We aim to gentle

A soul having a human experience.
Often getting enmeshed in STUFF
Being mindful of Reichian armour bands.
Personality cage.
A driver is not wired into the car when it is in the workshop. People are though.
Thus – it is more than ‘the moves’ – the mechanic would make.
We are more than the sum of our bits and our experiences.
In the Gentling Way we understand that the body is a part of the whole.
And as such – has been gifted to us in this life.
To do?
Uncover the stored away stories held within
Self first.
This is an odd concept to many who are ‘helpers’ in the health field as the more formal education pathway has taken over the apprentice system. As a master (plus the one who has traveled the road before) is aware that the person learning has to first master themselves. .
SELFING – In these times of change and accelerating polarity – it is vital that we carry less of what got us to here, partially so we are not projecting, partially so we are several steps in front of the one who seeks assistance and partially as it is needed to glen the most from the information that we need to bring through when with them.
Clarity . .

Thus we have streams in Gentling Way
1 – Selfing – we are all here to undo stuff’ and now is the time. Our own habits – and self care. Makes the difference when we do as we suggest others do. Walk this talk – please. As many times as you go through this – it is always a new you who hears more and sees more. The class is never the same – the information coming through hits you from different spots. To undo the ‘life’/how to perceive everything through the lenses of being ‘you’ is based on – is the Middle Circle awakening.
A paradigm shift needed as we can see SELF as vehicle for programmes – becoming aware is the first step.
The SELFING CHALLENGE allows us to be with those we bonded with, as they support us and we them, as we change habits to become more home in ourselves.
Prior to beginning Selfing there may have been from now on – a pathway into via Free Your Qi or Pelvic Opening (based on all moves from WDCD) . These are usually online – maybe on Zoom to get people started. YOU reading this – need to have started these to move anything in your own body.
The online component in Selfing is – What Causes Health, Soothing and Peristeaming.
Being Woman and Unblocking Your Scars are needed to go onwards.
2 – GENTLE SELF DISCOVERY – We may find more than we bargained for.
We cannot assist another when not clear ourselves. THIS IS MASSIVE. Since I have been back in Australia in these times – it is all we have – being clear. Undoing the beliefs, assumptions and programmes we discover are running ‘us’. Unpacking what created what . .Three components – Making Friends with the Mother Within, Making Peace with the Children We Chose to Not Have and Shining A Light on Our Mission . . and why we have stepped out of our contract . . to begin anew on this planet.that are left as remnants – we do not live there now.
At the completion of the weekend (if you are so lucky as to be led through) there is IMMERSION – as we follow the one hour a week catch up and have tasks to tick off as we make the changes that will be happening as we traveling to new inner territory.

Life Essentials, Life Support (Live Your Body Better) and Life Rescue are needed to Live Well
Those online courses above can be taken independently, as all the ones in blue can . .
Ideally you go through in the order as seen n this page, as it has been designed sequentially for your ease of acceptance .
Reset Your Metabolism, Foundational Moves, Unblocking Your Scars all precede moving into the more touchie areas.
From the courses above we begin working in /with others.
Whilst we are in class (hopefully with a practitioner – not only on Zoom – we undo our own and the classmates STUCK . . .
3 – RECONNECTING HEART AND WOMBSPACE (BAO AND DAI MAI) – acknowledgement that we have all lived lives that have impacted upon the physical we inhabit. The life residue has been recorded and may be interfering with the template. Shall we DECLUTTER in the body thus the life? By rekindling the connection between the heart and its creative centre – the 4th and 2nd chakras – we may repair the food factory so all aspects can support our life here. Gut support – or we cannot live well. All fascial and adhesive blockages, scars on all levels are addressed as we create living energy. Within this module we must have covered the Selfing beginnings – to have to more tools to assist those whose STUCK is released. Also to be aware of the process we all go through in resistances to change.
In between there is Being Woman and Mammalian Maternity to unpack Effective Healing After C Section and Other Surgical Incursions.
4 – LIVING LIGAMENTS – how to assist the body to let itself untangle – at its own pace – gently away that which has tethered self – the wayward womb will be held hostage until it all sits and flows as designed.

Designed to slide and glide.
Freely flowing Qi, Blood and lymph – allowing the nerve messengers also to create harmony – NO PAIN.
No adhering, no attachments.
Nothing STUCK
You can teach as you go through this process
We all learn through repetition. Ideally also seeing the information from different eyes and on a diversity of bodies assists here.
Pelvic Opening is what is imparted in a therapeutic session anyway – thus initially 1:1 – and then in very small groups.
Small three hour segments. Pelvic Opening (What is in WDCD).
You can organise these 1:1 – but best as a small group as the interactions feed the energy and the changes you make are infectious.
Towards – Painless Pregnancy/Easy birth/life – It is essentially as above – in a specific time frame. INTENTION – Loving partners get to deepen their connection – as they are walked through the process of tending each other – in the context of welcoming bub.

We all need the humanity to shine through. Mums, dads and bubs are the foundation of all of us.
The foundation first. Due to the recent hiccups in human consciousness, we are shifting with the times. If you have been involved in any of this work – however distantly – you may be intrigued to discover more. If you are/have been constrained in your everyday life – you may wish to pause and investigate – how can I be more of me? Move /Free Your (Own) Qi
1 – Lymph
2 – Liver Qi Release
3 – Rescue the Yang (Pull out the cold)
4 – Moxa – interesting uses
5 – Sacral Wakeups.
Get your flows flowing – then all discomforts (body messages) are diminished.

Small starts.
Opening to love
Sexual flows to ensure appropriate circulation to allow Qi and Blood to get where they must
Opening to be supple
All structural mishaps can wreck an easy life as a woman – the monthly changes MUST be able to move through. ‘Hormones’ are blamed at every step of the way of being woman . .BUT these are messsengers. Can the lymph and blood get in and out? Is there a back up? What about all the emotional angst and well as the more physical incidents that are stored awaiting . . .?
Opening to conceive
If and when all is in order in the ‘baby nest’/garden – babies bloom.
Opening to birth
A perfect time to bond deeply – the parents – to -be need to touch and trust and allow the processes that their baby has instigated to flow through to all aspects of their lives. Changes are easier through choice, and before a third often very loud person completely takes over a life. (Or two).
Opening to all of who you are
Let It Go!!!
Acknowledging that life has left calling cards – imprints.
How can we get the blueprint back? release . . gently. This is true for any surgery, any incident or life experience.
We all sit on what we do not know what to do with.
Over time this turns us into structures – immobile – painful and decrepit.
Flows through the pelvic cavity are impeded by the womb being out of optimal positioning – and thus – we CAN change all above and below – simply by listening to her woes – and changing these into wonders.