Pricklies #3 – Catch up/what if’s



  • Catch up
  • Self first – always . .
  • Cancer – Melissa
  • Breast lumps
  • Being real – we ARE not happy/STUCK
  • Beginning – (9 secs in )
  • Vanessa – Douglas
  • 3.00 – There will be those who DO sign up for the jab.  .
  • 4 – More Vanessa
  • 5.40 – Hilary  – What are you dong about can’t touch? Belinda? Stop clinic . .
  • 6.30 – Me catching up . . need to centre the womb FIRST
  • 8 – Marie . . . all of us are under pressure. . .MUST keep selfing
  • 9.30 – Mandy and Vanessa – life from home. . working there.
  • 10.45 – Tracey – 90% of her clients are jabbed.
  • 11.30 – Lenley – moving ++ and no effort.
  • 12.30Dave discovered Ki pain when not wearing slippers on the floor – COLD invasion .
  • 14.30 – Can’t plan and execute – so STUCK Liver Qi.
  • 15.00 Melissa (CLICK)

What I did template (CLICK)  so you use all the time.

Melissa please look at what I got up to ..

Melissa x 1      Melissa 2nd

  • 18.20It is as though. .

The Story BUT – what I was reading from

  • 21.30 – Still in pregnancy as what if it were you? As in my main patient is the patient.
  • 25.45 – all of that is going to CREATE MORE SLQ – sustainable lives – how – when not backed up . .
  • 27 – Shen calming page (CLICK)
  • 28 –  Move Your Qi  (We will go on to Freeing Self Discovery soon)
  • 29.20 – What to do to help selves touching those who have been jabbed – Re Gen 2 x 2 – I took 2x 3/4 after shingles came out – and could feel the effect wearing off as I needed another dose.
  • 31 – Wombs are stuck in postal service . .
  • 33 Vanessa pointing out that we CAN buy the instructions to make our own from Megan.
  • 34.30 – Can be confusing – do Triage – is their Shen happy? Cold? Scars? – can’t diagnose
  • 36 – Breast lumps . . arm pits – how did the stink happen? Sugar – fruit is too sweet – and where is Vit D3?
  • 38.30 Liz‘s story and massive breast lump – use the gel from Ancient Minerals
  • 42 – What next???
  • 45 – Breast lumps – Glutathione accelerator – and a water and air purifier. Amway Atmosphere (CLICK)
  • 46.20 Sita – and sugar – catch up with her (CLICK)
  • 49CLEAR CALM SAFE – Sita looks so much better!
  • 52 – a USA Selfing weekend – coming soon . . will let you know
  • 54 – WHY are we conforming? (CLICK) – check out how it is to not show up with a mask . . 
  • 56 Sita and her healing
  • 58 – My historical rib coming out of the cartilage ..
  • 59.30 – I am the most important person in my life
  • 1.00.00 – Marie – has to do consistent own practices. . .and how do we reach out to those beautiful people?
  • 1.02.00 – Belinda – relating /new tribe

Heat points (CLICK) – is as yet incomplete