
I invite you to sit down with a cuppa and explore.
This is purposely does not have a swank new style. This site is for the serious seekers who know that they need more than what is on offer elsewhere.
Please take the time to acknowledge that large changes on your part may be needed to give you the the healing that you desire. Likely this will take more more than your showing up, and having someone touch you: more than your spending money and expecting being fixed.
Likely have been searching and something about my name, energy, experience has led you to me. How can I help? By listening caring, and putting a different spin on what has happened so far. I know that I am seen as being blunt – most kiwis are. I know that I have a plethora of resources that no one else has thought to compile.
I also know that when you find what you need, for the time you need you may be stuck like glue to me (hence I do intensive bundles of care, not seeing you when you feel like showing up). Also I live in rural Far North Queensland. Hiding, working out what next. Being with nature.
You are not a car. I am not a mechanic
All needs to be in alignment. Possibly you are out of synch with your life purpose.

What ever it is that you wish to make better, likely massive change is needed. It may be inability to sleep. Possibly in great physical or other pain. All feel off balance, not aligned, not at home, or be able to cope with their pasts. The body in its wisdom, may be refusing to heal from something that has kept you STUCK/traumatised. Seeing your body as a collection of naughty bits that need repairing, is part of the medical model. You are a whole and need to accept your role in creating whatever is now your focus. It will not fix what it is that you are missing and the body is showing you.
I had my own clinic in central Brisbane since early 1979. I saw all who had come to the end of the road, and were seen as being ‘hopeless’. I quickly got a name for myself to be the most likely to offer solutions that worked,, as I saw life and bodies through different lenses. I asked different questions, always being ‘the black sheep’ I went my own way, and kept looking in behalf of those who were seeing me.
Concurrently, I ran the clinic, wrote and taught acupuncture and lived in my own life, having babies, always open to mentor those acupuncturists who wished for better results. Since 1999 I have had at least one web site to assist those who find themselves desperate enough to welcome change. Unusually, the first was to assist those who knew that they were holding onto what was keeping them stuck. See the meditation work here (free download). How did I start here? My own life – and my own dramas with my own daughter – as she was born, supposedly to die. I saved her.
I knew I needed to live in my life after whatever happened and I needed to do what was needed, regardless of the limitations set by all others.
That phrase ‘what do the doctors say?’ was first off most people’s lips. Wait for her to die did not suit me. That was in 1986. She is now 38 years old.
How did I cope? I found ways. I share them for those interested. I got a semblance of my past life back as she was in a different life set up.
Back in clinic in 1999, I had spent some time with a person who was now dying of cancer after she birthed her third child. I was the one who walked her through never being the mum of that daughter, and how to find her own peace and way out of here, as she did die when that precious child was three months of age. How could I ? I had faced this and was treading a different path than most others whose own lives had not been touched with premature endings.
Whilst this may sound extreme, some of us have signed up for being there. If/when it is my turn, I hope there will be a Heather for me also.
Most who have sought my care have an apparently unsolvable issue that may show up in their physical to be cleared. Often some may know that something is awry – as the car above. Obvious when you see it. Often not to others.
You may have apecific concerns
By now most realise it is US within that needs help – not only the sore neck, the new condition discovered, or the gyne issue or the headaches.
Wonder how awell body works? The overall solutiom s site s here
Got breast issues? See here
Can’t make a baby? See here
Scared of birthing and want it easier? See here
Should – as that is what s e x is for. See more here. , attacked by chemicals and scalpels. Not letting whatever it go is generally the beginning of a long road where other helpers treat them as a bit that needs fixing .
Asking the body what it needs may need a total mind set shift,..
I direct you to something I put up whilst I was in clinic – Are We A Good Fit?’
R.I.C.E. – whose responsibility, intention, commitment and empowerment are we seeking? By now, likely not mine. YOU need to take charge.
The way to me may have been paved with good intentions – from so many BUT now it is firmly you and me if you choose to – to work out how you got nowhere this seems the only way out of where you have flt for the meditation work that I felt was essential- to clear out the life residue that was getting in the way of a body healing itself.
Then I began adding in what I knew was needed – essentially an owner’s manual. The first I wrote in 2001 – called Living As Energy, a way to see life as an electrical instruction kit that runs the physical body. In 2002 I wrote Living In It, as a trilogy of how to live well with your digestive system, your bleeding years, as working out how to undo yourself and the tangle solving as best you could got you stuck in.
The meditation poster, the rainbow poster (how a well gut works) and the red women’ life one are all available if you seek me out.
in 2005 I completed my major work in print – What Dads Can Do as I saw the dearth of real information as we no longer are farmer’s and most see birthing as a mystery best handed over, rather than the culmination of a loving couple’s desires. Meeting your new family loved one is as simple as following nature – see more here Maybe you need to sort out what comes first?
Easy periods? See more here.
. – as the way I saw bodies working and returning to normal was different to what the usual medical answers. Along the way, as I was in 1979 the only woman acupuncturists and naturopath in Brisbane city , I saw mainly women whose reproductive systems were not responding well to the medical model.
And those is severe and usual lifelong pain – accidents, aging and the ever present ineptitude of a system that does not respect the processes of life.
people wanted a quick fix, and forget about looking after themselves.
Sometimes that is not possible, and finding me usually meant they went on a journey as if they followed my suggestions, life was easier.
they got the baby that before IVF was unlikely, Their period woes departed, and they could live without the monthly challenges, their terrible migraines, debilitating neck and shoiudler troubles left the=m, their gut and its running their lives calmed down.
And – I always had an answer from the many modalities I was using concurrently.
Life moved on, I began teaching a course I co designed and co wrote for acupuncturists and had more children, more responsibilities and left clinic as my third child was born to die and took all my attention for her first eight years.
I had my last baby and life became different as a single mother, I went back into clinic, teaching again, and carried on, seeing those whose lives needed more tn what was on offer. Seeing too much medically unfixable situations, I searched. I found wombwork in 2014, discovered that almost ALL structural problems need a visceral realignment found in the Mercier work in 2016. I incorporated her physical aspects in with my own Moving Blockages form of undoing the life that led a person at my clinic, and spent from 2017 teaching as many interested in permanently altering bodies as I could.
This took me around the world , as I was already involved in working at the cutting edge of where acupuncturists were stuck for answers.

2020, we had the global shut down, my immense teaching and healing centres were disassembled. We all find ourselves in a world where we would not have imagined. Where the basic medical care is no longer guaranteed, as we are told to go home till we are nearly dead, then come back.
Where you may have expected assistance, now none is offered. Gaslighting has become a new medical experience. Many, having taken the advice, pressures, and demands, did what they did not wish to do and are now not who they were, and have nowhere to turn.
Some, as myself, knew we were different and too sensitive and refused to put ourselves at risk. We are all now in trouble, as the experiment went the way it was designed to and the systems that may have worked in the past no longer can. In our bodies and provided for us by the governments.
In need of a new way. I am only interested in helping those who have worked out that they are in charge of their selves, their choices, their habits and their lives. If you are looking for someone to ‘fix’ you, please keep looking, I am not your own. The path that led you to here may have been tumultuous, or someone may have said – see what Heather Says . . .I put a site up on that as the spouses and friends of past patients (recipients of my care) invariably asked – what Heather say to do? In 2013/4, as i was designing three phone apps – Periods, Pregnancy ans Fertility – this site supported this project.
It was for those who wanted a change of looking at life and their bodies – and found it there as this is a basic acupuncture /East Asian medical model – through my eyes of being a helper in a modern world where following what works is foreign. Where people had to relearn what ran their bodies, and why they were not working as they had. Generally as the expectations of a sufferer where at odds with what that body could now do – due to past ignoring messages.
Which ones?
The pain, and distress that we all tend to ignore and work through – hoping that it would go away.
Why would you pay attention?
Life experience – I have so much of it – helping those when ‘hopeless’ was likely.
BUT – bodies DO heal themselves . .
When they can – PAIN??? Maybe see here what you can do to help yourself??