24 – May advanced 2 days – Sunday

From my Grampians’ one day get together, (please watch first) we have an opportunity to have more working in each other – and handing over the extras I glean as I do courses ..

Rynn couldn’t make it. We covered the gentle run through – steaming before we worked on anyone, and a hottie to feel comfy on at least the chest, if not the belly or feet (is a bit cooler up hare for the Koah/Mina Creek residents).

Beth was in the same shakey state that Vanessa was in, thus we spent most of the day working on her.

We are setting up the side lying womb/innards lift.
As with the prostate drainage – this is the end of the sessions – so we have to set it up . .

Tweaking is needed as few are doing the work, and as with taking Certification with Rosita, 10 years ago – we all need revising.

The Mercier moves are the ones to begin with.
Tomorrow – we will do the O.S.L. and the side lying ..
Hopefully will have Jess, a pregnant woman with us in the afternoon. .

We could have done Gua Sha before all of this. That would have helped .. .

PROCESS – order of business – start in a 90 degree angle over the bed, lying over 2 pillows with hottie on it
1 – The Free Your Own Qi moves PLUS warmth – . Check the sacral puffiness/bumps then onto the tail bone – where is it? (chest/lymphatic/SLQR, and sacral wakeups. Lie her on back now.
2 – Checking first the ovarian and how tight it is above the pubic bone, any sore points – whatever else you feel to – in Beth’s case we could also have gotten range of movement and pain /stuckness indicators..
3 – Belly Soothing – Lying on her back now the gentle belly work. Roll over again.
4 – We redo the sacral untangling, extending to the coccyx – same moves (over the bone to release the junction bone – to connective tissue, then recheck the sacral and coccygeal changes.
5 – Up to loo first as now we go deep. – Lift the bladder – urachus move first. Then peritoneal untangler again if you like – more gentling belly bits as you feel to . . jiggles etc. . Ovarian whirlpool, uterine rake, taking leg for a walk, uterine rake again, and then finishing off. . .
6 – For us – the following day – we concentrate on the O.S.L. to teach it and also see if the checkers we had the day before the tailbone, the sacrum and the O.S.L . have stayed better, or reverted back. O.S.L. may not need doing – the coccyx is the major ‘tell’/ to see if we will have corrected the womb positioning.
7 – Do corrections as needed.
8 – In readiness for the side lying and finishing off.

In Beth’s case some needles after the Gua Sha (see this video below)

We got as far as the opening sentence – Marg feels better on the Gluathione accelerator.
Bioavailable nutrients are needed to run a body

Glutathione accelerator – (MLM so I get a cut from you getting it and how else did you find out about it AND if you join for whatever it is you can do the same with others. . mercury – how did this happen?. . . how else to get it out Mercury blocks magnesium and zinc and selenium – see more on these here – or on the LIFE Essentials course.
5 minutes – cold, magnesium not there (‘spark of life’ – and me and the bladder story . . .
6 minutes – MY resistance to using magnesium – and finally I could live on . . .
7 minutes – Ina May Gaskin and magnesium and greens and are no longer vegan . .
8.45 – is it even ‘genetic’?
11.45 – maybe take more often – I suggest anyone with an allergic reaction to life- take 2 or sometimes even 3 lots of 6 a day . .
12.30 – Vit D3 – dosage . .. catch the new video on the Vit D page – or see all on there Please watch here

Why do I teach like this?
We need nutrients going in and then wastes going out – and the fluids etc.
BOUNDARIES – esp if we were a one celled unit – all need to have an awareness of what is us and what is NOT us . .
1.00 – Me following Dr Jane Ruby . . . and also following CHD – Children’s Health Defense and Del Bigtree /Highwire and Michael Grey Griffith (CLO) ..

Coromandel, NZ apparently the ‘advanced’ Arvigo. 10 years prior I had gone to Certification. That was when Rosita could put her hands on us and ensure that we had ‘got it’ right. What we had in ‘Advanced’ was a few moves taken out put back, and a lot of superfluous ones added, plus with the side lying and more sacral and coccygeals.

Cathie and Laurie have added a bunch of ‘digestive’ moves – and called it ‘anterior’. We do these in Foundational and in Reconnecting. Without working correspondingly on the back (nerve pathways, more specifically the Qi coming up from the adrenals, through the perineum and up the spine, and up the front to merge and irrigate the physical body), I am not sure why/how you could get the real work of done. Especially not with the soothers/in between- settlers (if necessary), and without checkers – how is it known to do, or to ensure more is done – and also to get the recipients of care to value the slowness and the depth of our care?

The progression through The Gentling Way to Living Ligaments – the equivalent of P.C.T. covers much of the ‘advanced’ work – or is instead of as we have Heather’s Short Cuts to Health here. .

Samar was ‘accidentally’ recorded – listen there first . .and now we go on.

I had a spirit quest – went into the dark night of the soul – and the struggles of being me . .
1.50 – Ancestor and the middle circle tribal games. .
4.00 – My saying my piece – my Master and my Blessing . . .
5.30 – Cathie and acupuncture info – wrong . .

Then there is what to do/how to do it . .

WHAT WE DID – Beth was the priority we got Marg and me done as well to O.S.L. stasis. All on steamers and taking it gently. To get all through, we were hastening. Starting on the back for the front – to get the Qi moving – SLQR shortened version.

Bottom work – abbrieviated

Went back to the body = needs doing first Gua Sha – and thus the opposite hip is likely offended by life also .

NEW WORK – who knew we had a urachus? A tube that connects the bladder to the umbilicus during fetal development. After birth, the urachus normally closes and becomes a ligament. If not may cause issues as a urachus remnant . .. very unllkely though.

Urachus – a small, but very useful move. As part of the rising up work we are doing . . as with the prostate move – not until almost at the end .. . as we wish to cover all that is holding the body hostage FIRST. What does the urachus do? The urachus is a fibrous cord arising from the early fetal anterior bladder wall to the allantois, extending cranially to the umbilicus [1]. In the first trimester of gestation, the role of the urachus is to facilitate the removal of the neonate’s nitrogenous waste through the placenta via the umbilical cord

Bladder project an earlier version .. . with the acupuncture model of care – heat = inflammation fed by sugar and not sufficient water to flush the heat – from many places. Cystocele – prolapsed bladder into the vaginal vault
Bladder prolapse after birth and again rescuing this whilst pregnant.
WE MUST HAVE APPROPRIATE NUTRITION in and before and after pregnancy if we want all to hang together well.

Laurie and the bolster – to assist the ‘all fall down’ organs – esp after the side lying move – that we did not get to tomorrow . .