We are all here now for a reason. We all may need to let go the past.
Some of us are way too sensitive – and may have already discovered our bodies are not as they were.
Some as myself who have been tasked with assisting others to help themselves heal for decades know that what is happening now has not happened in our lives. People are coning in with things that are not usual, and seemingly anything that we think of to do – is not having the results that we have had in the past – and may need a complete rewrite.
This is the case –
Declutter – all levels. .
restore . .
1 – Declutter – simplify – our bodies are not designed for what is assaulting them on every level.
we also need to undo the cumulative horror of the past few years – started with the fires – in 2019 all was burning. This followed with floods and the non assistance as we could have expected in the past – and as this was happening with the other major world drama and ways of controlling all – we may be suffering from crisis fatigue. Spiritual dis ease – the illnesses that really matter: of the heart and soul
2 – Reset – turn everything off. Undo external busy. Clear out inner busy also.
3 – Restore – easy life – do what YOU want to do/feel to do. Forget capitalism as that belongs to a land far away – we have survival/ sovereignty games to amuse ourselves with now.
Our families, friends, fractured lives. . . All taking their toll
What next? What to do?
Pare back to basics – and clean up inner and outer worlds
You may be here as I shared a picture of what my blood looked like in mid December 2022. I hope to see better blood in a few months as the attempts I have had to clear out what i=has no business happening may hopefully show I am in a better state. Still very tired. . .
PROBLEM – blood dying within us
What IS this?
Evidence that we non jabbed are in a right mess. Tina the wondrous naturopath who has been using this process calls it snowflake. Perfectly good red blood cells decimated.
The best natural therapists, with all our bright ideas look as I did.
This was my live blood analysis verification of the horror I have lived through the past 2 1/2 years, since I sero-converted as I treated someone who had been jabbed.
This set in motion basically acquired immune deficiency syndrome
As a proficient natural health care consultant I have been investigating what to do. My life depends upon it. Just being in the vicinity of the jabbed – regardless of how soon or long ago they were re inoculated- meant a world of woe for me.
Tina White has been using dark field blood analysis for nearly 40 years, and is a very thorough naturopath on
Tina 0403 043 264 Brisbane
She can direct you to what she feels you need. And like me, you may feel very weary about trying new things – what alternative?
Some of us have done all offered – and then some. At my wit’s end a skin was doing weird stuff – regardless of how much I was throwing into myself (and the cost) in remedies and Chinese herbs – I went lateral. . .I started in on what I learned as a naturopath, Western herbalist in the early 80’s – Essiac herbs. Why? I reasoned that people get cancer as their immune system forgets/is too weary – and that is how mine was feeling – from never catch’ what is going around work – as in maybe 20 different work ‘lurgies’ were infiltrating my work space daily.
How did I stop ‘catching; what people wandered in with in my decades of working with people whose systems were not coping – especially after often several lots of antibiotics, and often a whole season of limping about coughing an d spluttering?
This was in the days where all took coldril to ‘soldier on’ – and give the gift they had to all whose systems were not resilient enough.
‘It’ is just a virus’ – and most were fine with this.
Catching things – only happens when we are less able to live well
Only the ill get sick
Used to be we hardly ever succumbed to colds and flus. My kids (born 1977- 94) did not take days off school. It alarmed me when in a women’s magazine I read that TWELVE colds a year was considered normal. To start with – they are brand new – and should be ‘fighting fit’. Secondly – why are they not? HINT _ lifestyle, food temperature and the reactions to teh injections all are told that they have to have. Mine were in a mess after each vaccination – my first son was not given one till he was 5 1/2 years old. He had a gamma globulin injection when 13 month’s old – supposedly as I had Hepatitis A – he was very breastfed till my milk dried up then – and would have been well immune – but there we are – again – modern biomedicine seems to lose sight o how w a well immune system works.
I knew no better – from then, he was neurologically compromised. I have a family history of woeful responses to injections and this may also be you. Digression – see more here.
Not well people – get sick. And more often, wasting their lives in recovery and then being unable to fend for themselves. Wei Qi – a type of Yang Qi – and why all who came in for treatment had the immune point enhanced, if it were tender and all got their navels cupped with moxa at the end of this to ensure that they were able to live well – regardless of what was going around – also preventatively, I got people to buy the Chinese herbal anti viral – so at the hit of being unwell, they too three every hour – and did not.
It you are interested, do, drop me a line/ring 0452 407 667. This is only available to those who are ‘allowed’ to buy it /trained in herbal lore. . .
Then in then ’80’s I started to notice people getting a ‘summer cold//flu’
This was the combination of no Vit D 3 as designed – the sun’ rays were at the angle to allow us all to receive enough to get us topped up. UVB only is available in summer and in the hours all are told to hide away – the middle of the day. Unknown to most – the biomedical people are NOT trained for health retrieval . . Their scope of practice is to stop dying – and are lost when it comes to life enhancement.
About the same time, without the rabid pushing and media blanket coverage, people started taking a ‘flu shot’ annually. Not understanding that this was then the most likely vaccination to kill – they were transfixed by the hype. (No randomised placebo double blinded trials EVER on any vaccinations). Why not we have all been sold that they are safe. Not so,. And effective. Again – almost never more than 20% and often as low as 5% effective as it is a guess as to what strain (is a virus, always mutates). Get a flu shot-get sick. Those of us who never did, had immune systems that worked, and almost never got ill .. .
Book to get – understanding is key here.
The 2019 flu jab was a killer – literally. Whether it was the fact that most are put on statins, thus they are unable to assimilate fats, thus the fact soluble vitamins (essential for life) are missing now in their make up. or the mineral – again needed for a well body to function – or as well as this – the fact that fats are the base ingredient for all hormones – whatever it as – that shot killed.
One of my patients was in a nursing home (past stroke) . In that year of my visiting her – 10 of the 60 residents died in the winter months – after their flu jab. As she was taking a lot of Vitamin D3 – to assist in the pain and the neurological repair – she did not – but also there was a gastric bug that seemingly she did not get.
Those who took that one – seemed to be completely missing thir horror flu straight after – all seemed to get sick. And then about three months later 9this has happened before also) people started coming in with pain and stuff that HAD BEEN attended to – and now their usual routines were no longer covering them.
One of my elderly patients (this was in 2017) came in and looked as though he had had aged 20 years PLUS had had Bells Palsy (see more for what to do about that here) in BOTH sides of his face. He was slurring and in a mess cognitively. After a session, I had him a lot better – BUT the only thing different was he had had his first flu injection (GP talked him into it. I wonder – do these people not think? He can’t have been the only recipient who was so messed up. Being over 80 – so what – he had come off all his medications taking my wellness protocol I gave him of supplements. . .
What causes health?
People tend not to ask – why are you so well? Here is the recipe – Life Recipe.
Not in her case – stuck in a bed, but – she had me with the essentials and sessions twice weekly to keep her ticking over better. . .
List of my usual
Clean water – at least 3 litres daily – nothing eaten till about 11 am but a lot fo water.
Glutathione acelerator – 6 in the morning with food. When I have been very damaged (a lot has happened ) I have taken extra doses daily.
Liposomic Vit C at least 2 tsp daily.
Often 50,000 iu Vit D3 daily. My levels are usually around 350 . . . which is apparently dangerous – but when I fell on my face from 8 stairs up, all I broke was my nose – see more here . . not my facial bones, neck, wrists, ribs or teeth.
Few grains, no sugar, veggie juice daily – a moderate eat anything diet. .
One of the many extras in this game – detox drops – the plastic bottle not the glass one. .
Having had Wuhan flu in Oct 2019 ( a guy walked into the clinic – I was immune. Not allowed to help others as I was shut down in NZ. SARS 2 as this was was nothing as bad as whatever got me in 1997 – third time around the clinic – from there – I treated everyone who walked in with a special immune enhancement point as I ended up with viral myocarditis – unheard of back then . .prolapsed mitral valve.
DIVERSION – Heart rescues – see more here
Having tried almost all I could find, I figured to go differently – help my Wei Qi (protective energy) directly. I wrote this a few years ago as I was horrified that what was happening was not being called out.
I ended up with shingles in my eye. HOW? Body too weak. We have all lost so much . . . can we keep going?
What happened to my husband – shingles and life went on. . .
Recently I have been on Essiac herbs at the cancer dose (9oz daily). I determined that the various catastrophes I was managing were all due to the same body distress! Treat myself for the other body protective system breakdown. (Otherwise known as AIDS – acquired immune deficiency syndrome). Essiac seems to have made a stunning difference but I am not pushing this too far. In s far as I have done so much to attempt to normalise myself.
Since I have been taking it diligently, been able to touch and treat the jabbed.
This is not necessarily a magic cure as I have been taking so much and done so much for so long now
All of this is individual – and experiential.
Maybe you wonder – what can I do to help myself?
May I suggest you enjoy each breathing moment, become more present and love life?
I wrote up this page a while ago to assist – Life Recipe. .
Also a free course is here Life Rescue – as we are all so distraught now – and that (and living in fear) does not strengthen us.
To do that – relate – reach out be HUMAN!!!