A tale of modern medical retail failure.
Below is the story of outrageous pain.
There are so many.
Instead of dosing the sufferers up with the only thing available in the medical tool box – we can repair back to normal.
Undo what happened. Declutter, reset and restore normal functioning. This is not possible without returning to nature. Undoing what happened. Not numbing, not cutting sensation but clearing away the blockages to healing.
We CAN do so much – keep this case in mind as you read through what a wee band of students did with Amanda. .
You may want to do more, be more, have more tools . . Severe relentless PAIN is what so many must live with – until someone undoes the body’s cry for help – starting with nutrients. Pain is a message – and is saying – STUCK – not enough is getting in to nourish and heal. It is likely that here are not enough nutrients are available – and the waste products are pooling – STUCK also. Behind this comes the emotional responses – again these strip out the nutrients a normal body has to live with. The after effects on the body of dealing with of the pain alone will have worn out so many nutrients.
Amanda would NOT allow the use of needles – as she had had too much prickly experience in her years of acute severe pain. This case is great example of what NO needles can achieve.
What else can you do?
Reason for why the body warning was there – it is GONE after three days – so easily undone.
Anyone can . . We unravel why it is there. Surprising if you do not understand and work towards – the Body Heals Itself – when it can.
What happened in 2011?
She had a work injury – in the cold – repetitive strain that turned into Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
And all medicos said to do was live with it – cover up the blackened hands and blotchy blue legs . .
Temperatures widely different one side/one limb to another.
What did we do?
Changed all of this = one body, one set of flows – all working together
How did this come about?
I reached out as I knew that she needed help

As I was going to S.A. in my teaching rounds, and as I had seen Amanda on ‘Cafe Locked Out’ – where she said she was in constant pain – I figured that if she could get to us (from Victoria) we would be able to undo her problems.
She is out and about fighting for freedom – and thus – as I am not – I support her to do her best.
My expectation of all in the ‘hopeless’ basket – are that it is always easy. We start with Triage and work through
Restore – normal would prevail.
As we did.
She had said earlier . . .
That she had a carer to help her function.
“I nearly dropped in Gundagai, felt like my back was tearing itself apart, shoulder to sciatica.
Atm my back is swollen and I can feel the cells moving through the capillaries like bugs tickling under the skin. I need to get hold of thermal pressure stockings and sleeves to regulate my core temperature in the cold. If you know of anyone that has any or can keep some to the side, I would appreciate it. I’m just trying to keep my body from going into shock from the cold and pain atm. It’s why I keep pacing on the mic. Make blood flow easier, force the capillaries to open wider, and keep movement and keep warm. It’s starting to get so cold, its not helping”.
I figured that at the very least we could undo what she had to live with every day.
See here what I have here for anyone to take on)

Initially I sent her a rescue package. She took on board SOME of the offers and whilst we were in Port MacDonnell.
I instructed . .
At least take 1 x 50,000 iu daily.
Drink at least 3 litres water – tepid or warm NOT room temp or cold daily.
Throw the magnesium on 20 x daily
Negative ion pads in knickers and soles of shoes – change every 8 hours.
6 glutathione accelerator with breakfast.
Drops (ncd) 5 x 6 daily
To start there, with us we saw her unfold – eating very differently – as we piled her with protein, fat and more greens, more (and tepid) water drunk and the added in therapeutic warmth plus the moves ..
ALL problems are a combination of nutrients missing/not biologically available and circulation messed with. We set about changing all at once.
She could not function . . . .
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a broad term describing excess and prolonged pain and inflammation that follows an injury to an arm or leg. CRPS has acute (recent, short-term) and chronic (lasting greater than six months) forms. CRPS used to be known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) and causalgia.
What are typical symptoms of CRPS?
Acc to mediocs (the ‘we don’t know brigade’
Most individuals do not have all of these symptoms, and the number of symptoms typically reduces during recovery.
- 1 – Unprovoked or spontaneous pain that can be constant or fluctuate with activity. Some say it feels like a “burning” or “pins and needles” sensation, or as if the affected limb was being squeezed. Over time, if nerves remain chronically inflamed, pain can spread to involve most or all of the arm or leg, even if the originally affected area was smaller. In rare cases, pain and other symptoms occur in a matching location on the opposite limb. This “mirror pain” is thought to reflect secondary involvement of spinal cord neurons (nerve cells).
- Mirror pain is less severe and resolves as the injured nerves recover.
- 2 – Excess or prolonged pain after use or contact. There is often increased sensitivity in the affected area, known as allodynia, in which light touch, normal physical contact, and use is felt by the person to be very painful. Some notice severe or prolonged pain after a mildly painful stimulus such as a pin prick, known as hyperalgesia.
- 3 – Changes in skin temperature, skin color, or swelling of the affected limb. The injured arm or leg may feel warmer or cooler than the opposite limb. Skin on the affected limb may change color, becoming blotchy, blue, purple, gray, pale, or red. These skin symptoms typically fluctuate as they indicate abnormal blood flow in the area. Opening and closing the small blood vessels under the skin is controlled by the C-nerve fibers that are injured in CRPS.
- 4 – Changes in skin texture. Over time, insufficient delivery of oxygen and nutrients can cause skin in the affected limb to change texture. In some cases, it becomes shiny and thin, in others thick and scaly. Avoiding contact or washing painful skin contributes to this build-up.
- 5 – Abnormal sweating and nail and hair growth. On the affected limb, hair and nails may grow abnormally rapidly, or not at all, and people may notice patches of profuse sweating or no sweating. All are under neural control and influenced by local blood circulation.
- 6 – Stiffness in affected joints. This common problem is that reduced movement leads to reduced flexibility of tendons and ligaments. Tight ligaments or tendons sometimes rub or pinch nerves to provide an internal cause of CRPS in people who do not have external injuries.
- 7 – Wasting away or excess bone growth. In CRPS-affected limbs, bones that receive signals from the damaged nerves rarely become affected. These abnormalities are often visible on X-rays or other imaging where they help specialists pinpoint the location of nerve damage and identify best treatments. Rough or enlarged areas of bone, such as after a poorly healed fracture or from a bone cyst, can irritate passing nerves and initiate or prolong CRPS.
- 8 – Impaired muscle strength and movement. Most people with CRPS do not have direct injury to the nerve fibers that control the muscles coordinating muscle movement. However, most report reduced ability to move the affected body part. This is usually due to pain and abnormalities in the sensory input that helps coordinate movements. Also, the excess inflammation and poor circulation are not healthy for muscles. Rare patients report abnormal movement in the affected limbs, fixed abnormal posture called dystonia, and tremors in or jerking. These can reflect secondary spread of disturbed neural activity to the brain and spinal cord. Most resolve by themselves during CRPS healing, but some people require orthopedic surgery to lengthen contracted tendons and restore normal flexibility and position.
According to nature – get the circulation circulating . .
Heather’s Gentling Way – with Reset Your Metabolism, The Healing Power of Touch, Selfing PLUS Foundational Moves.
This entire package is part of Transformative Healing
At the very least . . GENTLE self care is needed. Nutrients and get the flows flowing
(Belly work and the peri steaming.

continue to play
Humpty Dumpty
Take all pain ‘meds’ – all sorts of terrible things
Look down the face of horror forever. . .
There are LIFE options – choices . . .
How is CRPS treated? Most early or mild cases recover on their own.
They say – Treatment is most effective when started early. Primary therapies that are widely used include:
1 – Rehabilitation and physical therapy. This is the single most important treatment for CRPS. Keeping the painful limb or body part moving improves blood flow and lessens circulatory symptoms, as well as maintains flexibility, strength, and function. Rehabilitating the affected limb helps prevent or reverse secondary spinal cord and brain changes associated with disuse and chronic pain. Occupational therapy can help people learn new ways to become active and return to work and daily tasks.
2 – Psychotherapy. People with severe CRPS often develop secondary psychological problems including depression, situational anxiety, and sometimes post-traumatic stress disorder. These heighten pain perception, further reduce activity and brain function, and make it hard for patients to seek medical care and engage in rehabilitation and recovery. Psychological treatment helps people with CRPS to feel better and better recover from CRPS.
STUCK Liver Qi – will impede anyone . .
3 – Graded motor imagery. Individuals are taught mental exercises including how to identify left and right painful body parts while looking into a mirror and visualizing moving those painful body parts without actually moving them. This is thought to provide non-painful sensory signals to the brain that helps reverse brain changes that are prolonging CRPS.
FIX IT !! That is what Accident Recall and the Poly Vagal work does
4 – Medications. Several classes of medication have been reported as effective for CRPS, particularly when given early in the disease. However, none are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be marketed specifically for CRPS, and no single drug or combination is guaranteed to be effective in everyone. Drugs often used to treat CRPS include:
BODIES NEED nutrients – What about what is missing?
- Acetaminophen to reduce pain associated with inflammation and bone and joint involvement.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) to treat moderate pain and inflammation, including over-the-counter aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen in sufficient doses.
- Drugs proven effective for other neuropathic pain conditions, such as nortriptyline, gabapentin, pregabalin, and duloxetine. Amitriptyline, an older treatment, is effective but causes more side effects than nortriptyline, which is very similar chemically.
- Topical local anesthetic ointments, sprays, or creams such as lidocaine and patches such as fentanyl. These can reduce allodynia, and skin coverage by patches can provide additional protection.
- Bisphosphonates, such as high dose alendronate or intravenous pamidronate, that reduce bone changes.
- Corticosteroids that treat inflammation/swelling and edema, such as prednisolone and methylprednisolone.
- Botulinum toxin injections can help in severe cases, particularly for relaxing contracted muscles and restoring normal hand or foot positions.
- Opioids such as oxycodone, morphine, hydrocodone, and fentanyl may be required for individuals with the most severe pain. However, opioids can convey heightened pain sensitivity and run the risk of dependence.
- N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists such as dextromethorphan and ketamine are controversial unproven treatments.
5 – Spinal cord stimulation. Stimulating electrodes are threaded through a needle into the spine outside the spinal cord. They create tingling sensations in the painful area that helps block pain sensations and normalize signaling into the spinal cord and brain. Electrodes can be placed temporarily for a few days to assess if stimulation is likely to be helpful. Minor surgery is required to implant the stimulator, battery, and electrodes under the skin on the torso. Once implanted, stimulators can be turned on and off and adjusted with an external controller.
1 – DECLUTTER – why the body is not able to clear itself to flow as designed. NO Drugs needed
Start with the cold messing with the Yang Qi
6 – Other types of neural stimulation. Implanted neuro stimulation can be delivered at other locations including near injured nerves (peripheral nerve stimulators), under the skull (motor cortex stimulation with electrodes), and within brain pain centers (deep brain stimulation). Recent noninvasive commercially available treatments include nerve stimulation at the peroneal nerve at the knee. Another is repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation or rTMS, a noninvasive form of brain stimulation that uses a magnetic field to change electrical signaling in the brain. Similar at-home use of small transcranial direct electrical stimulators is also being investigated. These stimulation methods have the advantage of being non-invasive; however, repeated treatment sessions are needed to maintain benefit, so they require time.
(RESET THE METABOLISM – is always the first step = we MUST get Qi flowing
6 – Spinal-fluid drug pumps. These implanted devices deliver pain-relieving medications directly into the fluid that bathes the nerve roots and spinal cord. Typically, these are mixtures of opioids, local anesthetic agents, clonidine, and baclofen. The advantage is that very low doses can be used that do not spread beyond the spinal canal to affect other body system. This decreases side effects and increases drug effectiveness.
7 – Alternative and holistic therapies. Based on studies from other painful conditions, some individuals are investigating accessible treatments such as medical marijuana, behavior modification, acupuncture, relaxation techniques (such as biofeedback, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided motion therapy), and chiropractic treatment. These do not benefit the primary cause of CRPS, but some people find them useful. They are generally accessible and not dangerous to try.
8 – Limited use therapy for the most severe or non-resolving pain that has not responded to conventional treatment, such as ketamine. Some investigators report benefit from low doses of ketamine—a strong anesthetic—given intravenously for several days. In certain clinical settings, ketamine has been shown to be useful in treating pain that does not respond well to other treatments. However, it can cause delusions and other symptoms of psychosis with long-lasting impact.
Rarely used former treatments include:
9 – Sympathetic nerve block. Previously, sympathetic blocks—in which an anesthetic is injected next to the spine to directly block the activity of sympathetic nerves and improve blood flow—were used. More recent studies demonstrate no long-lasting benefit after the injected anesthetic wears off and there is the risk of injury from needle injections, so this approach has fallen from favor.
10 – Surgical sympathectomy. This destroys some of the nerves that carry pain signals. Use is controversial; some experts think it is unwarranted and makes CRPS worse, while others report occasional favorable outcome. Sympathectomy should be used only in individuals whose pain is temporarily dramatically relieved by sympathetic nerve blocks.
In 1981 I successfully treated (3 sessions) a war veteran who was about to get his nerves severed . .
All that was needed was the Qi to move – his coccyx/lower sacrum was shot off in the trenches. I undid the scarring and used my 8 Extra needling – and he had NO PAIN that had crippled him (Left arm – he was left handed – they were about to cut the nerves . .).
11 – Cutting injured nerves or nerve roots. People with CRPS often ask if cutting the damaged nerve above the site of injury would end the pain. In fact, this causes a larger nerve lesion that will affect a larger area of the limb. Also, the spinal cord and brain react badly to being deprived of stimulation which can result in central pain syndromes. Other than in exceptional circumstances such as palliative care, this should not be performed.
12 – Amputating the painful lower limb. This is an even more drastic and disabling form of nerve cutting, and the consequences are irreversible, whereas CRPS almost always improves over time, albeit sometimes slowly. Amputation is thus not appropriate for pain control alone, but it is rarely required to manage bone infection or to permit use of a prosthesis for long-affected non-recovering individuals. This last resort should not be performed without input from several specialists along with psychological counseling.
What causes Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?
Medicos – no idea . . .
(As usual)
No tool in the box – why do they not start with returning to blueprint . .
We did:
Cobbled Qi/ body and soul back together

(The Gentling Way)
Essentially anything in life is due to the 6 ‘T’s ‘ –
In combination . .Temptation – to believe all that is written/told by ‘experts’ not self – we all know how things happen . .
Tension Temperature Torpor Trauma Toxins.
What we did . .
1 – Set the container – safety, warmth, food and helpful tending
2 – P.V./Accident Recall.
3 – Calmed the Shen (Heel thread moxa)
4 – Gentle belly moving, into gentle lymph moving.
5 – Take out cold and added in moxa/ginger.
6 – Gradually added in realignment – I did the 2nd and 3rd days – setting up and doing the sacral smash, after the uterine and ovarian moves.
7 – Eventual deep gouging for lymph moving – foundational moves work.

NEEDS FIXING – you likely also do. Not designed to live well – like this
What we did – peeled back what had broken her
(WHY – undo stuck shock)
Accident Recall
(WHY – radically alter what is still ‘online’ )
4 gates (only LI4 right as didn’t handled needles)
Ideally I would have needled – but she was too distressed to . . .
Moxa heel
(WHY – undo anxiety)
Cup cold out
(WHY – stopping all Yang Qi from allowing life to flow)
Chest gouge
(WHY? – free up the lymph so breath can get where it has to).
(WHY – delicious way to soften. warm and soothe)
Belly moves
(WHY – loosen the tension so flows can – especially the peritoneal untangling).
Liver Qi moves (very effective) – temperature a bit better, pain a bit better
(WHY – magic . .we are all SO STUCK – emotional leads to the lot)
Brazilian toe touching
(WHY – balances, soothes and harmonizes)
Upper Lymph
(WHY – Undo the diaphragm – so breathing is released into where it has been hidden from).
Sacral smash
(WHY – releases all ligaments throughout the back/neck/pelvis)
Cup cold out
(WHY – can’t do this enough – is a profound change for anyone)
Moxa heel
(WHY – often needs repeating – usually takes less time as we undo the built up panic.)
Steam – much warmer, legs warm, no pain legs, right hand warmer
(WHY – can’t do this enough – nightly is best – she has so much to ease into LETTING GO)
Adhesion breaking small scars belly
(WHY – release and see the changes – tongue, as well as local – then more peritoneal untangling possible).
Mercier front moves (ovarian whirlpool, uterine rake)
(WHY – clear all pelvic /leg STUCK – and reposition the ovaries into perfect alignment)
Leg for a walk
(WHY – massive adhesion and ligament undoing)
Check ilio sacral – was ok
(WHY – when this is not perfect, the gut stops all assimilation – glad she did not have EVERYTHING needing fixing)
Uterine rake again
(WHY – can’t undo the utero- sacral ligament enough – magic happens to all the body circulation when we have an untethered womb.
Peritoneal untangler – hands feet now 34.5 to 35 C
WHY – flows flowing . . . RESULTS _ unwinding of Amanda . . .
can bend right knee as couldn’t 2 days ago
Check suspensory ovarian ligament – even
(WHY – in this work we are constantly seeing what shifts and shifts again)
Off the sacral bone
(WHY – clear out the STUCK behind to help the front)
Rolfing sacrum
(WHY – always more – and always frees up the Qi – and blood/lymph and nerve flows)
Sacral smash
(WHY – as above)
Right sus. ovarian ligament sore
(WHY – it can only help to let the next layer go . . . no more than a week apart – and often daily for an intensive makes all the difference.
Move BL36 area
Bend legs hand on sacrum – D.E.T)
Hippy shake
(WHY – loosen – can’t soothe enough as we let go)
Sitting position: Foundational Moves hand work on shoulders,
then GB30/general area hip attack
Sore spots in butt while moving shoulders
(WHY – that is where it is stored – not the top – work always elsewhere)
Point percussion upper back
(WHY – break it up)
Moves sacrum – neck shx a lot better
(WHY – upper for lower, front for back . . all is connected
Lymph/rib cage
(WHY – GB channel traverses the entire lateral body – ad as such needs to be constantly reminded it CAN let go)
Chest gouge – pain free, right hand pink
(WHY? – it works.
Follow the lymph and nerves – we MUST do this constantly).
When we clear what is in the way – the body and its 5 flows can go back to as designed.
Red Blood
Blue Blood
Clear Blood (lymph)
Nerves . .So what is in the firing line first?Lack of adequate hydration – MUST get the pure tepid water in – as it is the inner sea – goods moved about and that which needs moving in – out.Thus we look first to the function of lymph.And of course – the Qi that can move and must move all.Yang Qi is wasted by cold.Nutrients and circulation are the key to any issue.
Ingredients – past the water – 3 litres in daily – IDEALLY not contaminated with sugar (causes inner heat and inflammation) and chemicals – Not caffeine as Amanda is her own master – coca cola and coffee – plus of course the ciggies.
How to undo what they do?
Vit C – vital as it is used up with each smoke.
And causes a lot of the problems smokers have.
Safety . . .
Also food – and inner warmth – would go a long way – see also here – for Chasing the Scream – and any of Dr Gabor Mate’s work.
IMPORTANT – Addition of warmth/no cold exposure AT ALL habitual eating non nutritives, instant self medciations – filling up of the heart chakra, as addictions. Here is the answer in part – start with nutrient unavailability?
To understand more
YOU can start these online courses
And also make miracles happen

There is no one simple answer. Amanda’s healing happened as a combination of these – plus the moves I was teaching my students in Living Ligaments I – the womb realigning through the steps involved in Heather’s Gentling Ways.
INGREDIENTS – 1 – LIFE Essentials – why we need what we are made from and fueled by.
2 – The Healing Power of Touch – I have put this together using my decades of answering this very question – how to live well? People came to me in desperation, The unpacking of their story usually took a multi modality approach – no one instant ‘fix’ – although clearing the Shen distress and taking away what holds the body hostage is a great start.
3 – Selfing – Contains What Causes Health, Soothing Your Belly Better and Peristeaming.
4 – Foundational Moves – undo why there is pain and body distress simply at home.
This includes prostate clearance and the use of moxa sacral fan, cupping cold from the body via the navel
5 – Reset Your Metabolism – likely needed if poor gut, low thyroid, adrenal function, chronic illness of any description ails you.