Selfing 12/13th June


This was a selfing where the beginning Selfing teachers had their own person with them – or they were with Lisa and in a room by themselves Hence it is not as many Zooms as others were working in the participants and I was holding it all together.

1 – Meet and greet

Beginning teachers (me in Brisbane, Belinda, Lisa (online) and Maja) 

Hilary when she can.
Present – Belinda with ?? and two others in their own homes.
Mandy and Kacee
Maja with two others.

Start – what is your burning question?
All need to write this down.
What do you want to get out of this weekend – for yourself?
This is about your wombspace . .and we al need to ask – what is MY womb story.
4.00 – Why am I woman this time around . .? All had a woman’s life.
5.30 – How to organise this out side the rules – Belinda’s people in separate rooms – bar one . .
7.00 – Starting in a circle . 8 minutes

16.00 Hilary and why she is here . .
18.00 – Belinda – how she got to here . . . what she likes – giving people to look after themselves . .
20.30 – Maja – how she got into this – looking for her children and then in 2010 –
21.30 – Lisa – was following me in acup in Bne. Educating others, and working with hands and going back to basics . .
25.00 – What we need to look at in our own selves.
25.45 – Why/how I got into this . .
26.30 – Joanna – drawn to medicine – left field /integrative health and energy etc . .
31.00 – Gina – what got her into this? What can I do for my clients to help themselves – and me also ..
34.00 – Regina – for self – and found Belinda.
36.30Flexnor Report
39.00 – Mists of Avalon, Clan of Cave Bears, People of series – all have assisted me in a way that our culture can’t/hasn’t.
41.00 – Introducing Diedre
42.00 – Erin
43.40 – Mandy – found belly massage and Bushra’s Mizan therapy and here she is .
45.00 – Kacee – and her own health journey . .

47.30 – Drink more water . .
48.30 – I am here to hand over . .
49.30 – Maya/Arvigo foundation – as with Mizan . .
51.00 – Freeing Yourself manual . . what makes us a person? Learned at our mothers lap.

56.00 – Survival of the fittest . . old wives’ tales – they worked.
58.00 – Ask a different question ..
1.00.00 – How we can see ourselves – astrology/Human Design/eneagrams etc . . maybe do your Meyer Briggs.
1.02.30 – Steaming with kawa kawa sorted out the syphylis. .
1.04.00 – What we will be doing . .get the physical vehicle
1.05.00 – Lymph /chest area . .and do another pull up – is it different?

1.07.00 – organising we to do the next bit . Turn off now.
Go off and do sacral moxa fan prior to me doing the sacral wake ups. .

2 – What IS STUCK in there?
Plus a meditation to assist womb whisperings

StartEdith Eger – The Choice . . .
1.30 – Service, Sovereignty Slavery . .
2.00 – Working with birthing /dying and us FEELING
6.00 – Ideal group – (ME) 6 with one assistant – if 8-10 – 2 assistants . .
7.00 – How do you feel from me going ‘off piste’ . . (We stopped recording)’
9.00 – Kacee is NOT a practitioner . .
13.00 – The keeper of stories in Brisbane for those who find us .. me in early life being me
Grandma cuddle – Maja had an incident and we worked through it . .
19.00Classifications of moves
Need to be hydrated warm, been to loo, no phones, no

45.00 – coming into the world again . .
Journal – give yourself a chance to record to yourself . .


REMINDER – We are in teaching how to teach mode as well as this being the first Selfing Mandy has done

We did how we are and not recorded – this is the content part

1 – Normal – and problems in positioning

Due to this being an odd Selfing – we had teachers doing physical work – Stuck Liver Qi . .
Regan, Hilary and Lisa worked online – lustre bowls, copal, protocols,
Mandy and Kacee worked on themselves Belinda, Joanna and Gina all practiced some belly work . .

7.00 – Adhesion breaking is not part fo this selfing – is in Reconnecting – and usually we are not touching each other either . .
9.30 – Qi and bio available nutrients
Basic acupuncture concepts are in WDCD and Woman Tides . .

12.00 – we MUST be generalists – enhancing LIFE
Must not waste the Yang Qi – that cauldron . .
Energy tells the physical what to do . .

14.30 – High school biology – inside to stay on and outside to stay out – but need to have semi permeable membrane . .
Grow your own greens – get rid of all SWEET taste .
17.00 – Five elements (sweet is controlled by sour) – see the red poster above ..

Evie’s birth the night before .. .
21.30 – Stuck Liver Qi – need coffee and chocolate – to force the Liver Qi to move. . FREEING YOURSELF is a habit to go – what covers it?
23.00 PAIN – ingredients missing – magnesium – if STUCK is SPECIFIC – put finger on it.
26.00 – No orgasms with sex is a great way to STUCK UP YOUR LIVER QI
27.30 – Sense of sovereignty . . may NOT be sexual abuse. .
28.30 – Why we keep moving the lymph – and drinking warm water. .
30.00 – Me working from the Self Care (Arvigo manual) and Wandering Womb – sign up on her site
32.30 – Retroverted womb – with ‘infertility’ – easy – legs up the wall . .

38.00 – Stop conception – jump up after sex and have an anti baby dance .

Uterine positions

Retroverted dip in lower belly, back aches gone, bleeding mostly in the loo not the pad, constipation etc prior to period and then loose in bleeding . . Listen in – all S & S and different positions. .
45.00 – Prolapse . .
Cold invasion up through the feet straight into the womb, intestines and stomach
The energy cycle compounding into a BIG MESS – can’t only move the womb about.
49.00 – Showing where the ligaments are attached on the pelvis.
Also things falling IN – internal hernias – and also things falling down . .
51.00 – Showing different charts
53.00 – Prolapses . .

55.30 – The Golden Month – we all need looking after at least 40 days after birthing – x2 if surgical birth . .
57.00 – How we have tendency to getting prolapses
59.00 – Womb not in right spot – will mess with all functions. .
1.00.00 – we get set up for this – past habits and incidents . .
Castor oil and steaming and belly massage . .a month
1.02.00 – castor oil packs – clear out adhesions and any inflammations.
1.04.00 -Varicose veins . .
Hilary saw it as my patient was 38 weeks pregnant with her 13th child – and that was also with topical magnesium all the pregnancy – I lifted the pregnant womb off
1.06.30 – Connective tissue – needs real nutrition.
1.08.00 Belly binding
1.08.30 – Need to rest, have nutrition – me speaking of the GV women . .
1.10.00 – Nutrition and circulation
AND 5 flows and 6 ‘T’s’ . .
1.11.30 – Wim Hoff – Invasion of cold ..
What does cold do?
1.14.00 – Declutter, reset, restore.
1.15.00 – Sexual abuse is rife . .
1.16.00 – Check diastasis – and measure the temperatures if you have a non contact – show upper and lower lymph work and do temps again . .
1.17.30 – What o do as well prior to the break . .
1.19.00 – Can buy a shaver that has a little vacuum cleaner in it – for hairy men work!!

2 – Prolapses and Reichian bands

START – Belinda’s group – C section changes with steaming and sacral work ..
3.00 – Maja’s group catch up –
7.00 – Me and the three circles and sense we make of the world.
8.30 – What does it mean to me? Option Process
Life rescue
1030 – What would it mean to me if ..( I did what I know I c/should.
13.30 – Hilary and what she did in the lunch – Foundational Moves course
14.30 – What got me to here?
15.30 – Usually this is ONLY on self. . not touching others. .
17.00 – LIsa online with diastasis and cement post . .
17.30 – Prolapses. Including anything is that is not where it should be – including early babies..
19.00 – Hemorrhoid in pregnancy story . .
22.00 – Qualified only . .
23.00 – My prolapses – how they happened. . HORROR – guard your heart . .
28.30 – I missed the mesh .. my mother and her prolapsed bladder.
31.00 – Not peeing and birthing – as we need to NOT create incontinence . . IATROGENESIS
35.30 – Reichan armour bands. .
37.30 – Ioana Marshaa Teegarden – The Joy of Feeling – and all other books she has written

3 – What came up for those in the class – not recorded

Mediation Womb reconnection back through the ages

4 – Finalising – what others got from this

1.30Mandy and needing to finish Life Library and talk to mum.
2.00 – Hilary – no longer stuck in The Story . .
3.00 – Belinda – tended to by students – felt differences after sacral moxa fan
4.30 – Gina – very sad womb – Belinda – happy with how to run this . .
8.00 – This is an extension of what we do in clinic – and as a bunch of women – it is a sacred space t tend in. Self first . . growing into this.
10.00 – Hilary – different ways of hearing the same info differently . .
11.00 – Regan – all pain and niggles all gone – and also cleared a historic matter – tribal thing – family – so grateful . .
18.00 – Next . . Self Discovery – as to happen next – then life happened to us and all of us.

21.00 – Need to let go the judgement of self and others. .
Change is happening.
22.00 – Look after ourselves – and work out what you came here for?
23.00Lisa – and how we do this with practitioner people – GV next week with Yvonne. . (you first – how to instigate)
25.00 – Need to do the CHALLENGE . .
26.00 – Hilary has taken decluttering to a new level – defriending people . .(She highly recommends)
28.00 – Maja – what she intended to do . .(set up the amazing new space – did not happen – but was an amazing vision).
29.30 – You Will Be Tested . .boundaries . .

31.30 – I note now – I have not asked the two in Maja’s group – PLEASE have an assistant to make sure this does not happen

33.30 – Lisa – how she would have been dealt with and how her life transpired as no womb whispering available.
35.30 – Regan – how she would have been if in Maori traditional culture. .
39.30 – What causes health – look at different cultures and times. Was orally passed down . .
What are we doing with this? Cozemel . .
41.45 – Erin – how would life have been different?
43.50 – Dierdre – bad pain and uterine positioning from fall – would have made such a difference in her life.
45.00 – Kacee – would have stood up for herself more ..
46.00 – Mandy – would have not had all the trials . .
46.30 – Belinda – bad PND after first birth . . .
48.00 – The Golden Month needs handing out to all pregnant women’s relations.
49.00 – Joanna – has been there before and this time around – all sorts of things have happened (like me and many of us).
50.30 – FATED – do what you resits most – FIRST
51.30 – Gina – same as all of us. .
52.30 – Teachers take note. .
53.30 – I keep saying last one – and still more. .
54.30 – Need dad to be there . . WDCD

58.00 – BOUNDARIES . . .
What are you doing with this next?