Home Help – Hands on Healing


These audios form an impromptu introductions to the Touch Therapy that I have a part of the Foundational Course (in the Self Care package). The manual (available on line as the hard copy (I can send to you) or you can download the the eBook version). My pregnancy preparation manual (pub 2005) What Dads Can Do’ forms the text book to get you started – as does looking on this site.

I have used the foundational moves I put together to assist anyone in anything – as a manual for dads and partners of pregnant women as few seem to have any idea what wellness is – how to return there. Accompanying the manuals shared online ‘What Dads Can Do’ and the Life Recipe – you may wish to know more – here it is below.

This is the entry point before we do the practicals on the body as seen in the ‘cheat sheets’ to be downloaded as part of the hands on courses. The experiential Living Ligaments practicals are built on all the work in the manual and the notes to be downloaded. Please take note of how easy the Stuck Liver Qi Release and the belly rounds and rounds are. If nothing else –  see that you incorporate these into your days.

Essentials. . . Hydration is next to breathing properly (to get your Qi flowing) and using your hands lovingly.



  • Respect Nature
  • Bodies store what they cannot process
  • Reichian armour bands are there for a reason.
  • Healing involves change
  • There may be tears – letting go what till now was not possible may also evoke memories and the need for energy shifts. (Welcome the new and invite the old to transform).


First session at Gloriavale, NZ 25th December, 2018

Heather’s introductory concepts:

The next session – Hyperemesis and why is here.

Downloadable notes GV 1st day – HG and hormones

2nd Day 1st January 2019 –

Downloadable notes ..

 GV 2nd day Why are we doing this


Third Day – 2nd January

(Downloadable notes)

Emotions and how we live well versus

What holds the body hostage –  GV – day 3 Reichian armour bands




We work within these awarenesses

  1. We know that the body is the result of many other layers of self – energy in all forms gifts it (the physical vehicle) instructions.
  2. Body has its own time frame and we have no idea what it may do first or at all.
  3. Sequencing is paramount.


Starting from very superficial, we gradually allow anything stored release.

1 – We start with light hands – feather touch.

2 – We know the body has ‘let go’ when there is the deep breath – please encourage, and wait for.

3 – ‘Shakey shakey’ and ‘jiggle jiggle’ are key moves – we need lymph to flow.

4 – We alternate working front and back. The real issue is likely to be something blocking the return to blueprint.

 5 – We know that the uterus is the centre of our being. We aim for perfect positioning – through respectful uterine corrections.

 6 – We focus intention: the body is distressed – being held hostage slows flows.

Although this is The Gentling Way, adhesions may need muscle to move

 7 – Hydration, replacement minerals and salt are key factors.

Practitioners will ALWAYS –  focus as this – What is the ‘after’ you intend to go towards?
(What I am looking for is . .)

 Always we at least use the ‘pull up’ as a goal post baseline.

Comparitors – always have a ‘before’ to guide  – whether the S.L. or the scar restrictions, depth of breath possible or the edge of pain – ALWAYS thinking – how can we lighten the load?


LIVING LIGAMENTS III (14-16th Jan 2019)


Here in part 3 we learn that normal is biologically driven.

As revision of the physical way we can undo the Reichian armour bands, allowing the body to heal itself, we discover often the way of the past and what we are held hostage by.
Gently, we work on re establishing the natural order in a body.

Understanding that the energy levels allow the physical to thrive, we ensure any blockage to flows is taken back to the design again.
Nutrients available depend on the ability of the digestive system, of the circulatory system and of the unit itself to interact with life in a way that easily sustains itself.
This is found in the metabolism – in acupuncture terms – the state of the Yang Qi. Taking out the cold stored within (it wastes the Yang Qi) is often the first step.
The surface body temperatures can be diverse. (‘Poor’ circulation’/cold hands and feet/ cool buttocks/belly and maybe always feeling the cold need fixing. .) The lack of even body temperature shows in the inability of the Qi – thus the blood to flow.
Peristalsis (rate of gut flow through the alimentary channel – the gut) is also determined by the Yang Qi. Lymph (body fluids) must circulate.
The moves built on throughout the Living Ligaments course allow the body to clear itself – if rest and adequate hydration are allowed.
It takes time for the body to find and remove all that has slowed perfect down. Expect a miracle when you listen to what the body needs. Bodies heal themselves.
If there are any body warnings – seen as ‘health’ problems – we need to uncover why and correct these as soon as possible.
Day one – fertility
If easy reproduction is not assured any species would die out.
Day two – normal pregnancy, birth and after wards – women were designed to do this easily.
Day three – undoing unnatural outcomes. Quickly.
This will always go back to the bio availability of nutrients. And of the circulation as designed of the 5  – Chu’el/Shen, Qi, Blood, Nerves and Lymph. Simple and life affirming.
Correcting the 5 Flows, undoing the consequences of the 5 ‘T’s’ means an easy life follows.
This follows the growth of an individual through their 7 year cycles (of girls) and 8 years of boys into the third cycle  (21 years of age and 24 years of age) where the juices of life should be in full swing biologically as the attraction of the opposite sex leads to its natural conclusion.
Holding back the reproductive tides till 5 x 7/8 or – and in some cases 6 x 7/8 stages of life (35-40 years or 42/48 years of age) means that the quality of baby possible earlier naturally may not happen.
Adding to this the increased accumulation of life residue in all forms – we see a real need now to declutter – to undo what life so far has created.
Taking a wider than this decade or this century approach, we see what Rachel Carson warned in he 1962 book (outraging all at the time as she found that the DDT residues were killing off the bald eagles and other life forms) Silent Spring is here.
The rates of perceived normal sperm forms from humans  – from a deemed’ ‘fertile’ rate of 80.5% to 50% to 30 to %15 and then to 4% in the last possible dictate from the WHO shows this.
This procipitus drop is not seemingly worrying anyone as medical retail industry has swung into reactive mode (we can fix this). If someone from 50 years ago looked in and saw this they would be more worried than the present generations.
The young say ‘we are trying for a baby’.
That is what sex is for.
If the rates of male decline is not enough of a scare, we could wonder what is happening to the women whose eggs are made by their grandmothers. Matured each month taking 4 1/2 months to be ready to make their way down the Fallopian tubes, the future is seen in the ‘canaries’ in the mine – the sperm as tadpoles are reflecting the inability to recover in the wake of the continued toxic assaults.
1982 – 80.5%
1987 – 50%
1992 – 30%
1997 – 15%
2010 – 4 %
now?? Zero???
Women have not become MORE fertile to cope with his decline

Using Western medicine’s ‘fix it’ mentality – from possibly the gains apparently made in the Germ Theory – kill everything and life is spared approach – but life needs survival of the fittest.
Fertility is what aging is about – from the basis of a perfect beginning, the b[foundations are laid to reproduce easily.
If the future foundation (Jing expression) is not optimal, there is little that can be achieved in forcing what Nature has disagreed with.
Males are vulnerable as their sperm is made each second. Females – their eggs were laid down by their mother’s mother as she made her.
There is so much at stake in accumulating any form of contamination.
This is shown in the line of the impact of influences in Dr Shen’s line and 4 crucial times to remake self.

Allowing the body to heal is only possible when rest and regeneration is factored into any healing process.
In nature, the seasons (of  a day, and in a year) naturally create this. Traditional Asian medicine talks of the 5 elements – the season also of a life. The time for renewal of a body is over night/winter and when not allowed, the build up of the lack of rehabilitation shows in reduced functioning – much like a phone battery ever charging less.
Allowing a body to process and to remove the rubbish gained (declutter)  forms a key part of any attempt to make new life.
Easy pregnancy and birth and life follows when we set the foundations right. Playing ‘catch-up’ is not possible.
The future? (See male ‘fertility’ rates).

Well Pregnancy

Happens if all other bases are covered.
If not – the future is not sustainable.

Easy periods (good Qi and Blood production and Flow needed  as this is the report card of the month/body. 
Easy fertility
Easy pregnancy
Easy birthing
Easy lactation
Easy maternity
Easy babies
If the nutrients are bio available as well as ingested and the gut is able to process them.
IF the circulation of the 5 Flows, is perfect – and if not – we can fix it all

What are we fixing ?

5 ‘T’s’ 

Tension, temperature, torpor, trauma and toxins.

5 Imbalances needed for pregnancy

At any other time of life these in combination or by themselves would be a major problem . .
In pregnancy they are needed and is the normal ‘default’ setting.
increase in Blood
increase in Dampness
increase in Heat
increase in Liver energy
Decrease in maternally available Kidney energy
Nature does not set us up to fail . .
We do it very well with beliefs and opinions, programmes. and cultural ‘norms’.
All the while – the actual biology will if it can – deliver.
We can assist this.
Go with our  Jing and the programme of the body – 7 year cycles for females, 8 years for the males.
And how we use and abuse our Life Capital (Jing).


Day three . .
Complications of pregnancy /High Risk . .