
We look at the overall, then the specific. .
Everyone needs to clean out
As with the fridge, the cupboards – our body also
You initially want to NOT have the consequences of being poisoned – even against all your best efforts . .
There is much more to do ideally
Detox – drops
Need to clean out – Glutathione accelerator
Also another version – Glutathione accelerator
Much more water – tepid ideally
And from a cup/glass – you can get it down faster.
Diet and lifestyle – trawl all of this
Jing – inner bank account.
Blood – sanity and life giver
What we make (and keep) head hair with and also make breast milk
VIt B COMPLEX – page on this I suggest everyone is on half of the Tresos B plus tablet x 3 daily . .
Especially when pregnant and in breastfeeding maybe 6 halves a day
Vit C – and take normally 1 tsp x 2 daily of the liposomal – keep in mouth to warm it, then swizzle it around the mouth to help your teeth.
As you are cleaning out presently – maybe 4x daily? Help your liver.
The free-to-you link for LIFE essentials online course
The free-to-you link for the Unblocking Your Scars online course (when you will be grateful for the moxa, comfrey and castor oil coming)
To help your ‘G.B.S.’
I wrote in 2021 – against this mess
Also here solutions – use as your new TV . .
What we make our hormones with
Aluminium some info is here – and also here (on the detox site
Need to see more from Christopher Exley – his book here
Gardasil Girls – look at my site page ALL of the amazing footage and movies are NOT ‘OK’ . . .
Look elsewhere .. found in Rumble
A useful Aluminium site

Panaxea – to order – Mongolian Sea Buckthorn Oil – 4 in the morning

I suspect that is helping us avoid too much jab and pollution troubles.
Pine oil derivative – take 2 x 2 – for the spike removal
Liv D.S. 52 for the liver assistance
WHY? Constant toxicity .. . Jabbed blood and non jabbed blood – is there even a difference now?