Such a special time when her body can remake itself – as she makes another

Please be aware that this is the time when blooming should be happening t0 when your body is the best it has ever been.
It is a time of renewal – and YOU can completely remake all that has happened to you – if you take the time to actually look after yourself – as though you are the baby being made.As actually all ‘problems’ in pregnancy that you are feeling and that are being diagnosed are WARNINGS from your body that you need to do better.
Much better.
Late pregnancy – all that is apparently ‘normal’ and being medically managed – actually does not have to be.
I spend a lot of time calming women so they can make a better baby.
Placental flow improvements?
I spend a lot of time calming women so they can make a better baby.
Placental flow improvements?
Do the moxa sacral fan and follow up with the sacral and bum work. Found in ‘What Dads Can Do’.

Similar story: this time with pregnancies and resultant bubs (4) – me seeing her for the final pregnancy
What a normal labour can look like:
Especially when the mum and dad have been opening the baby gate. .
Here’s the birth story.
“After acupuncture that focused on opening my hips and balancing my pelvis, and moxa and opening the hips/pelvis at home daily, I began to have regular surges averaging 10mins a part beginning at 10pm and fizzling by 7am. Lasted about 4 days. I’d get some irregular tightenings during each day, making me stop and need to breathe.
-Saturday I was having some nice surges, but we decided to have some friends around in the evening as a distraction.
-Went to bed around 10pm. I awoke around 11.30pm and was unable to stay in bed. So I did what I always did – timed a few contractions (~10mins apart again) and walked around / bounced on the ball / emptied my bladder / side lunges / ate and drank.
-Around 1am I asked my husband to apply the TENS machine and finger tip releases.
-Around 3am I woke up husband to start gentle massage and to get me some water and food. He takes over timing surges and I suggest him also putting on some music tracks so I could be distracted. He slept on the bathroom floor as I continued to plant myself firmly on the toilet (facing the flusher). He would rouse when I asked him to do something. What a champ 🙂
-around 5am I asked him to check my purple line between the butt cheeks to see if I’d progressed. He didn’t say but I could tell he could see no movement of the line – as we had marked it.
– 5.30 I was asking for pressure points on the sacrum to be pressed during a surge, and he was saying I was about 7 mins a part. We called the midwife just to let her know I was losing more mucus plug with some blood streaks. She did what I wanted her to do and said to stay at home and get into really established labour.
– 6am rolls around, which is close to when our other Bub usually wakes up so we call my mum to come and get her. I was starting to not really be able to deal with the surges using only breathing techniques. I started adding in movement – in my arms or head to deal with the surges. We call the midwife again to say we are 5mins apart; she said she would head into the hospital and fill the bath, but for us to make sure our daughter was sorted and then come in.
– 7.30am Nana came to the rescue and picked up Bub, I was starting to moan with every surge.
– 8am we call the midwife to say we’re around 5 mins apart. While on the phone, I get this giant urge to push. I was yelling and standing and just kind of lost it. Once I get over that the midwife instructs to not push yet but change my breathing, which worked for about 3 of these new surges. She mentioned to get to the car now. I literally could not move nor even consider driving in a car. Shortly after, I did a push and a gush of water goes into the toilet I was straddling: husband said it was a poo, which made sense to me as I’d never felt what waters breaking were. (He later admitted he couldn’t see a poo anywhere in the bowl, but he didn’t know what it was).
-I could suddenly move, and so I got off the toilet and just stood for a few contractions. I felt my tummy…. it was like it had disappeared. I remember thinking, where on earth did the baby go?!
– 8:10am we called back the midwife where she informs us that based on the screams in the background we were much more like 2 minutes apart, as opposed to our app telling us that we were 5 minutes apart….”Guys, your going to birth at home”…she and hubby then went into amazing-drive and got me on my hands and knees with towels underneath, and to go with the surges to push. Husband caught the baby and passed him through my legs and onto my belly. I was scared of the umbilical cord so didn’t get him right up to my chest. Midwife said to call an ambulance, they came, tried to help deliver the placenta but decided to let the midwife do that.
Turns out our contraction timing app wasn’t that good at recording the time between contractions.
Baby was considered low birth weight (literally just because he was born at 40 weeks +0, rather than if he was born 8 hours before he would have been considered just fine weight for a 39 week old).
I got cold at home and in the ambulance ride, so my blood sugars were low. An inexperienced paediatrician who declined to come and actually look at the baby before requiring that we stay for additional testing also combined to make a ‘perfect storm’ where we were stuck in hospital for too long 🙂 but once out and allowed to do my own thing, he has been perfect.We should have just gone back home at the beginning.
I got cold at home and in the ambulance ride, so my blood sugars were low. An inexperienced paediatrician who declined to come and actually look at the baby before requiring that we stay for additional testing also combined to make a ‘perfect storm’ where we were stuck in hospital for too long 🙂 but once out and allowed to do my own thing, he has been perfect.We should have just gone back home at the beginning.
Both babies were 2.7kg. I am not big! and neither is husband, so it makes sense.
Comparison Items
Baby 1 – 05/07/2018
Baby 2 – 01/03/2020
Right up to induction day (was still writing a report on hospital bed)
Change – Heather suggested finishing earlier than last, which I did
Yes – quite a lot although didn’t acknowledge it or work through it, just kept distracting myself
Less – did some fear release, and open acknowledgement about lots of areas
Back / Muscle Pain
Yes – baby 1 was breech, but not discovered until 38+5weeks. The discomfort associated was more sciatica, lower back aches and general body pains.
Not after seeing Heather – I was beginning to get frontal pelvic pain, and then some lower back pain, but every time I went to see Heather, especially towards the end of pregnancy she made me feel like I wasn’t even pregnant.
I had no trouble falling asleep (often would fall asleep mid sentence), but would wake often to toilet
Definitely not – Heather even helped with reducing the amount of times I went to the toilet, thus getting longer sleep
Breech Baby
Yes – not detected until very late in pregnancy, explained why I wasn’t getting any of the usual pains, and felt hiccups up top of my belly
No – with the resources from Heather about optimal positioning and opening my baby gate, also work on my c-section scar, provided better space for baby to be head down
Yes – was itchy from around 30 weeks, got worse and worse. Drs watched my liver function rise and fall, and eventually was diagnosed with Obstetric Cholestasis around week 38.
No! With a recurrence rate of 70% for next pregnancies, I took Heather’s dietary advice and concoctions and followed instructions – it came back when I did not – and was successful in not getting much of the itch (it came and went, but eventually went) and was not diagnosed.
Cesarean Section
Yes – due to breech and cholestasis, the hospital decided to induce me at 39 weeks. I didn’t have enough knowledge or confidence to ask otherwise. Vaginal gel was administered 2/3 rounds (the last round was not given as hospital got busy), Artificial rupture of membranes, syntocin drip and “failure to progress” with baby distress led to c-section.
No! Head down baby, no cholestasis means I wasn’t being monitored for anything, Heather had given us some books to read, and I had done significant research into what female bodies are capable of, under the right care. I was blessed to spontaneously labour, have spontaneous rupture of membranes and vaginally deliver our baby, on our bathroom floor.
Rough – 6 weeks of no driving, not picking up anything heavier than your baby, I couldn’t bend over, laugh, sit down/ get up without issues, defecate comfortably (I’m sure I was constipated due to mentally not wanting to poo as it hurt so much). Hormonally I was very all-over the place.
Better! Still a process, and I did tear due to baby ?having a hand near face while birthing, but I can drive, bend, sit on the floor, defecating is 100% better (also due to Heather’s healthy breast information and preparation during our sessions). Hormonally feels much more level.
Breast feeding
Rough to begin with – baby had minimal skin to skin after birth for the first hour and breast feeding took quite some time to establish.
Better – latch took 1 day to get into the swing of things, but has been going good guns since then. I’m drinking a heap more water, eating better and more regularly and being a “Jersey Cow” as instructed as much as I can.
1st baby – after ‘care’ was pretty horrific – not very healing and very abrupt.
Everything was opposite to what I’d come to recognise as ‘care’ from you 🙂 !!”
We need to look after new mums as they hold the bridge for the new generation to cross into “our world.”

The ONLINE Easy Pregnancy Resources package is available HERE
If you wish to also but the hard copy of the WDCD Manual – please contact me directly.
If you know of someone who has a very high risk pregnancy – perhaps have them reach out to me.
Huge improvements are possible.