Problems ‘down there’ and how GW can help

Welcome . .

Interesting times. We are all negotiating what and how to live in these times. This work sis being gradually taken up by those of you who are working at the interfaces of your own lives and careers.

We look into cases and how simple life is – following the 6 tenets of the GW work.

Before you watch this please go through what is on this page.

It is intended as the beginning for anyone who wishes to work with you – as they need to be invested. It is THEIR lives that need adjusting. You do not need the practice. You know it works. In this session, I walk you through some ‘hard’ cases and why the simple ways will work with all.

Another ‘qualifier’ page is here.
Possibly also go through this prior to the session below.

And here we have – welcome to your lady bits.
This is a rerun of the womb positioning basics.

YOU must work out what YOU wish for you own version – boundaries again . .the agreements’ that we do not know that we are working in – assumptions and programing that holds us back.

Selfing is to allow those who are STUCK in their programmes to make different choices -first w need to take some of the sting out of what has been left. Hence we have the cards – and the action assets of all when chosen in Selfing . .or at any time.

1.00 – Why we are doing mums then surgery problems – prior to going back to easy gyne. .
3.00 – Lisa and the difference in care – acup as opposed to Arvigo – EMPOWERMENT . .. educate them. Tools – castor oil, steaming, massage. . Problems down there . . . watch this . .
6.30 – Why we do Challenge in Selfing – as people need to grow into the habits . .
8.00 – BAD CASE – GUARD YOUR HEART . . need to SUSTAIN a well pregnancy. .
13.30 – Hard cases that I did years ago – just as I started Arvigo – 2014. Amber – hard case – double bowel resection.
19.00 – MUST use castor oil – obsessively – it works.. We also need to undo why it is there – here we are speaking the info you get from these trainings. .the Arvigo people have really good herbals – but neither Lisa or I have used as they are too hard to get into the country.
20.30 Melany . . . two naturally conceived babies..and her endo coming back . .and what we do about it.
24.30 – Endo found out of the body .. fibrous .
25 – Bek – and her two accidental babies. .
30.00 – my daughter in law Jen – periods vastly better with the Drion pads . .
32.00 – Ann-Marie .. . adenomyosis
35.00 – What we did to make it happen . .
3 7.00 – Me and IVF and Bianca and her mother issues . .
39.00 – We all meed to undo our OWN mother stuff.
40.30 – Quesha – what she got from that. .

43.30 – What is YOUR story – mine will be the broken baby due to a SAFE birth – unbonded/mad mama.
45.00 – The desperate ones WILL pay – you can tithe if you want – BUT – they have to pay for it . .
4600 – The FB one hour prepaid – and writing and homework – and minimal with you as facilitator – and the class is the one that runs it – on chats in between.
48.00 – Sort yourselves out FIRST .
49.00 – 6 Tenets of this work – is all on the page here . .
Landing page – PAIN
Need to be fixing a problems – yours’ academically and theirs’ in actuality . .
53.00 – Elke and shedding and what she took ..
55.30 – Lenley question – why some affected and others not . .Me – ‘epigentic issues’ – some of us are very different
57.40 – Nanosoma . .and also I am on a homeopathic something for scrub ticks .
58.30 – Elke had migraines. . .me – herpes .
1.00.00 – We all need to keep doing different things to help ourselves as everyone is shedding heaven knows what . .
1.01.30 – Need to give you the pages again from Arvigo manual . .
1.02.30 – Use Damp Heat clearing herbs before the Stuck Blood- ones- esp when adenomyosis. Process that happens. .
1.05.00This page was done to help you NOT have to deal with the people who want to
1.07.30 – P.S.Calm and how it works – and dosage . .
1.0.820 – Lenely’s P.S Calm story .
1.10.00 – Spiritual Healing page??
1.13.00 – Quesha’s fall aftermath . .
1.17.00 – My lip injury is GRADUALLY repairing . .
1.18.00 – Vanessa catch up . .
1.22.00 – Moxa busting . . NOT moxa box – must take cold out . .

1.28.30 – Tiger warmer – need NOT the moxa incense through .. .and elephant warmers . .Paget’s disease
1.35.00 – 6 ‘T’s’ – and the 5 tenets . .how it all fits together. . .
1.37.00 – herbs for damp heat – bitterness/rage etc . .
1.38.00 – Temptation – tension – temperature torpor – trauma and toxins. . Life recipe. .
1.41.00 – Front for back, left for right, and top for bottom . .also get the CV 17 area to open up all the emotions . .and the chest gua sha.
1.42.00 Welcome to your lady bits . .
1.43.00AGREEMENTS – not called boundaries. . .
1.44.30Life Rescue
1.47.00 – Duality poster is needed now . .

1.49.00 – We all need to get the Selfing and the Pelvic Opening courses ..
1.51.00 – What Lenley heard most today – people need to be ready .
1.52.00 – Vanessa and Vit C more and 3 x different Glutathione accelerator . .
1.53.00 – We are all stuck in resistances and sabotuers. .
1.55.00 – Quesha . . a little bit more radical – commitment is time, and investment – put up $$$
1.57.00 – Need so much more than bullshit – need all of it. Getting real . .
1.59.00 – Can’t do it all at once.
2.00.00 – Hemorrhoid story . . precious patients in that clinic (mid 90’s)
2.02.30 It Costs Me Too Much . .
2.03.00 – They have to pay for YOUR commitment to the work – and having had to live through what you needed to to be able to be that one.
2.05.30 – Actual Hemorrhoid story . .
2.07.00 – How did this happen? Spleen Qi – all fall down. .
2.13.00 – punch line
2.18.00 – Vanessa and window panes into the house/room that is Gentling Way – respecting YOU . ..back to selfing . . .
2.20.30Lupus. . .go through the 6 ‘T’s again . .

2.25.00 – Ask a different question. . .

Gayle Peterson – Normally Birthing. As a woman lives, so shall she birth”. (And die).
2.28.00Cancer and the three questions . .
2.32.00 – Peace and what now . . and another woman with cancer after miscarriages/successful pregnancy . .
2.36.00 – The GV catastrophe .
2.45.00 – Tender growing well – saw her at/from puberty on.

2.46.00 – Lupus – toxins are also internally generated. .
2.46.30 – Live love!!!!