The Breast Repair Shop

We cover the introduction into breast injuries and did not get to what to do to fix them – This is a small matter of the FLOWS HAVE TO FLOW – sort that out – ingredients where they need to be and circulation corrected – and all can heal as that is what bodies do . .(If working optmally).
We had Lisa some of the time (Thailand), Vanessa (Grampians VIct) , Marg (FNQ) Sonia (Chch NZ)

NOTE – almost all that befalls us is due to lack of nutrients (may not be bio available) and circulation . . we can assist – the medicos have no idea. .

Breast development in women is a natural process that occurs in stages that span several years. Here’s an overview of the typical stages of breast development: Taken from here NOTE – no one mentions nutrients (Iodine). . . Unequal breast size

  1. Prepubertal Stage: This initial stage occurs before any visible signs of puberty appear. Breasts are flat and the same in both boys and girls.
  2. Breast Bud Stage: Usually starting between the ages of 8 and 13, this is when breast growth begins. Small bumps, known as breast buds, form behind each nipple thus indicating the start of growth.
  3. Continued Growth: Breasts continue to grow and expand. During this stage, the areola begins to darken and enlarge. This phase generally occurs over the next couple of years after the buds appear.
  4. Secondary Mound Stage: The nipples and areola form a secondary mound above the rest of the breast. This stage typically happens in the later teenage years.
  5. Mature Adult Breast: The final stage of breast development is when the breasts reach their adult size and shape. The secondary mound formed by the areola and nipple blends into the contour of the rest of the breast. This stage usually ends by the late teens or early twenties, signalling when breast growth stops.

Start – all say hello
16.00 – What I am up to . . .
18.00 – We are not using much of the Arvigo trainings as the Mercier plus Heather is better . .
22.00 – BREASTS . . .1 in 8 used to be how many had cancer – rogue cells . . . What are you feeding your cancer with?
underwire bras, deodorant, lack of iodine, lack of VIt D3 liver meridian .

23.00 – Emotional STUCK and all that is held on whilst we smile it all away’ – inside ourselves . .
26.00 – Portal vein – the best of the nutrients goes to the liver organ first plus – is the chemical/hormonal factory.
From Wiki – The portal vein or hepatic portal vein (HPV) is a blood vessel that carries blood from the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen to the liver. This blood contains nutrients and toxins extracted from digested contents. Approximately 75% of total liver blood flow is through the portal vein, with the remainder coming from the hepatic artery proper. The blood leaves the liver to the heart in the hepatic veins.

28.00 – energy disruptions – and the invasion of cold – ‘grounding’ on the cold floor.

29.00 – My breast accident . .

31.00 – Breastfeeding incidents and mastitis. . see WDCD p 240/241
36.00 – Estrogenic interference and need to get rid of – detox drops (ncd) and the OGF – glutathione accelerator

36.30 – NEED to get glutathione accelerator to clear out the mercury . .
Made in body from Mag, Sel and S – and where are these – see the LIFE Essential online course . .

39.00 – No sugar – no body odour . .
39.30 – Elle McPherson .. .my sister with breast cancer – smoking and drinking – whereas some have all relations die due to BRACA gene . .
41.00Why YOU why THERE and why NOW?
43.00 – Case of milk bottle /nipple incident43.30 – I try hard to stop the retail industry – fear wins .. .
45.00 – Breast lopsided
46.00 – growing breast tissue at pregnancy – not puberty STEM CELLS . .
48.00 – Breast reduction . . .
49.00 – Breast increasing implants – and then we have range of movement issues – to undo scars – see here . .

A picture of the repair of an amputated breast with belly fat added on instead. – and me doing scar needling.
50.30 – ‘Top’ surgery .. and men growing breasts and the scars left
53.00 – what was covered in Arvigo and scars . .and also how deep are we working?
54.30 – Vanessa’s lower belly surgery . . 12 years to get back together again after last surgery and the gas poisoning . . some manage – others have no idea how damaged they have become. – hence Triage – Shen , take out the cold and then undo all that has happened due to the surgeries..
57.00 – Need to get the flows flowing . .
58.00 – Intensity, Frequency and Duration – magic three words. .
59.00 – Breast surgery .. .always something that you can do . .
1.00.00 – Asymmetrical breast development – see normal /abnormal here
1.01.30 – Nipple piercing and tattoos – the toxic ink goes where?
1.02.30 – Lisa – iodine – Vanessa – scar journey . .
1.04.00 – Will need more than patches. Marg – iodine .. .
1.06.00 – Sonia’s foot scar story .

Breasts not growing and ‘options’ growing wrong

Polythelia, also known as supernumerary nipples. These complicated terms simply mean the development of an extra nipple, or third nipple
Polymastia is the development of an extra breast. If the extra breast does not have a nipple, this is classified as a congenital defect rather than a problem with breast development
An abnormally large or small areola or nipple in relation to breast size
Unusual areola pigmentation or a complete lack of pigmentation around the nipple
Abnormally early ptosis, where the breasts sag excessively at a relatively young age.

I painted the palest bit on first, saw how fast it was disappearing added on more and then got my phone, added last stripe – all within 3 minutes. This baby was not OK – not expected either – mum had an X ray as she fell off a horse and discovered pregnancy . .. Bub born without then rectum joining to the anus – so lived with for first 2 years . .

RIGHT – This young vegan woman was still B/f 2 year old and had two more babies after this – I have never seen iodine soak in as fast – when needed as this it is often almost black going in – and it kept disappearing she must have felt so much clearer/more energised and happier – thyroid is only on of the uses . . .

Bromide Dominance Theory – Get the book The Iodine Crisis -underpins so much of what is being accepted as being normal – and with the increase in toxins in the biosphere – HOW are we to continue, without addressing taking out what is NOT supposed to be there , and undoing what its presence has d=set in motion? (And then add in all else –

VITAMIN D3 – see all of Dr Micheal Holich’s work – and go higher – he is being medical and not wanting to be ‘cancelled’ – even though he has devoted most of his life to this.

Who wins when the basics are not provided? All the wannabe’s – medical or pseudo. .
Answers are always found in nature. .

The Breast Repair Shop is coming . .
In the meantime – check out all on here (IS unfinished). When the pregnancy site is more together and flowing – this is the next project .

Good starting points – pit detox . .
Avoid all sugar/all sweet taste and watch you body thank you

Be real – start undoing all procrastinations – and speak what you need to.

Move – at least 10,00 steps daily – as YOU are the reason YOU are on the planet – not debts to anyone/thing .. .

Start Free Your Qi
And the allied online courses
In the absence of teachers of Heather’s Gentling Way near you.

Get real about your environment – being quiet about what is bothering you result sin an inner war . . do you really want to fester any loner?

Attend to all cold left in yur body – as Qi can’t flow.
Get the scar workshops and attend to the Foundational Moves – as you will not know yourself.
Ask me about the Light patches – as again – help is at hand!!

Here is my 2022 version .. . with Kelly and Ali in NZ
Breast solutions and Breasts 3

Easy breasts site – and of course using them biologically . ..