You can help yourself to health!
ANY ‘CONDITION’ you have to start with a metabolism that is set correctly – for life

Regardless of what has brought you to this page –
the further back towards the cause of issues you go – the faster you get ‘fixed’ – the easier permanent resolution is. .
Start at the beginning . .
(Remember ‘old wives’ tales’ . . .
What your granny would have said to you . .
Your restoration of normal – how to run a well body
You need to know the mechanism.
(You have to live with consequences throughout your life)
If you like staying stuck – this may not be your scene.
If you want answers and results- keep reading
Help your body heal itself
1 – Cold is not good for you – in any form
Your Yang Qi (essential life energy) has to run your body. What weakens it is cold invasion.
Yang Qi must keep the stored cold hold what you have encountered safely out of circulation This means so much less of your Qi is there for you to use as it is already in use – keeping that (bad) ‘perverse’ energy out of your circulation. Remove it and do not add in any more.
Old wives’ tales – were all true. .’do not sit on concrete’/take off wet swimmers/’keep feet warm’/’come in out of cold night air’ – why – pre antibiotics – getting cold and wet generally meant you may die – as the Yang Qi would be too challenged.
A healing herb/therapy anyone can access – feels amazing when used.
2 – Moxa has been a part of Asian traditional medicine for millennia

3 – Perineal steaming is a world wide women’s gentle healing tradition
(What so many cultures just do – and do not tell anyone ..)
If you want to wisely get the online peristeaming course also – once purchased the Reset you have an option to do so for $20, not the usual $97. . .

4 – Iodine needed to run your body
An essential life ingredient – so often missed as when you are WELL – no one can micromanage you
Body just works – as designed . . .
|Look further to the Life Recipe = have you got all you need to Live Well?
Maybe as you are here – look at my explanatory site and see what the terms below means as they are likely what ails anyone who is reading this .. .
Start at the beginning – is there enough fire to cook the goods/run the engine/power the unit?

If you are an acupuncturist/Qi mover – you may need to go sideways into nutrients and getting the basal temperature (Qi and Yang) right before you go too far into diagnostic cleverness
You may have realised that labeling people as having these ‘states of being are endemic.
- Qi Xu
- Yang Xu
- Damp and having
- Phlegm (anything that is ‘difficult’ has a ‘phlegm’ component and this is due to . . .)
What to do? FIX IT . .. this can become a large game based on the bio medical and TCM dogmas.- Please look past your judgements and see
Damp and phlegm are actually low thyroid /adrenal function if you look at the bio medicalised versions of life.
Is seen differently – and covered in this potentially life altering course.
This is the time to get your body working well
Take out the cold that has lodged within
Take charge of yourself!!
Stop being micromanaged by others
Stop listening to – whatever disease/process. . .