We are here to shine. We signed up or this. It is time to Do It.

The Seven ‘L’s . .
Light (We may have forgotten we are all Light – here having a human experience in forgetting/Free Will.
lineage why we are here – the survivors gave us the wisdom – are we using it?
Liver – all that is from my acupuncture knowings. . . all levels . . a life paradigm
Lymph/ligaments – not here unless the fluids flow and the ligaments hold our space – willowy/supple.
Beings of light having a human encounter – in the Third Dimension ..
It IS muddy.
More clarity is always the goal – on all levels.

Lies – all that holds you back – maybe start with – not good enough (for whom?) Body needs help/can’t heal itself . .
Litigation – if you do not stay in control you will be – through fear . .
Back to the One . . . Reunion.
Meditation tracks – free to download HERE .
more of the work this is based around we are all beings of LIght – here .
How we need to deconstructing the personality cage mess we create – to learn/be here.

We are all of the Light = as we are all a droplet of Light :– here held in the physical within a mammalian wrapper

We are made from energy condensing
The top point of Light – the Soul star

Through the central channel we ground into the earth plane .
Our earth star.
We are in the Third Dimension. – The veils of illusion hold power over the physical planes.

In a body of Light
Standing on the Earth in grace.
Our central channel – Antakarana – grounds us.
Within energy fields – we are a force to be reckoned with.

Centres of energy – Chakras – large energy centres

Smaller energy centres – nadis
To be in this ‘here’, now. . . as a being of Light

On the planet
We stand on eddies of less than Light.

These is muddy perception.
Control . . .
Fear . . .
The unclear remnants of what has been before.
Left behind residues
Personally ..
3rd dimensional overlay Emotional charges ‘Landmines’

The personality cage – with all of its triggers
Do you wish to be less triggered?
Who/what controls you? Who/What is identified as ‘you’?

Helpful as often we can feel as though we are being ‘played’.
Others have been here before us. They have gifted what worked for them – then. Traditions
Biology allows us to be in this game called ‘life’.
By ignoring its rules – we will be in survival mode.
Clarity needed. Your body of Light may need reminding it is there and is sovereign

We may need to undo where we are
Please watch a few times to get the meaning – of what you are currently experiencing

Back to the One . . . Reunion.
Meditation tracks – free to download HERE
Remember ‘The Matrix’? Red/Blue pill (CLICK) Here we are NOW.
Do you have a burning question? I always have had – they pop in as I travel through this life.
We may need to ask very different questions to move through what ever is bothering us.
What was its basis? – Who is Heather?
Being different – an outlier – a maverick – one who will NOT be owned or told what to think/say/do/be. .
When co designing/co writing the undergraduate acupuncture course in 1981 in Brisbane, I had to find to a definition of health. The ability to adapt to change. Here in 2021 – I ask – are we able to in this current climate of control?
The ability to adapt to change. (all levels of being)
Why are we here is the next question? To do other’s bidding?
How did we get to here?
We may need to start with asking what is normal?
Can we be Self infused?
Here on a mission of Light?

Self mastery
Always – first . . Life Recipe – what do you need to do to be here? Pay attention to the rules (CLICK)
Please be mindful . .
You are of the Light – here having a less than Light experience – negotiating your way back . .

Personality cage – and the fears that hold it STUCK.
Is this what you want for you?
Triggers and reactions and ruled by the middle circle – safe? Included? Standing out? Will be shut down?
NOT allowed????
We were here to be. A sovereign unit.

We are in duality – and have polar opposites to play with/in