2022 – End of December -Tumoulin


We were Monday- Amanda in the morning and Beth in the afternoon
Following Tuesday was both thus the content below.
Following Sunday (1st Jan) is to be done yet.

From a 39 minute audio we have maternal adventures – losing baby (CLICK)
And unpacking why it may be that these things are not always irrerversible and what to do if faced with this.

Found the Easy Pregnancy Resources/ (WDCD eBook /2 videos, 20 charts and 7 small eBooks on sustaining and nourishing pregnancy) preferably this PLUS the 14 eBooks and increased content that is in this course – more on post natal.. . Easy Pregnancy Solutions)

Here is the rest of Rach’s pregnancy story(CLICK)

How we are to be here – 7 (female) or 8 (male) year cycles. . .

Before lunch session – Tuesday – causes of ‘disease’

Dr Shen’s lines and info (CLICK)
4 minutes – age we all started bleeding – then we went into our mums’ – is to be 7 x2 . .ish.
6 ish – Who stared periods when?
9 minutes in – Initiation in Belize
12.30 – Acceptance (weight) – what if . . .make friends
14 – UTI in little girls – big red flag (no one in the room besides – had them or in sisters.
16 – Carol’s story – 2 yo being raped
19 – Trudy’s daughter’s sore fanny . ..again – who is paying attention?
21.30 – PMDD – premenstrual dysphoric disorder
26 – Mothers know. – breakages. . . mine
30 – What happened?
31 – Homeostasis – YANG QI has to be stronger – pull out the cold. Ki 1 and soles of the feet COLD (CLICK)
32 – Survival of the fittest – vegan is not the way of the world . . what is ease – to have DIS ease?
34 – Start with a one cell organism – and we have 55 trillion all doing BOUNDARIES
34.30Life recipe (CLICK) explained

37.30 – WHERE are our boundaries?

39.30Three Cautions – Self talk, external discreditation, what keeps your rudder straight . .(me and Duncan)
40.30 – Mothers – and their ways to shut the brilliance of their children down . .
44.00 – me ‘divorcing ‘ myself from over mothering/smothering.
46.00 – boys and their mothers ..
51.00 – What broke you? Earliest life – what knocked you off your perch
55.00 – Actual ’causes’ of disease – 3 in East Asian Medicne – old people knew – ‘old wives’ tales’.
56.00 – Where all in the room hailed from – cultures. Getting COLD (CLICK)
59.30 – Beth’s family gypsy curse
1.01.00 – ‘Old wives’ tales. .
1.06.00 – Lineage – and registering /’allowed’ to . .
1.07.00 – What broke the person? Unpacking a life story . .
1.10.00 – Why I am walking you through this slowly . . EXTERNAL ’causes’ of disease . .
1.10.50 – INTERNAL climates. . .plus the 6 T’s .. including beliefs ..

1.12.00 – The Making of Me – Tegan – the teenager rape story – for any who have experienced (and those who looking into this mess) to read as it is a great redemptive story). We all hold our own keys.
Maybe look at the meditation page here (CLICK)