This is part of the intensive push into L.L.I. .
In that training we are focused on essentially womb wrangling – the Gentling Way.
Not FORCING as Mercier work could be if done alone.
We are starting to do something different. Actual problems to be solved – and ALL will be complications of life not lived easily.
Some here have been with me and this work for a few years – some are just in.
We are traveling intensely as I keep saying – that is it – and I really need my ‘life back’ . .
As in helping multiple others – not only fiddling about online. .
1 – Diastasis
2 – Prolapse (To see more CLICK)
3 – ‘All fall down’
4 – Incontinence

Gaping diastasis, hopeless gut function, an unformed palate/fingers also not working well . .
Reconnecting is partially the moves – and a lot of what comes into body work – gently . .
The entire series towards Reconnecting
Connective tissue
Scars is what we are covering leading into the February experience
HOWEVER – to get ‘into the grove’, the Free/Move Your Qi, Foundational Moves and Reset Your Metabolism plus all the info found in the content eBooks, and experiential learning from Selfing and ideally a start in on Gentle Self Discovery are needed.
Here we have a connective tissue issue.
Spleen Qi/Yang and ingredients . . .Please look here for an in-depth look (CLICK)
I did a bit on the diastasis over three years ago on this site (CLICK)
also need investigating . .
Diastasis is seen on anyone – not only in and after pregnancy – but often is.
More here (CLICK).
What to do
1 – Fix it – either way – you have to as when you get
2 – Surgery – you still have to do something serious about the ingredients and circulation.
What needs fixing?
Entire system – as the SYMPTOM is diastasis – what else is happening?
Why it is there? – connective tissue is not OK
Case – 2018 Brisbane L.L.II. training
Here is a remarkable tale of choosing to NOT have surgery – she had had so may stuff ups in past surgeries – nothing could induce her to undergo again . . it was 9 months of daily dressings – and she likely still has her guts hanging out.
What you see here is the result of doing ‘only’ the scar work on the 40 year old appendix scar.
All students around her were watching me apply what I was teaching on people who were happy to receive gratis. . Her diastasis was about 1/3 of what it has been the day before. . That in itself was stunning. Plus she had slept almost all day /night since we had seen her the day before – and was rapt that she was getting peristalsis we=here she had not felt it – since that appendix scar. I was more interested in sorting out the neck -she had been hit by a tree and was fairly crippled a well. . . Needling and very gentle work was all we could do.
In preparation for this page – I investigated .. . .
I was trawling what Jennifer Mercier was doing.
I found me – still on her site in Greymouth (NZ) and STILL in Bne (I have asked her to take me off for a while now) one a O.T. not using her site in Byron and one in Melbourne – who seems to be offering doula services massage etc.
Here is what she has on diastasis (CLICK)
And on C section (CLICK)
Why was I?
Her moves are what I teach – my way – in L.L.I. (Living Ligaments I- where you are headed in March . . )
Mercier Therapy – if I was in business – this would be the front page (CLICK)
At the end of this training series – I will possibly set it up again . .
I can not do more training with Jennifer – and am not sure even if I could get to USA and did have the $$ whether it would be what to do – as it is so heaving medicalised and is not addressing holism – thus you have the best of . ..and looking at the entire being is where we are heading.
Finding and working on a diastasis
The whole story . . . .
Me teaching in Albi in 2017
Another Mercier therapist has on diastasis (CLICK)
What Mercier therapy does and is (CLICK).
What I had up over three years ago (CLICK)
My version of Mercier work with men (CLICK)
Diastasis – what and why (CLICK)
A page I have up with gentle fixing moves (CLICK)
Also here (CLICK)
Bronwyn – 48 now.
7 lb baby . .
Transfer to hosp as labour not progressing well . .
Eventually baby arrived – vaginally – after lots of hassle . .. vacuum (Ventouse) and forceps tried.
6 weeks later – had a NINE CM separation of rectus abdominus.
Medical suggestion – surgery
B/f 3 years . ..periods after 2 months.
Prolapse – obviously worse after a few years . .
Diastasis now 2.5 wide and 2 cm deep at navel .
COMPLICATIONS – 1 Hemoangioma (external) CLICK in her liver (CLICK) – A liver hemangioma (he-man-jee-O-muh) is a noncancerous (benign) mass in the liver made up of a tangle of blood vessels. Also known as hepatic hemangiomas or cavernous hemangiomas, these liver masses are common and are estimated to occur in up to 20% of the population.
And 2 – Fibroids (More STUCK BLOOD) – CLICK
See what Quesha has written about her experience here (CLICK)My question . . Why did all this happen?
Apparently normal pregnancy.
Till PUPPS – (liver very distressed – itching feet, legs, palms. . appeared at 38 weeks
PUPPP stands for pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy. It’s one of the most common skin conditions of pregnancy and is often also called polymorphic eruption of pregnancy or toxemic rash of pregnancy. It’s a harmless but itchy rash with hive-like bumps that usually appear on your belly and stretch marks during your third trimester.
Natural solutions? All seem to talk of local/reactive not causative . .(CLICK)
BUT – was it choleothiasis ? (CLICK) ‘Intense itching is the main symptom of cholestasis of pregnancy. But there is no rash. Typically, you feel itchy on the palms of your hands or the soles of your feet, but you may feel itchy everywhere. The itching is often worse at night and may bother you so much that you can’t sleep’. More on this (CLICK) Then there is the REAL version from me (CLICK)
Body grew baby outwards. Ended up due to WRONG obstetric care in birthing – a 9 cm diastasis (CLICK)
Straight upwards – the fibroids AT LEAST will be growing almost exponentially.
Bronwyn did not over bleed after birth – but no doubt reabsorbed a lot of this.

Start up – C section defect (CLICK)
Elke and Bronwyn introduce themselves. ..
We need to start with ‘selfing’ – becaus ethe body remembers everything that has ever happened to it – and holds the space/hostage till we uncover to resolve. BLOCKAGES to healing.
Reconnecting – brings up ‘trauma’ – STUCK . . .
How I got this system in this order . . Rainey came in.
11.00 – Free Your Qi Moves, Foundational Moves (online course) nutrients need to GET here – (CLICK)
14.00 – PRINT out many forms from the one at the end of this page. .
Ask the right questions . . . . what was grandmother afflicted by?
15.00 – Hemoangiomas . . 7.5 cm x 4cm when scanned was largest one . .
18.30 – PUPPPS Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy. NOTE that they are not aware what causes this (‘more research needed’) – imagine being medical and not being definitive about anything but the need to jab people – a cult if ever you saw one! No questioning allowed. . (CLICK) and pregnancy went straight out the front after all the pushing and body catastrophes – . .
21.30 – NINE cm diastasis!!!! See Patti’s video above . . (‘aliens’).
24.30 – LIV 52 D.S.- liver corrections (CLICK)
26.00 – R.B.T.I. – calcium and mineral deficiencies – Iodine and Iron also . .
All messed up as what blocked as the body assimilating . .fine tune . . Detox drops (CLICK) Glutathione accelerator (CLICK)
31.00 – HEAT caused by sugar (CLICK). .
32.00 – Vanessa – mother not made well . . .start of all her own issues. . and brother’s allergy to kerosine heater.
34.50 – Bronwyn‘s mother’s mother ‘s story . . Zimbabwe . .
37.00 – What did Bronwyn do? Pushed for many hour sand inappropriately – and Blood energy is great.
39.00 – ‘Weakness’ – no support in body – all collapsed. .
40.20 – Smoothies – solved the constipation . .
41.20 – ‘Freely Moving’ – Panaxea . . NOT Free Movement (undoes Stuck Liver Qi CLICK). Normal Liver Qi (CLICK)
44.00 – low thyroid (Yang Qi not happy – CLICK)
45.00 – Building up mum’s Blood energy in pregnancy /breastfeeding – Ginseng and Longan usually Dang Gui And Peonia. .
46.30 – my books to come – shown on cardboard . ..

47.00 – Best acupuncture text – no words. .
‘Philosophical and Clinical Tools in Chinese Medicine’ Aram Tzayig – self published 2011
49.00 – Body needs Blood energy . .
50.30 – Bronwyn’s emotional . . . explanation and context (CONTEXT) Spleen QI is under attack . .
52.00 – Rainey gone
53.00 – Lollypop Rebozo and discoveries when using this – in 4 legged position ..
55.00 – What happened as we were NOT looked after/supported as a recovering new mum . .
57.00 – Tongue from a TCM perspective shows us heaps. .
58.00- Emotional – our family lives. . .
Whatever else is going on in the world currently .
My electricity died so the last bit is audio.

Tongue is likely as on left.
Were it as on right – she would be in a much worse state
You see the reddish tip – Heart Blood is affected by the emotional ‘stuff’ we all have. May need the Ginseng and Longan – not Ginseng and Astragalus to begin with – usually women with prolapses are told to take Ginseng and Astragalus. . Panaxea numbers are in brackets – but unless you are a practitioner with them I am not sure they will send out powders – and these are at last 200gm bottles needed – and take 1 tsp x 3 daily in hot water to dissolve. .
Beginning – Blood energy is OK – so as she has been looking after herself so well – what else do we need to consider?
How did the LIVER Stuck Blood – hemoangiomas and the fibroids gone. (I will see about the Period App content on these).
3.00- Emotional component – ?? What causes dysharmony in the body . .
4.00 – Do not stat with Chinese herbs . .
Serrapetase (CLICK)
6.30 – Fibroids (CLICK)
7.00 – Castor oil packs – (CLICK) and the LIv 53 D.S.
8.00 – What happened to your grandma? She made the egg that made you . . .
9.00 – Which is why we are not seeing people – one session when ever they feel like. .
9.50 – B’s coccyx off to the left – not centrally placed . . This is why we HAVE to be steaming – as there is a need to warm up/let go . .
10.00 – Neil Pont on Gold Coast . .(CLICK)
13.00 – Fibroid is also calcified . . . (body has so far NOT healed itself – why not???)
Castor oil steaming and self care – touching belly . .
14.00 – Rainforest Herbs- from Arvigo. (I shall email you this)
15.00- Elke – Need to see the entire package – not ONLY the womb falling down
16,00 – Georgie – grandmother influsnece
16.30 – Castor oil Vanessa – has to become a HABIT. .
18.20 – This is why – they have to be INVESTED in their own healing
Bronwyn as well as a baby growing also had . .

Fibroid (CLICK) Tanya’s case – do go through all of this (CLICK)
What I wrote for the (CLICK) in the 2013 Apps. . .(Period App)
What would have created the liver ACTUAL STUCK BLOOD (CLICK) and the fibroids?
Do download and print . . MANY copies . .