WDCD/Foundational Moves:Stuck Liver Qi Release


Somewhere in South Island of NZ – a wee stream off the moss

A lot has been written on this
Liver Qi must flow (see here)
When it can’t (see here)
REMINDER – a great resource – an online book – written in 1980 by Mildred Sellig
the role of magnesium is crucial . .(see here)
Magnesium – is not optional – it is in dire need – see signs of depletion
How do you get to there? Mercury poisoning at a cellular level- see your body CANNOT see it when you add it in as food, as supplementation or on your skin. If you have this issue – it will rash/ hurt/ burn/ prickle . .as you can’t absorb it – MUST get rid of the mercury etc.


THUS – we have almost all that befalls a body will be worsened if the Liver Qi is blocked – or we feel less than happy, if we are not moving about, if we keep smiling when we really do not mean it – if we feel put upon, or otherwise enslaved by our programmes.
At the very least, we feel ‘stressed’.

Here is the moves revision page
The pictures of bit by bit (see here)

Liver Qi