We all think we know
We have been told that it is a pump
That it moves used/de oygenated blood back into the system via the the blood interface with the lungs – and send that resulting ‘red’ blood back around the circulatory system to keep life going.
That the ‘blue’ blood – oxygen lessened is then sent back via the venous system to return to be mixed with the newly minted oxygen rich blood – to repeat – at least 60x a minute, Relentlessly. As we need more oxygen to the cells/tissues. it ramps up its business.
That fluid from the blood leaks out to bathe the tissues. cells further away from the action and to take back what is not supposed to be – as a form of garbage system. The glands with lymph nodes at the groin, the armpits and under the ears/in the neck dispense with nasties. so they do not sully the heart – as this is the home of our Shen/seat of the essence of who we are – and from an East Asian medical perspective is where ‘we’ reside’. In this paradigm – (you have been warned – here is MORE than the physical only) the brain being the home of the blood – as it is not a special organ, but a system in itself.
Further – some of us are in a bit of a mess. We had NOT dealt with the hits that we have had over the life so far – and the storage of the grief /heartbreaks and distressing disconnections to what and who we thought we were/could be – all add up.
And weigh heavily on our hearts. Our language says it all for us.
2020 – when life was set off on a new trajectory
That Planet A – where we all thought we were in charge – has gone.
Besides the life dislocation – put what was aside, and maybe it will come back to you – in tatters – in a few years – all the social distress , the financial ruin for so many of us, the fear campaign that unrelentingly came about – like living in a bad science fiction show – daily, in all forms and loudly – with NO recourse to self help . ..
Here we are. Often in a state no one could have imagined.
Our bodies respond to the messages we give it
FEAR? Sure – (body says “I will stuff up all circulation and create so much drama” – “you have instructions?” – sure – “I will follow” ..
IF you did take the jab – maybe waiting for your number to come up. (‘Died suddenly’ is a consequence of being experimented upon – as with all the animal trails over the past 20 years as they tried to get a SAFE way of using rNA technology – with no consequences and governments all over – paid off – with no accountability if we are silly enough to hand over sovereignty of our beings – in all parts – we will get what is planned . .and the worry of this? Maybe you are blithely ignoring all warnings as you think ‘surely not’?
Until it is you.
Or your loved ones.
Most now know someone who is dead – who would not have been – let alone all who have a hastening their end of life – with newly weird and wonderful stuff occurring to them. That the medical people are telling them is ‘anxiety’. Maybe – as a secondary consideration when those tasked with a duty of care – have breached it to stay in employment, gone totally against their First Do No Harm and are happily behaving as the foots soldiers that the German army of the 1930’s would have been proud of.
“I was just doing my job”.
NOPE – thinking and having the best interests of the patients is that job – now transformed into following orders.
What is happening is YOU will have to become your own health detective/nurse/doctor and healing help.
YOU have your best interests at heart.
What to do?
See more here – if it is a cardiac issue.
As an experiment – you may have missed that the entire show was about compliance- separate to inserting heaven knows what (one compamy wanted it to be secret for 75 years!!).
What next?
You may need to know how to help yourself – and your people.
Who knows? It would seem that the obvious is now beyond those tasked with problem solving – as the biggest problem they face as employees as is keeping their jobs. Mouthpieces/slaves who must do what the govt says – all medical staff not only gagged but threatened ‘bullied into NOT acting in your best interests – by virtue of the ‘common good’.
GONE – First Do No Harm

The very first thing to be told is NOT that it is ‘all in your head’ . The betrayal that will swamp you then.
That was how people saw me in the late ’70’s -when all medical had no idea – go see Heather.
Here we are again – it is all up you – was the line taken .
This that the jab was safe – patently not – and effective – yet the third side effect of the jab was – you get COVID!
Anxious – why would you NOT be – with the consequences of so many losing their lives suddenly – or being in such a mess that they are not able to function as they did. Were perfect well prior to – and now not ever again.
And no one listening . . .
Take a tranquilizer. Not the right treatment when your body is in chaos. See what the embalmers world wide are finding inside most bodies – what IS stopping life – circulation is STUCK. What is growing inside you is likely to kill you.
Compliance. Too trusting. Believed what you were told to think. that all would be better if you did as you were told.
HERE WE ARE – 2023 – you or a loved one has heart/energy/life challenges . . I wrote this in April 2021 when the jab was being rolled out.
No one has any clue. .
Thus – here I will talk of the steps you can take and frst we must acknowledge that we are all in this mess – regardless of what decisions we made and why.
Physically – we have NOT been following what causes health. See more there – a life recipe.
I strongly urge you to get out of your feelings of . . .wherever you are, take charge again and LIVE in your own life – start here
All of us are irreparably changed (and likely for the best) as we now have very different life ‘goal posts’.

Hopefully we are better for this self reflection time – what we stand for – what matters to us and our loved ones – and often – who ARE our loved ones – as the divide can be brutal when a religious conversion plays out.
Is there even thought now? As the dogma of a new ‘science’ emerged. Seeing how those around us act and who we are aligned with and what to.Being good and trying to avoid the sword that others have had thrust through their lives?
The fear – how did this happen?
Before you get reactive – do ask yourself – why would Heather say this?
Can I prove her wrong?
Take out what is NOT supposed to be there

We now are being born pre polluted – 2005 report – can’t imagine now.
Maybe YOU need to find out more? Do not take my word for it.
Physically – the metals at least – how did they come about? Beside the modern body burden, also the contents – adjuvants – of the jabs (a theory – ever proven – but the opposite can be – dangerous business outsourcing body functions for profit – and also the present jab. PLUS – all that is being thrown into the air and drifting down – causing massive life challenges – for all living things – esp the trees and the soil microbiome – that we are yet to discover. See ncd – natural cellular defense – more here
We are full of life destructive chemicals and agents..
Your first job is to declutter – as with a smelly fridge – discover what is wrong and toss it out.
When it has been purposefully put in there – the first thing is to DO NO MORE.
And take out what is wrecking normal biochemical pathways.
I have had a life time of being a natural health detective – thus this is second nature to me.
For you – it may be a step too far. Maybe contact me for assistance?

When I was told in 1986 that my newborn daughter would die – I did not take that as being the last word- what would they know was my instant response – she was born tho me and I was likely to do very different (wait and see) than what the medicos said – all the specialists were in agreement – totally hopeless brain injury. She is 36 years old .Very healthy. Also her 24/7 care is impeccable. And expensive. And would not have been needed had I not been the ‘good’ mum and gotten the MMR jab in between babies – that totally destabilised my immune system whilst I was pregnant with her: then the dental treatment that flooded my body – and hers’ with mercury: creating even more damage.
In 2005, when I heard the tone of a friend’s voice lift, I asked her (on a phone call) ‘Is this the new homeopath’s doing?’ – to hear that “no, it was detoxing drops” – I thought – if it has created such a difference for her – they can only help Kathryn – my profoundly autistic daughter. As my friend was so much better – I open to all suggestions as I had hit a wall for Kathryn – and hence would trial them on myself first. Once I got my own stash – they come in from America – I took 10 drops, went to bed and awoke with a clearer head . . . (I thought – impossible!! – I must have imagined it. And kept taking ten drops three times daily. I now realise that this is was the pyroluria starting to lift – when this is a problem, there is zinc and B6 being filtered out of the body instead of being held – and the mercury blocks zinc absorption. The zeolites started to move the heavy metals making the zinc in my food invisible to me and the ability to see it meant a change in clarity – I was very surprised for it to be so instant.
Improvements – my OWN heart
(severely broken by life – especially as above)

Several months went by and I started to notice that I could walk up hills – due to my congestive heart failure and prolapsed mitral valve this was not possible. I was not able to talk whilst walking – or even carry my own water bottle with me. (Previously could not have any extra load on my heart and even then I could not even walk up the steps to my house without lying down afterwards and when arising, feeling worse. This is a paralysing problem. Taking drugs/chemicals to mask what had happened to me allowed me to keep going – and was better than nothing – but now reliant on me taking these forever! Why I needed to was not investigated. Not asked, not even thought through. The reliance o orthodox medicine – a retail not a wellness model. In desperation I took what allowed me to stay functioning – I could not even stand to cook to then leave the energy to eat.
Any gradient previously – I was just not able to. On the flat I could walk for miles. . Having been on heart medication for a few years I thought that I was already as well as I could be – this is as I had tried all herbal and supplements that I had in the clinic for others – even taking weight for dosage Co Q10 and seeing no improvement at all in myself (was 12 tablets ail for a while). Why is body not working? Not asked . .
What was the difference?
I started the liquid activated zeolites, 10 drops three times a day – no other changes as I had for years by then been through everything I could think of – including retiring from practice – to try to resolve this for myself. How did these work? – Took out the heavy metals (esp mercury) that were causing the nutrients to be blocked and hence causing malnutrition. The heavy metals – especially mercury also blocks Selenium. Then no glutathione – the body’s anti aging, anti inflammatory, anti toxins defense is muted/lost – as ingredients are needed as building blocks to ensure an easy life. Best answe r- also take the glutathione accelerator here.

Then the world went mad.
medicine NOT doing the job they had been assumed to do
Means that now those left standing being paid in the system – are fearful of their lives and jobs) thus they do what is expected.
The caring ones cared also for themselves and could not NOT do what hey were in the job for.
Regret and betrayal will be large now. Stories to counter the FACT that an experimental gene modification was let loose by ALL governments, Shutting down all social contact, the dwindling of humanity in all ways possible, whilst streaming doom , gloom and destruction unless all ‘sheltered in place’ – in w=quite often the UNSAFETY of the domestic environment – whilst whatever was a problem that people escaped from in the day escalated with the weeks, months that hey were denied access to their lives – and often their businesses, their education, their income and their hopes for ANY future.. .
How could this NOT have impacted on a person?
Regardless of the presence of any contaminant – hopelessness did its own thing
In East Asian medicine:
What is a heart?
The home of the Shen – or your driver. Having a clear heart
Its connection to your wombspace and the nurturing we give ourselves keeps us here – happy and functioning – shall we at least look after OURSELVES?