
See the bladder project FIRST
Damp And STUCK LIVER QI – pissed off . . goes to heat so easily . . Pricklies and heat
We also mention pricklies – we have to.
The energy signature sets this up.
FILMED ?April 2023
Description – from Arivgo PCT manual 2013
A malpositioned uterus (especially one chat is positioned anteriorly) places downward pressure on the bladder. Upon urination, the bladder is unable to empty completely, leaving small amounts of urine ro collect in interstitial cells. The collected sediment eventually develops into an infection. Bladder infections are characterized by frequent urination that is often accompanied by burning, pain, fever, and sometimes pus in the urine. They are a result of the lymph system’s inability to receive anti-invader cells. Bladder infections are more common during pregnancy as the extra load placed on the kidneys from increased blood volume makes them work overtime. Tn addition, the developing uterus places more pressure on the bladder.
The central panel of the client’s panties is made either of cotton or synthetic material. Having synthetic material in contact with the labia and vagina on a daily basis increases the tendency to bladder infections. The act of intercourse may introduce bacteria into the urethra and to the bladder since the female urethra is much shorter than the male urethra. Some women report chronic and recurrent bladder infections that arc unsuccessfully treated by drug or natural therapies. This tendency co breed bacteria in the bladder will clear up often as soon as the uterus is lifted into its proper position.
2.30 – Case 1 – Someone has a daughter with bladder infections .
Case 2 – Nat with from 2 years old bladder infections. . . and the ink from tats?
6.00 – peeing before sex . and my in older life observation – men need to know
7.30 – causation heat pouring down – as heat has to leave from the bladder . . 0ngoing /chronic or acute just happened.
8.45 – Need to undo WHY – sliding and gliding not happening if the womb is sitting in top of this = and the whiplashes – need to lift all up . .
11.00– Lenley and how she felt after – lightness in the lower belly (and stopped sweating)
13.30 – Is the last move . . .
!4.45 – Lenley reporting on the person she is working in – needs a hip replacement . .and as they have been jabbed – who knows?
16..30 – Identical quads and all needing left hip replaced – and breast reductions
18.00 – Lenley was not touching bodies when we started . . pay attention to the temperatures
DEL’S FIRST SESSION – the beginning moves and after the hip replacement (Scars to be released)
21.00 – Why checkers . . . and why we need to do intensive bundles.
Good that all have done ‘pricklies’ – the GB and Korean hand acupuncture – all fits together ..
24.00 – MY HIPS – lots of falls/ plenty of BVitD3 and magnesium – and not painful/needing help.
24.50 – Why not flowing properly? Toxins/ heat/pissed off – womb/viscera not in right position
26.00 – need to remember peritoneal untangler
27.00 – Dance instructor case – selfing is SO important – then Nat’s case – how did this happen?
29.30 – me reading from WDCD? DAMP
31.30 – need to go home with them to see what is going in n context . .
PROSTATE CASE – all are making money on those who are disenchanted, disempowered/reaked out – biomedicine – needs to ask different questions.
Paul #1
Paul #2
35.00 – WHAT are they going to do once they leave you?
Water and non toxics and panty liners Drion . . .
37.00 – Georgie‘s potential patient . .
38.00 – Me saying – bot much of a problem . . .(prior to the interstitial cystitis I had).
39.30 – NEED to ask questions . . .Vanessa’s bladder after first birth . .
40.00 – Lenley’s hubby Dave – and his indwelling catheter – and being in all the Chinese herbs . . etc
41.00 – Candida? Retroverted womb – FLOWS NEED TO FLOW. .
POINTS Bl 60, Co 4 and Xi Cleft points – Lenley had to needle Dave – Ki xi-cleft point
43.00 – Maja and getting womb out as non one knew what this would do for her sexuality – then there is mesh
44.00 – Quesha and foot spas and getting rid of the 3 lb fibroid . . .
46.00 – case of Vanessa’s mum and having womb out at 26/27 – and all is falling down as the ligaments are bot tied off . .
47.00 – What most took away ? Vanessa – depth . .
48.00 – Korean hand points and trying them out
50.00 – ENERGY FOLLOWS THOUGHT – and did that actual operation work – or was it the thinking that they had had it?
51.30 – IVF and sperm – hardly anyone knows …
53.00- the youngish woman with the ‘need’ for the hip replacement – why not FIX why it is needed .