease or not and then out in to how the next HALF of all influences are based.

That is historical – and gives an awareness of social CHANGE and the rapidity and the loss of social boundaries and structures.
Females have 7 year cycles biologically – males 8 year ones. The poster below and pages in the WDCD book explain this further.

This is women’s business – not the men’s versions. I am using (East Asian) Chinese medical theory and herbals and all oral culture’s traditions.
We are here as energy . . Knowing this

Magnesium – all the ingredients needed . . mgwater – a wise woman’s life work Mildred Sellig (pub 1980’s)


Self and the space – FIRST and every day . .
Lustre bowls – 2 sprigs rosemary – fresh – a few days old does not work . .
9 marigolds . .
See Fire Heart and get several copies of . .

Here is the FB site of Miss Beatrice – she has been written out of the Arvigo ways – but her herbals and her life story are SO IMPORTANT
This site gives all volumes to Miss Beatrice’s descendants – can get it immediately as an eBook
(The author is now Keath. S/he started off as Kathryn).

COPAL – history
How to use . . . my version

Meditations from past Selfings – including the openings and a sounding from Vanessa and her bowls.
At the end of the page are the two Reunion tracks (1999)
Antakarana – and why we may choose to undo ourselves

We used YL Frankinsence and White Angelica . .
Look to Lisa Kelly’s red tent and her hydrosols info

AGREEMENTS – as in boundary setting
Needed in all of life and its contexts
On the board . .
1 – Do not personalise
2 – Write down to discover triggers to investigate later.
3 – One person talking at a time.
4 – Confidentially/ Respect
5 – “I” Statements

My cards – see the page of the Action cards . ..
Imperfect/any action is better than none.

A lot of these came from being my daughter’s mother’s story.
See the site . . my mother’s heart

Sonrise – In 1976, Barry Neil Kaufman published Son-Rise, a book recounting his son’s claimed recovery, which he self published in 1995 with the title Son-Rise: The Miracle Continues. The book was adapted into a televised docudrama film, called Son-Rise: A Miracle of Love and aired on NBC in 1979 .
The programme by Barry Kaufmann see him here
Option Institute – ‘what does it mean to you’ card – lots in this deck are from my mother experiences.


Women’s ways – hearth and home
Hint – women have angular collarbones – men – straight across – I suspect this happens in puberty when their muscular system evolves

My eBooks – Getting Out of Your Own Way and Helping Yourself To Health and Vitality – also Woman Tides and The Pregnancy Map . .
All were revised, but lost in the computer hard drive loss – so when I send them the links will not work – and info is still epic.
As well as the ones that I self published. . Living As Energy and Living In It (three sections of – Honouring Our Source, Our Bleeding and Our Selves.
HINT – if you feel overwhelmed – when they come through – file them . .is the background – how a well body works.

As women, we are observers – we need to stay safe. .
We have chosen what to NOT PROCESS /let go and thus it is stored. .
And then we can think of keeping all in the fridge, never clearing out – keep storing – there is a finite ending to this. . .
Need to see your body and self as an overburdened storage unit – and the Selfing Challenge is there to assist the unpacking . . (and the cards, and the Option process). – see the free self paced online course here Life Rescue

FOUR WAYS OF KNOWING . . Anna – not sure if you can get this – I did it up in NZ just before we lost it all there.

1 – Moral compass
2 – Experience (embodied)
3 – Someone said
4 – Someone wrote about it – and lots of them – now ‘gold standard/metastatistcal analysis (paid lying)

We cannot comply ourselves out of tyranny
Turn it around – understand how the 4 spiritual illnesses (Mayan) are influencing you and all of us. See more here
Spiritual Bathing great book
Heart work – Selfing FIRST

After the Selfing Challenge, inner work – there is the Selfing Self Discovery . . .
After the online Gentling Trauma Relief . .and Ethics . .


Me – out of clinic ‘gaol’ and back to life with husband in NZ
Nat – my daughter, change in professional circumstances, home to be um)
Yvonne – breaking of chains
Georgie – ?
Bianca – family bonds
Mashenka – Gratitude form community, and building of more businesses
Melissa – Broke the spell of medics and opportunities . .
Micheala – Time with my daughter, and connection to my husband, deep understanding of humanity
Ana – found myself through slowing down and going with the flow.

Age at motherhood
H – 21, N – 35, A – 35, M – 27, Mel – 35, Mas – 37, B – 26, G – 33, Y – 27
GREAT QUESTION – What did motherhood gift you?

Rainbow babies and the effect on the mum forever after. Also what is now ‘normal’ is grossly traumatising – not only for the immediate family – but also those whose lives are touched by these stillbirths, wrongly made babies, and pregnancy losses at all stages – as well as the tsunami of miscarriages. .
ARE you a rainbow baby? Think of the effect of your mum’s Bao Mai . . on you being developed.

Fertility – usually male contribution
Birthing stories – Anna’s – see page 138/139 of WDCD for more – pre eclampsia and the horror birth with no support.

Towel to release the STUCK anger/rage/fury
When we are upset the Liver energy invades the gut and we do not make it – or move it – thus we have myriad period woes.
Talk with your womb – the meditation. (TO COME YET)
Fetal palace – and heavenly waters.

Selfing – finding our own lives – living for self.

Life rescue also – the gift of a question Option Institute.

Meyer – Briggs – give yourself permission to be yourself.
Human Design – a much wider based way to discover your beingness.

Onto Sunday . .