
Accumulation of tissue growing where it is not supposed to – in or outside or within your uterus itself.
Stuck Liver Blood. Lack of iodine
Cold in body, (CLICK) and body has grown extra tissue to protect itself.
Lack of Vit A and Vit D and together? See Weston – Price work
Over exposure to estrogen like chemicals.
Correct nutritional deficiencies and take out what is not supposed to be in your body.
Look to polyps and prolapses. (other parts of this app)
Uterine Qi needs rebuilding. –
Do also see all on the Heather Says site – it was designed to back up the apps an answer any question = users may have.
See a good acupuncturist/ Chinese herbalist.
Use Iodine topically, eat far more sea vegetables, animal fats and protein.
Use safe intimate care products. The negative ion strips will help normalise your body.

All that is in the Challenge – after the Selfing Intensive (after the Selfing online component ) will allow the deeper understanding of what is happening and how to live well with the process of healing (change) that we all must go through to become more of a happier person living in a flowing unit – for an easier life.