This is one module in a multi (9) set – and then there are the practical inclusions – see below . .
The path to male fertility enhancement is the key to making better babies naturally.
The way out of more miscarriages – and IVF not working is to star as a farmer would – with the best breeding stock he can afford – not try to get to the lower level of ‘maybe’ fertile .
This is an entire online course – an introduction back towards common sense.
All of what I say here as been tested over decades in my clinic – has been 40 years in the making.
Please do not expect to get a quick understanding.
This is SO different from what else is assumed/’out here’ medically.
Start with him
He dictates their fertility outcomes
Nothing much for others to do – it is their journey to become bonded again – and through touch .
When improving his health, the sexual connection will be enhanced as his sperm are related to his Kidney Ua=Yang fnction – and this is a measure of his health . .the semen analysis is his health report card.
It is so different to what you may have been presented elsewhere – this is what all elders knew . .
Maybe set aside 15 minutes each day and work through this – as it will give you all you need to be able to help any couple who wish for better babies. Investment is the key – yours – so their children will not be unwell – if they make them at all.
Perhaps look at all I have now on eLotus portal for more as there is free – Wisdom Tube
There are also my whole courses – to be done alongside this course – Moving Blockages to Healing – and Easy Babies. .
This is life/meridian based – not organ pathology
Our job – improving their understanding of health and how to get it back.
Fertility then is a simple consequence.
Survival of the fittest??
A new direction – stop what is causing the problem
Most of this work is taken from my 2007 ‘Practical Fertility Solutions’ add-on day to ‘The Role of 8 Extras and Women’s Lives and Maternity’. (All of this is now part of the entire programme – as a part of the ‘Transformative Healing’ package).
In the 2007-2017 decade – it is all so much worse – and I was horrified back in 1997 – as I had THEN been a ‘fertility freak’ when all else were still engaged in IVF . . when even then it was not working as it had on inception.
3 – (Take out what is blocking nutrient pathways: think biochemistry)
Only 30 years ago – when we were trying to NOT make any more babies –
it was dangerous to have sex – the babies just followed – no trying – except to hold back the flow of nature..
To reverse this stoppage (Nature saying ‘No’?)
Where to start?
Book – sequel – Toxintoxout
We need to clean out all the cells – not the organ systems – out first .
Liquid activated zeolites – need to have access to the ingredients we eat to actually use them on a cellular level.
– why? Hormones (messengers) – not working . .
Take also the Glutathione Accelerator – need to undo the epigenetic changes that the potential mum and dad have within their cells FIRST – so they MAY make babies that last . .WHY?
Look no further than the low thyroid function – body can’t.
MTHFR? Same . .why?
Why people see me after seeing others?
Results. . . sex makes babies . .
(When both are well – thus fertile – there is the key . .)
How to measure wellness – thyroid = Yang and Yin Qi being made well with the Middle Heater.
WHERE to take the BBT?
Male BBT and predicting miscarriages and pregnancy success.
It used to be so simple – it was all about what we could do .
And Chinese herbs (for him) so worked well,
WHY take the BBT?
In a word – metabolism . ..need to have an idea about how your gut is working
The use of the toxin taker-outers has been usually the only way men with really poor sperm have magically retrieved themselves – so evident in the tongue changes and all else follows just need his BBT (rectal) to be 36.7/8C – all other things assured.
Not so as it was even 10 years ago . . taking supplements is not likely to make that much of a difference.
Chinese herbs and supplements are the third level of intervention as I see it:
1 – Undo all the misconceptions about health and baby making so life is simpler/easier for good sperm to be made.
2 – Take all the rubbish and life residue out
3 – Maybe then what I know was working a few short decades ago may again – way too many too close together was our issue .
Nature has to be helped – live according to the Way of the Tao
What else you will receive . . INCLUSIONS:
1 – General patient practical lifestyle info (assumed in this practitioners’ version that I am sure you will surprise you.
2 – The men’s massage course – with a run through on the cupping navel allied salt on navel after taking out what is blocking Yang Qi – and the use of moxa sacral fan PLUS
3 – fertility massage component – how to undo why he has a possible varicoscele and why the lower pelvis is just not flowing . .
4 – Reset the Metabolism – undo what is blocking Yang Qi from working well.
This is written so anyone can – it is NOT taught in college and not written yet (text book will happen) as it was elders knowledge – oral transmission – and of course all cultures had ‘old wives’ tales’ – customs that had kept them alive – predominantly around NOT getting cold . .
A huge addition to all you do – for anyone who comes into clinic: I use the pulling out the cold to transform all cases
So simple
Declutter, Reset, Restore