
This follows on from last week, when we played with why does it hurt (all levels) to be a woman?
We will be looking at the missing piece of this puzzle. .
How it is that the best intentions often do not result in what we expected?
TUTORIAL 2 The connective tissue and how it relates to the Damp and Spleen Qi and Yang Qi and cold penetration and the thyroid/Iodine depletion and how that slows all down and leads into all that falls down – does not keep its place – urine included . . Fluid, lymph, gut unction PLUS – holding things in place – organs, blood, babies, tissues holding their own space..
These links are now password protected. If you do not have it – please contact me.
Manual lymph moves – basic beginnings

Saggy Baggy bellies Spleen Qi/Yang – what does it DO?? Holds all in place – blood, babies, tissues, organs . . .
How is this an issue? Spleen Qi and its strength . .. COLD wastes it (old wives) – then we have ALL FALL DOWN
Jasmine -Japan, Lisa K i-Florida, Trisha & Noel in Philadelphia, Quesha California, Vanessa in Vict, Aust, Lenley & Georgie – G.C. Aust
3.00 – Get your birth written up . and children if you have had them.
Dr Shen and cardiac issue – personality
The Pregnancy Map – I will send by email – needs editing .

5.30 – The table – works for anything .
9.00 – Introducing Noel . . Lisa . . . and belly scar . .
12.00 – Georgie arrived
14.00 – Spleen Qi/Yang and functions of
18.00 – Me being somewhat feminist in this – and find older women and learn from them.
19.45 – Functions of Yang Qi . . protective – Wei Qi and from the lungs. .
23.00 – Early H and her invasion cold. .
COLD wastes Yang Qi
26.00 – H birth stories – setting up the prolapses for later
29.30 – Jasmine’s grandmother and early life, now, and how to fix it all
37.00 – Q and gut – using a lot of green spices, herbs in food
39.00 – Need iodine .. for peristalsis Iodine . . .. where is it? If a problem body = and nothing helping – that is it.
42.00 – Kathryn’s not poohing . . .
44.30 – Noel had a C section due to O.P. presentation . . . first of 4 children.
47.00 – Cone head and full bladder . .
50.00 – Lisa on O.P. – see more here
54.00 – Structure Determines Function – and the Amish mother’s story . .
56.30 – Veganism and nutrients needed to nourish baby
57.30 – My instant hemorrhoid . . FURY attacks the Sp/pancreas energy . .
59.30 – Heat causes blood to go reckless. GV women and vaginal v.v.
1.01.00 – Lenley and the advanced belly move – and sweating stopped. . and poohing.
1.03.00 – HEAT IN BLOOD Q’s story as rescuing herself from fibroids. . Hot Blood
1.06.00 – Q and yoni eggs
1.09.00 – Difference between the two grandmothers. . . ( Q and Jasmine)
1.10.30 – Two aspects of Spleen Qi not coping – cold invasion and emotional Liver Qi upset.
1.13.00 – Lisa – diff between Stuck Liv r Blood and Hot Blood?
1.16.00 – Q’s story as to causation – how do we make the Blood?)
1.17.00 – Eating disorders
1.19.00 – The energetics of the eating (cold wanted, causes more troubles)
1.21.00 – Surgeries get scars and adhesions and lymph

1.22.30 – Trisha and chopping wombs out – ligaments??
1.24.00 – Hysterectomy and complications . . Lenley going .
1.26.00 – Lisa– ho long to change?. . FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS
1.28.00 – Fibroids – stuck liver Blood and thus Qi . . . negative ion foot baths
1.32.00 – Georgie and how long it takes . . what was the outcome needed Desperation??
1.36.00 – Vanessa -the body remembers everything that ever happened to it. Supra pubic catheter
1.39.30 – IT HEALED – was because she was well nourished and breastfeeding – body remakes itself . . .post natally. Support – dad cut up the meal, so she could feed herself one handed ..
1.42.00 – Jasmine – what question – Spleen Qi =holding everything up- what about the detoxing the live r(organ). One aspect. Emotions
1.44.00 – Drops – to detox heavy metals and Gluathione Accelerator (ORG) takes out one mercury pathway.
1.45.00 – Vanessa’s healing accelerated after amalgams taken out.
1.47.00 – Ki Qi not holding – is another Yang Qi issues but also the ‘lower yin’ – sphincters.. .fear, allergic, H.H. .correction – all of this needs looking at .. .not holing urine – or STUCK and can’t come out – look at relevant pages in WDCD 100 and again 6 pages around 122 . . – and also in the miscarriage section .. post natal starts there . . .also lack of muscle tone . .
1.51.00 – Amy and her prolapsed bladder. Trish – ALWAYS work on ingredients – ad also her husband’s laundry list.
FURTHER ON AMY – getting ready to birth – she did – well
1.56.00 – Q – and using iodine . . .looking and feeling better.
1.58.00. – Vanessa at 10 degrees – and middle of winter . .bodies need to self regulate . . Need to do WOMEN’S medicine . .
2.02.00 – What all got out of tonight. Trish, Noel, Lisa, (look at pp 136/7 WDCD), Quesha – Ki Qi, Ki yang Vanessa – sweating – role of Three Heater in production and circulation of QI , Blood and BODY FLUIDS . . .DIASTASIS and Jasmine . emotions and Qi needed to also be looked at.

How to assist – once the ingredients, the taking OUT of the cold and the general awareness that SELF FIRST applies?
If you have a prolapse, incontinence, varicose veins and what not . . .
Perhaps print out the form above and watch how you got set up.
See a recent (today) news on computer –
PCOS – no one asking why the explosion – STUCK BLOOD. That jab and what it is leaking out of all . . Endo also
Forget hormones. . . What do we make them with? PCOS and endo – can it be that simple? YES
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Where we are headed next: After all of this we go into working in each other: and whoever else I can find to play with whilst you are here.
TUTORIAL 3 Sacral wakeups/coccyx and why so important – how the GV (Du) and CV (Ren) and Chong meridians impact and how they are the essence of our circulation – once we are through the Stuck LIver Qi and Spleen Yang Qi (including gut /lymph) to work as designed.
TUTORIAL 4 Connective tissue, adhesions, fascia, scars
TUTORIAL 5 – Mammalian Maternity – normal – quick run around the 7 year cycles and Jing
TUTORIAL 6 – How we got to Modern messes. Why we do the Gentling Way Then we are all here DOING