Teenagers & endo & where it leads (adeno) . .

Welcome . .

Touch is the glue – as with all primates. .start this with the young children and it will make being a teen easier – 1:1 dedicated time with all – esp as they go through the teenage years . .
A thread of mumness . Life recipe . . .reminder . . Breathing, Hydration, Safety, Outside, TOUCH (social grooming), raison d’etre, nourishment .

We could all be doing more for others.
I suspect that the entire point of making life about survival is to shut down service – as we need the physical attended to first.
AND some of us are not here to be sidelined.
So- looking at the usual ‘take’ on problems ‘down there’ – we could take charge as uterine positioning is the key no one mentions the engineering/structural aspects. (Structure Determines Function).
Or – Energy Follows Thought – as you believe, so you live.
Between those two – we could make the world an easier place for all of us and empower the young girls?
Do pelvic opening classes with them and their mums .?
As with the birthing couples- bond them together . .

We went from teens to adenomyosis then my internet cut out
Straight into what was the theme to be prior to this – HPV- oomes next .