Towards LL I USA #1


We covered a lot of ground today

Scar workshops (online) need looking at . ..
Scars, Being Woman, C section . .
Where do I start?
History of recent years and what is coming up for all of us . .
4.30 – Vanessa on Mette’s Lomi Lomi workshops
6.25 – What happened if people had ‘breakthroughs’.
9.20 – MUST ask the right question . . .
10.50 – The 6 ‘T’s’ – Temptation . . . energy follows thought e.g. the Dr knows best . . etc – nocebo
12.30 – What did you sign up for? Tension . . magnesium needed – CAN we do it – with a plan and execute it.
13.45 – Jenna – and not fighting the govt any more.
15.30Trauma = stuck . .something is ..
17.00 Toxins . ..Lyall Watson – Dark Nature. .

18.40 – Who blocked us? programming ..
19.40 – 5 ‘flows’ What causes health?
22.00 – Ways of knowing . .
25.30Jared Diamond – Collapse .. lots of other books – all very thoughtful

27.00 – Lenley how has your practice changed since you have been doing this work?
28.00 – Vanessa and her change in practice = the call to listen and do very deeper – when she got to the belly.
32.30Jenna . . . radically different and getting very different results. .
34.00 – Scar and bonding – my themes . .
35.00 – We MUST do the inner work first – Self Discovery . . Lenley’s experience in Yeppoon.
37.00 – GW is about respect – must do the castor oil at the time. Classification of moves
40.00Accident Recall and Marie’s long term injury.
41.00 – GW logo

43.00 – Vanessa and Acc Recall on Marie- Claude
45.00 – Touching the jabbed – O.H.S.
47.00 – Reconnecting – Light, Lymph, connective tissue, adhesions, scars.
50.00 – ‘It is as though . .. . ‘ congruence. Steps toe the left/right and H life stories .
!.06.00 – Slavery? Sovereignty? Service
1.09.00 Scars. .
1.10.00 – Write out ALL incidents and accidents . .. as will need cleared.
1.11.30 – Seans’ finger – and you do your children’s life library.
1.13.30 – H’s plantar wart . molluscum in children . .
1.19.00 – Lenley’s warts story . .
1.21.30 Scar story and adhesions .
1.23.30 – Demo of adhesion breaking ..
1.26.00 – Finding Jenna’s mum’s finger scar. Elderly man’s finger scar and how I fixed it – 66 years later.
1.29.00.Ting points . . .
1.33.00 – Lenley – trying to find the Mirror X correlation on other sole of foot.
1.35.00 – Jenna direction . .
1.36.00 – Josi having ++warts on hands – and eczema . .when first married (emotional).
1.38.00 – Jenna’s mum – does it feel different?
1.39.20 – Mirror X?
1.40.00 – process of what to do next – if they let you pop pins in first . .in order /sequence.
1.44.00 – Me showing Aidan what we are doing . .
1.48.30 – Me needing more herbs as the brain is less useful than it was. .Also use comfrey cream – heals holes in the aura and normalises skin growth. Demo on D’s face
1.53.30 – Changing Vanessa’s finger . .
1.56.00 – Honouring the changes we are making on people . .
1.58.30 – Josi’s burnt arm . . lavender oil and aloe vera.
2.02.00 – Acc recall and all sorts – prior to the pricklies ..
2.03.00 – What Josi, then Lenley got out of today’s session . .
2.05.00 Jenna’s partner . . and the scarification scars and what to do ..
2.06.30 – Sequencing – what do INSTEAD of pricklies. . using moxa – word was missing was SPACER . .
2.08.00 – using moxa as a ‘full stop’.
2.10.00 – Me remembering weird bumps/incidents – we all forget .
2.12.00 – Vanessa – need to do sequencing – Acc Recall . . and story of danged foot at 10 years old.